Comments: Draw Me a Date

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Silencedshadow #1
Chapter 59: For a moment I thought the satellite controlled needle with drugs was a joke. This is very hi-tech, and someone's investing a lot of money. And it's also extremely scary that someone would go to these lengths and they don't even know she's dating the prince. How much worse will things turn when the news gets out?

So the note leaver is trying to help, by leaving notes so she could distinguish more easily between dangerous gifts and regular ones? That's unexpectedly nice of him. It's not Taehyung, is it?

So, things are progressing not for the better but for the worst. There's even violence now and people getting beaten with baseball bats. That's not ok. Not that everything else has been ok until now, the slurs are equally wrong, but harming someone physically takes it to the next level. I hope nobody gets killed in the end.
Poor Kyungsoo, and they were so excited about the concert. It actually just crossed my mind that Yixing can take his place. Do I remember correctly that he likes and knows how to play drums? Or was it that he wanted to and didn't get to because he is a prince.

Sohye just turned scary. She reminds me of those fluffy creatures that you think are innocent and harmless but then they turn into complete monsters with fangs and kill everyone. Scary because they seem harmless and it makes you drop the guard and then they strike. Maybe the question at that debate thing was actually her question.
What's also scary is the amount of information she has on Yeonhee.

Chenle is a life saver. Who would have thought. I'm beginning to like him more and more.
Chapter 83: I love this story very much. Great plot, not cliche or kind of sort. It was simple yet beautiful because it actually has a moral lesson. Too bad it ended already (ToT)
Chapter 83: You have somebody from SM reading this? Wow that's pretty cool! Congrats on the exposure!

This story was so satisfying to read and reminds me of those apps where you somehow get tangled up with princes and make decisions to end up together and each guy has a different plotline, except this is wayyyyyyyyy better, and your main character has a brain and thinks for herself rather than making dumb choices and it's a lot more realistic than whatever bs those apps came up with. This was excellent to read and I love that the country mostly overcame or is going to overcome the racial tension. Super uplifting. Thank you so much for this!
Silencedshadow #4
Chapter 58: Luhan and Sehun seem like mom and dad discussing important things for the future of their children, Yixing and Yeonhee.

Both Luhan and Sehun have good arguments regarding the press conference. I do trust Sehun's brain more, but Luhan has more experience, so I'm not sure which idea would work better.

It's nice of Sehun to help Yixing clear his schedule to have more time for himself. Really really nice of him. Baek will be happy to hear the prince will attend his concert.
I'm also looking forward to Sehun and Jia's meeting. Yixing seems to be very determined in getting them to meet. I also think it's quite a tactical move. Not only will Sehun be around because of his friendship with Yeonhee, he'll also stay around because of Jia, if they end up liking eachother. And I suddenly remembered the speech he had at the university, about the first date, and the relationships between Hanmi and Zenyu. Next, he'll look for a Hanmi girlfriend for Wenhan and a Zenyu one for Baekhyun. :))

Is Sehun complimenting the prince? Even telling him he respects him too much? Have they progressed so much in such a short amount of time? That's quite a change from the beginning. Yeonhee did say that once Sehun decides to be on someone's side he will automatically take him under his wing, but it's still cute. And it's no news that Yixing has been boygirling over Sehun's brains for quite a while.

The stare off was funny. I guess the "I can't, I respect you too much" applies to many things, including the stare off. I'm sure he gave up the win to the prince. And I'm sure Yixing's satisfaction was because he won the guy's respect, and his frustration because he still hasn't convinced him to officially work with him.
I'm really enjoying the bromance.
Chapter 83: Perfectly done !!
Thank you so much Korey..
I love how mature this story is, like, no drama..
Writer this days tends to make a story more drama-like..
So every time I read DMAD, it feels like a healing time for me, from all of dramas out there..
This story just feels so real..
It became my favorite story so far..
Keep it up Korey.. ^ㅅ^
Chapter 83: THIS STORY IS JUST SO FREAKING PERFECT! I loved it so much! I loved the characters, how they all interacted, the politcal aspect, Yeonhee's and Yixing's relationship, I just loved it so much! And SM seriously needs to get you on their drama team or any company in fact because yaaaaas!!! And the ending was just perfect! You are an amazing writer and I loved this and your writing!^^
Chapter 65: They are sickenly cute together :P
Chapter 83: I will cry when this story ends. I love this so much. Favourite Lay fanfic
keilene #9
Chapter 83: Congrats on another story well done! I look forward to any bonus chapters you feel like writing, and to the new fics you have planned. Nanowrimo is next month and I still have no idea.what I'll be writing about. Lol
Chapter 77: lmao silly king XD
"Fathers exist to embarrass their sons" hahahaha
Silencedshadow #11
Chapter 57: Yeonhee should draw a picture of the prince playing his guitar, not necessarily to give it to him, but to keep it for herself. That was a very beautiful description of him while he was playing his guitar.

