Comments: Draw Me a Date

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Chapter 83: Why is it over? I cry. Obviously, I can make assumptions to future events and it's just amazing to see them get married and stuff.

I need to throw a fit over you not answering the most important questions that need to be answered. What is Juan up to? How is Juan and Mary Jane's relationship coming along?


this is important stuff lol

I absolutely loved this story babe. You were right. It's definitely one to be proud of. <3
Chapter 82: I'm actually crying.
Chapter 83: lovely story and professional yet have not lost its fanfic feels right to the very end...beautiful job well done Korey....thank u and I hope u enjoy ur break.
Question: what's in Yeonhee's future? is she gonna taje a break to adjust withher new life as a princess or is she seeking a career? if so what kind of a career?
average_aqua #4
Chapter 83: Kinda sad it's over, but every story needs an ending. I really love all your previous stories. This one gonna be on my fav list.
Gonna read your other stories, can't wait.
Chapter 83: The best yixing fic i've ever read it shows every xing's side and it's so well written i'm so lucky that i've found it and read it for real it's the best of the best one's i've read of xing
Silencedshadow #6
Chapter 63: So it was Chen the one at the concert. Juan is safe then, I'm glad.

I'm looking forward to student Jongdae on the campus. Sehun's going to love having him around. A smart person next to another smart person, that should also be interesting.

So, Antiroyo thinks Yeonhee is a spy? That's the last thing I would have thought of. And probably Yeonhee dating the prince is the last thing Antiroyo would think of. Somehow they find it more believable that she's a spy. Boy they're in for a surprise. It's a relief Chen got to her before they did. They're dangerous people that have stop at nothing to get what they want, including killing hundreds of innocents. They wouldn't refrain from executing Yeonhee if it was to their advantage, and especially after they figure out who she's dating. Chen better keep a good eye on her, because they also seem resourceful.

If Taehyung's with them, i wouldn't be surprised if they tried some of that psychological manipulation of his weaknesses with him too, because I'm refusing to believe he would be so crazy to agree with all what they stand for. Yeonhee couldn't have chosen her first boyfriend that badly. He is a jerk but I hope he's not also crazy.

I laughed at Sehun fanboying so hard over Chen. That's so cute. It takes a lot for Sehun to admire someone that much, Jongdae's pretty amazing to manage something like that.

Look at Minhee getting over her ex so fast. Jongdae is definitely better than her ex, I mean, even Sehun loves him.
Now, hopefully he won't surprise us like Junmyeon and Minseok with a wife at home, although a smart and handsome guy like him would probably have it easy finding a great girl. Unless of course he's been busy dating computers all his life.

Baekhyun is going to have to find himself a female Juan if things continue to go on like this. Although with his newfound popularity and rock star status, there might be a queue of girls outside his door already.

I'm telling you, Yixing could run a successful matchmaking business.
Chapter 83: l always feel a bit empty at the end of every good fic. This is probably the best Yixing story I've ever read (given that I rarely read a Yixing story) and also one of the sweetest character I've ever read. I don't think someone like him exists in real life.
Thank you for writing this amazing story <3
See you at your other works :))))
Chapter 82: I'm crying. I cry eveytime lol.
But I got a feeling that he will propose when Yeonhee is out with Minhee choosing jewelries.
I say this everytime, too. Yixing, why so beautiful?
Silencedshadow #9
Chapter 62: Maybe Juan's not bugged. Maybe the guy Yeonhee saw in leather jacket at the concert was Chen. It was a huge alarm signal for me when they left Juan behind and I thought someone might use it against them. But maybe I'm being paranoid.

So, Antiroyo is not only rich, they also have someone skilled in computers and hacking. But why are they so fixated on Yeonhee? Is her republican image really that worth it for them to invest so much time and resources in convincing her or forcing her to join, after she repeatedly rejected their offers? I'm pretty sure they can find someone else they can exploit.
I'm also thinking that Taehyung is part of them, though he is way over his head and probably doesn't agree with everything, and his Zenyu friends are probably also part of Antiroyo. And I'm suspecting that one of the reasons he wanted to get back with her was because Antiroyo had their eyes on her, and he thought that by dating him would automatically mean she would willingly join. I don't know, at this point I'm throwing guesses, but they obviously have someone on their side that knows her well, and is sending her gifts with cards.

