Comments: Draw Me a Date

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vujuha #1
Chapter 83: I hate this one and If i can't marry because of my highly increased boyfriend expectation,it is your fault but i love this because it is a wonderful sickeningly sweet Yixing romance.Heck i am not even regretting it even it will possibly make me forever alone:)
Chapter 1: Oh my god. I disappeared from AFF for quite a long time and now I see this Yixing fic completed! Last time I remember seeing it was when you were asking what kind of story you should write with Yixing as a main. That was like wayyyyyy back, I know.

This story looks promising. I thought it was set in the past like during Joseon with the kind and the queen. So I was picturing everyone like in those Korean historical dramas. Surprise surprise! It’s not historical. It’s a little hard to imagine a modern day monarchy for me although I’m aware monarchy still exists in some country. I’m going to have a happy reading now :3
Chapter 83: Awwww such a unique ending huhuhuhuhu I'm gonna miss reading this fic soooo much huhuhu Prince Yixing T.T (that China sheep lol) <3333333333
Chapter 82: Oh my gosh. There's no proposal perfect for the two of them other than that. Gosh. I'm crying T.T I'm happy for the both of them <333
Chapter 81: Okay. I wasn't prepared for that kiss attack too lol Awww they're just so lovely huhh
Chapter 80: Yixing's speech have made an impact to me. Amazing. :) I'm referring to you too, Korey. :)
Listening is indeed a vital part of an effective communication.
Chapter 83: Omygoodness!! Finally finishing this cinderella story huhuhu my favorite afterall. If i could upvote this story more than once, i'll definitely do that a billion times. Thank u for writing such a great story!
Chapter 83: wow yixing looks incredible in that picture you included in the end. i mean, seriously, that jawline though! grats on completing the story and whaaat someone in yixing's team reads this fic?
Hi Korey,

Actually it's been long since I followed this story, but I'm sorry I just had time to comment because I wasn't so comfortable typing too many messages through my phone.

I read this story about at least 3 times from beginning to end while waiting for your update, and every time you update, I always read the previous chapter before following-up the latest one. And I have to say, I love what you write.

I found this story from get2herheart's recommendation after reading Irony, I was not so interested in Yixing before, but because the caption in the recommendation said it was 'the best Yixing's fanfic out there' then I dared to click on the link. And I have to thank her, because I'm more of a word to love what I read.

I never read such a detailed story, the issue you wrote is also interesting and thorough. I can see you must know exactly what you wrote from the materials you were presenting from the dialogue between Yixing-Sehun-Yeonhee. You're so smart, Girl.

There are actually some things I want to discuss about details in some chapters before, but I think later when I read them from the beginning again I'll write them directly in its specific chapter.

The thing is, it feels like something is missing when the story finally finished. I always waited for new updates while it's still on-going, the chemistry between Yixing and Yeonhee feels so great. Yixing's speech is also deep and stabbing at Yeonhee's graduation ceremony. Yes, he indeed humorous and I don't get how he got these bad impression from the past.

While still in the middle of the story I already suspected this story is likely to end with their marriage, and I am so happy when my guess is right that Yixing uses the prompt concept Yeonhee drew for him as an idea to propose to her. Sooooo sweet.

I think I'll stop here, otherwise I can write a short story if it continues. Thanks for writing this epic story, Draw Me a Date is definitely the best fanfic I've ever read during my membership at AFF, and I'll never stop recommending it to other readers.

Have a nice day, looking forward to your new epic stories.

started this when you just started posting and now that it's finish i'm gonna sit down and finish it.
cessyliciousa #11
Chapter 66: hahahaha.. nvm
got it! i missed the 'his family' in that sentence. I would blame it on tired eyes it's 2:30am already here in my country so yeah hahahahaha
cessyliciousa #12
Chapter 64: Hi Korey I'm confused with this on chapter 64

" She
suspected she would
have to talk about it to
Yixing, but as Minseok
drove her and Jongin off
campus, pausing along
the way to drop Jongin
off with his wife and
daughter for the
weekend, "

"pausing along
the way to drop Jongin
off with his wife and
daughter for the
weekend, "

Does this mean Jongin is married and has a kid too or is this supposed to be Minseok? I know it doesn't affect the story if it is Jongin but it made me pause for a while and reread.
Chapter 83: Ahhhh I'd been checking AFF almost daily and hadn't been receiving notifications for story updates so I thought you hadn't updated and gahhhh the struggle is real >.< But thank you for the lovely fanfic, Korey, as always you never fail to impress.
psharr #14
Chapter 83: Oh my god it's over ? I stumbled upon this story kind if halfway through and have been waiting for every chapter update. It's so well written and contained that I can really picture the world of your story. I really enjoy all the character development and how even the background characters (i.e. the public) go through a change in character. And I love love the ending! The proposal was really cute and the ending is really nice and sweet that it just fits! I'm sad that there won't be any more chapters in this story but I can't wait to read your other stories. Definitely one of my favorite authors? (I really hope the am staff contact you cuz damn, they'll be able to crank out some really nice mv's
Chapter 83: It's over gonna miss this so much as much as I want to see yixing married such a lovely story
Silencedshadow #18
Chapter 64: Sehun and dating,...intelectual meeting of minds? How in the world did he come up with that. It is fun to see him stressing over these things.

I knew Jongdae was Agent X! He seems to be proud of this. :))))
Of course Sehun's throwing around the fact that he has security clearance. Does that mean he found out the juicy stuff that Baekhyun so much wants to hear?

They should have taken Jongdae with them over the weekend, that way Yeonhee's parents would have both future son-in-laws under their roof, during the same time. And besides, Junmyeon and Minseok have families, it to work on weekends when you have a special someone waiting for you at home. In Minseok's case, he has two of them. I guess they don't want to overwork Jongdae since he's on duty all week, but Minhee would have loved having him around.

So, Antiroyo basically tipped the press that they have Yeonhee working for them? That seems childish. Yet it effectively ruined Yeonhee's peace of mind. That's so unfair. Since people now think she's part of the Antiroyo group, I hope the One Nationers won't target her in retaliation, more than they already have.

The prince is a sweetheart. He even sacrificed Juan's family to make her smile. The kenaf in the bouquet was a brilliant idea. Now, let's hope her family won't mistake it with something it's not. :))
Chapter 83: omg its over... it's been like soo long wtf am i suppose to do now???