I knew Sehun and Yixing were becoming friends. Now they even text and complain to eachother. Everyone should have friends like Sehun and Baekhyun. I'm not jealous of Yeonhee.

I knew Luhan would like Sehun. :)) It's only a mater of time until Sehun will take Luhan's place as the big boss, and I'm sure Luhan would not complain one bit. He might even get a vacation.

The scenes with Wenhan were so much fun! The fish slap was hilarious. I can't believe he was so proud of his fish.
He seems like a nice guy, and he accepted Yeonhee a lot faster than her friends did Yixing. Having him around is good for the prince. He seemed so much younger playing around with his friend when they were together. I hope he will have more moments like this in the future. :)

The watch at the door is scary. I hope it's not a bomb. Either way, she was smart in deciding to sleep somewhere else.
Silencedshadow #12
Chapter 56: Yeonhee's parents seem to like Yixing, even if they didn't get much time to talk to him when they were at the hospital.

Minhee is a good ally to have in that family. I laughed at her suggestion of turning the conversation towards rare birds. I'm glad they found some other common ground and it wasn't necessary to use that tactic.

Yeonhee's dad seemed to enjoy the evening and ended up making plans with Yixing, and they didn't even talk about rare birds. I think that's a clear sign that he likes Yixing.

This other ball that they're talking about, wouldn't happen to be another mascarade ball, would it? If it's not, then they'll probably have to have that press conference soon.

It's heartbreaking to see Yixing miss his dad so much. The the evening he spent with Yeonhee's dad probably reminded him of his own. The king would have enjoyed being there with them.
__A__U__ #13
Chapter 83: This is one of the best fics I have ever read and I'm both satisfied with the happy ending, and completely unsatisfied because I want moreee! I'm not really expecting a special chapter or sequel, but I'll keep an eye out just in case~ Thank you for writing such a beautiful piece of art!
Silencedshadow #14
Chapter 55: The sugar daddy jokes will never get old in this story.

I knew it! They were terrorists! Ha! I suspected it before Chen! I should join the secret service. But seriously now, this is scary. At the moment I'm hoping they're not crazy enough to retaliate out of hurt ego and try to harm Yeonhee. Because I fear that luxury will be out the window once the news of them dating will be out, and she will definitely be at the top of the target list.

Yeonhee reassuring Yixing she's not planning on joining the terrorist group was funny, and cute.

I really enjoyed "meet the parents" part 2. :)))) Poor Yixing, what made him so sure that if he managed to finally handle Sehun he could do the same with her dad?
He seemed so scared that I felt sorry for him. Not like her family helped him in any way, the silence was incredibly awkward.

I find it funny how grandma had her eyes on Minseok when he went in. I can't blame her. I hope her surgery goes well.

Who's Byulhee?
Silencedshadow #15
Chapter 54: Minwoo and Jaebum are beyond suspicious. There's definitely something wrong with them, and I actually suspect them of being part of the group that's involved with the attacks. They even acknowledged the Antiroyo connection. The guys seem like wolves in sheep clothing. The way they tried to manipulated her and force her into accepting was quite creepy.

Separate for Unity sounds so ironic and wrong. Even the fact that nobody heard of them makes them look suspicious. Unless it's a new thing, only a couple of days old, and try and get as many famous people on board as possible to make themselves relevant. It's ironic how they talked to Yeonhee about her becoming by relevant joining them, when nobody knows who they are. Unless of course, they plan on claiming the attacks. That would definitely make them well known.

The conversation with Yixing about names and titles and correcting people really helped her this time. It probably shocked them enough to give her time to leave before they could think about something else to say. That's a smart move.

Awww, look at Sehun helping Yixing so he won't lose any more sleep. That's so sweet and nice of him. I knew the fight was the start of a beautiful friendship. :))
But seriously, Sehun sounds like a genius. His grades are the highest they saw in twenty years? And he even managed to not sound arrogant saying it. Yixing really needs to find ways of convincing him to join his team.
Chapter 76: Ayyyyy I think I just melted. Gosh. Yixing is so romantic T^T
Chapter 75: *squeaaaaaaalsssss* Yixing is just sooooo incredibly sweet huhu like I've always said, I want my own Prince Yixing huhu
Chapter 74: OMG Idk if Yeonhee's excitement just rubbed off on me but I'm soooooo happy too that the king has finally awaken~ ^^