The sensation of being watched or followed is very unpleasant and it gets scary once it turns out that you're actually followed.

Did Chen tell the guy to give her the pencilmania message? Or was it a trap, but then that means they managed to hack into the computer and found about pencilmania. I'm inclined to believe it was Chen who left the message. He was in that area when she went that way, so I'm thinking that he planned everything to disguise her and left the message for her to go towards him. Either way, he did a great job is rescuing her. It's the prince that put him on surveillance mission to protect her, wasn't he?
Chapter 83: Whoops I said I forgot to comment after reading this chapter early lol

The ending was really peaceful and I loved it ;-; Yixing singing to her was so cute I can die peacefully knowing they'll be together for life because they're going to be married soon and Taehyung is in jail and all my ships have happened and that just makes me very happy

I forgot to comment last chapter because I was dead when I read it but the Laser Quest scene was amazing and it sounded like so much fun XD Everyone was goofing off and it was such a well deserved break.

So like I'm sad there'll be no more DMAD updates, but it also means more updates for TNS and Borderlander because we need more Chanyeol and Chen and Suho when you start writing Dead by 100 :')

Fasdfghjl but like I have so many feels now that it's completed ;-; It's like the second fic of yours that I followed from beginning to end.

I think my favourite character in it all is either Yixing or Yeonhee because both of them have grown so much. Yixing's grew from the prince that everyone assumed to always drink, party, was lazy and basically a mess to someone who was hardworking, admirable, gave great speeches, and someone who could both listen and talk things out instead of arguing. And his art also got better :') Honestly, his ability to do things when he had his mind set on it is pretty inspiring. He really did well persevering through everything, especially with his dad in a coma and the country an absolute mess.

And Yeonhee ;-; I love how she came from hating Yixing to where they are now ;-; I can't even imagine how it was like in the beginning.

I'm still not over what Yixing said about listening, though. It was really good insight and it kind of hit me as I typed it out that YeonXing would definitely not be what they are right now if it weren't for the fact that they listened to each other instead of trying to overwhelm one with the opinion they thought was right.

I'm going to miss everyone ahsdjfhadks. You have a way of injecting subtle humour anD JUAN AND MARY JANE *wipes tears* mY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS I'M GOING TO CRY
If we ever get that wedding bonus chapter, will we get more jokes from the king?

Idk if my comment is even readable lmao but I really loved DMAD and a lot of parts have really hit me.

I'm going back to chapter four to reread the Juan song I'll spam you in your other fics :')
Chapter 76: I want to see Yixing doing doughnuts in a tank. It must be a beautiful sight. I would cry.

Chapter 83: I really love this story ❤❤❤ well all your story are my fav. I binge read this for almost 2 days and no regret. Thank youuu korey. Cant wait for your other story especially jongdae's story ❤❤❤❤
Silencedshadow #13
Chapter 61: Having an unrequited crush is hard, especially when the crush is having a crush on someone else. I feel sorry for Mihae because she invested so much energy and emotions in pursuing Sehun, only to have her hopes crushed like that in the end. It's true that he never gave her any sign, and that he pretended to be oblivious most of the time, but i guess she still hoped. Poor girl. But now that she knows Sehun likes someone else, maybe she'll finally look around her and see poor Chanyeol's efforts. Because if Sehun was pretending to be oblivious towards her affection, she's not faking, she really is oblivious of Chanyeol's feelings.

If someone bugged Juan, and they talked about the prince in her room, someone probably heard about it and knows. And that someone is Antiroyo. Oops.

Who would have thought we would see the day when something else besides law and politics would awaken Sehun's interest. Yixing is a genius matchmaker, maybe he can give Chanyeol some tips.

