Anyone wants to lend a hand?

Umm, I need help! 

Actually I need someone that knows how to speak in Korean! I'm trying to write a speech in order for Chuseok and I wanna say something in Korean!

So if anyone can help me please post a response on my wall and then I'll tell you what to translate.

I don't normally do this so I feel awkward. ugh.

Anyway, thanks!



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Iheartlife #1
When in translation. I know it's bogus but....if nobody comes.... :O
I can't =_="
But good luck ^^
Hmm. I know a bit and I have Korean friends living in the dorms with me, so if you tell me and I don't know I can ask them. They helped me a lot when I made posters in Korean for the concerts i went to!
I could try to help. I'm learning Korean on my own, and I've got two really good Korean books. One has the Hangul and how to write it, translated, lots of basic phrases, and some others you may need to know in the public of Korea, and the other one has words and how to say them, and it also gives lessons on how to use the words. So maybe I could piece some stuff together :D Just Wall me ^^
i only wish i could speak korean ._____________.
i don't know a hell of a lot of korean, but i know how to say a couple very basic things >.< my friends and i could work together to piece something together for you if you want!