It's nice to see Sehun caring for Mihae, even if he doesn't reciprocate her romantic feelings. He's always been very attentive towards Yeonhee, and now I'm beginning to think that maybe the only reason he wasn't so with Mihae was because he knew about her crush and didn't want to give her any hopes. But he does seem to care for her as a friend. That's nice to see. Speaking of Mihae, blocking his number and removing him from the group chat is indeed drastic. The girl knows how to hold a grudge, even when he didn't technically do anything wrong. She's scary. :))

Let me guess, the unsubscribe button from the Antiroyo triggered the malware. Does she have very important stuff on that computer?
Chapter 80: I'm crying over Yixing's speech, why so beautiful? Yixing is an epitome of beautiful-ness in this story but his speech probably takes one of the top spot. Seriously, I'm holding my tears back because I'm in my office right now and I just don't wanna startle people with my tears, how do I explain that the reason of my tears is someone unreal?
I just wanna point that out before continuing to the rest of the chapters.
Chapter 83: Omg, it's over!
I seriously love the way Yixing proposed to her. N he wanted to for so long. A bit too young to get married after graduation, but hey, their relationship is too sweet. It was a natural progression after all. I wonder if she can actually work coz she was thinking of going for job interviews. Or she could just be a full time princess. That would be full of duties n obligations as well.
Thank u for the beautiful fic. I'm looking 4ward to your epilogues.
Chapter 83: P.S. what about Juan? And Mary Jane?? Where do those two go? Who are they living with? Will the King and Queen meet them??
Yes, I am genuinely curious about them!
Chapter 83: Omg!!!!! o(╥﹏╥)o What a journey!!!
It's completed. I have a lot of emotions right now. I cried when I realized Yixing was proposing. This is so beautiful, Korey!

And this comes from me after a week of prepping for midterm exams, I am catching up on all my news: Luhan dropped huge news on my birthday -
the man publicly announced ge was dating!! I'll admit, after Luhan announced it -- my mind went to this story immediately.
Not my best comment but Im just frazzled over exams, worried about my assignments and happy for Luhan.

Amazing journey with this one (^.^)
Thank you for the heads up about Rogue - I will reread once again after this week is over.
Until after your break, *nods* adios Korey ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
So I am commenting before I read the last chapter. I saw the green complete sign and screamed. I have been reading this story since the prologue and honestly is my favorite Yixing story. I have only been on AFF for a year or so now but you are my favorite writer and I think this story is a masterpiece.
Silencedshadow #19
Chapter 60: Kyungsoo never asked about Yixing being at their concert again. I know he didn't get his answer that night, but i was thinking that maybe Baek or Jongin told him something. But then it occurred to me that maybe he though he was mistaken, and it wasn't actually the prince. Because in mathematics, putting two and two together equals a logical answer, and republican dating the prince isn't exactly that. So, does he suspect? Or did he simply forget?

Poor Yixing, after sugar daddy he's now a bike racer in a street gang. That girl sure has a lot of imagination.

Sehun snorting in his juice is probably one of the best things in this chapter. :))))))

What is Juan doing in the waiting room? Is he the mascot or something? Are they going to put him on Kyungsoo's chair for good luck? I can't believe they actually brought the plant there. I think Minseok agrees with me.

Look at Mihae caring for Chanyeol's pain. That's progress.

So, Luhan is going to be rock star for the night? That's unexpected, but I'm glad he's out of the palace doing something enjoyable for once. Maybe he'll rediscover his passion for music and drums will become a way of releasing stress. Poor guy needs it.

I'm more worried about the press thinking Juan is an illegal drug, than what they say about Luhan taking Kyungsoo's place.

So is Sehun officially working for the prince now, since he told everyone that he's a special adviser for Yixing?

Of course it's Baekhyun that opens Pandora's box. I was hoping Mihae would find out about the prince from Yeonhee. Poor Yixing. He's constantly being traumatised by Yeonhee's people. Mihae is scary. She could take on Sohye. See what happens when Yixing isn't protected by his bodyguards. He gets attacked by crazy strong ladies. The whole scene from the beginning was extremely funny.

How did Jia react when she found out Darling's identity? Was it Yixing or Wenhan the one that told her?

I never thought I would see the day when Yixing is jealous of Juan. :))

Who knew Luhan had such a wild side to him. He fits right with the rest of them.

Sehun seems to like Jia. Yixing should be proud of his Cupid success.
Poor Mihae.

Noooo. They left Juan by himself. And that mysterious but familiar dude in leather jacket was on the corridor. Antiroyo is either going to kidnap Juan and ask for ransom, or microphone him. Poor Juan, a victim of political games.