Comments: Draw Me a Date

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Chapter 83: I loved this story so much it had so much fluff omg, if only I could have someone like Yixing in my life too... And lmao emilieee being extra af in the end. Kudos to you korey and emilieee y’all did a great job!! I’ll continue to read your stories :D
Chapter 33: I've been waiting for Baek to find out. Yay for tension.

Chapter 83: Never thought I'll see the word completed just below the title but all good times need an ending to it.. thanks for the rollercoaster ride korey!
DiaBel #4
Chapter 83: I written a lot of comments in this story so I already say almost everything that I wanted to say but one final comment. Thank you for create this story,everything it's perfect. The characters, even the side characters are well defined and developed. The plot it's different and thankfully theres no much drama and theres no cliche of them parting ways because it's the "best" or things like that.
You are an amazing writer and the ending was simple like the story, in a sense that it's not overly cheese, I don't know how to explain it ha. Overall perfect story and I'm gonna miss the updates ? but I'm happy for rogue because I love that one too. Have a good rest bye bye ?
Chapter 83: oh my god, i just realized- draw me a date came full circle
a93liner #6
Chapter 83: The ending was perfect!! Thank you for such an amazing story, korey!
Drdnaz #7
Chapter 83: In a way, I'm kind of glad you won't be writing a sequel. You fed us all so much fluff that I'm sure we're all fully sated! This was such an amazing story, and I'm glad I got to read this! Definitely one of my all time favourites :D
Chapter 83: I have no idea where you'd take this with a sequel, and this has been fluffy enough that I feel sated to not feel the need to request an extra chapter hahaha like I can't think of enough things to amount to a substantial length chapter... and I can already imagine for myself the excitement Yeonhee's friends and Wehhan and Jia will get up to at the wedding reception xD This has been great, Korey! <3
Chapter 83: Well! It's the end ... And things turned for the best which is a really great thing and people are trying to ease that prejudice toward each partie and take Yoenxing as an example .
I really enjoyed reading the story it's one of the best now ,thank you for writing such a story and I agree with no sequel it ended perfectly like this even if I'm going to miss it
Annnd it's time for me to start Rogue
Chapter 83: THE ENDING WAS PERFECT. Wow, what a journey, thoroughly enjoyed reading this :)
SmokedKitty #11
Chapter 83: Thank you for all the hard work you put in this story (and all the others). Waking up on my birthday and see the notification for the final chapter was the best present i could imagine.
P.S. Happy Birthday, Yixing?
Chapter 83: Congratulations on finishing this! This fic has been a way for me to take a brief escape from the stress of A-Levels and I appreciate the effort that you've put into it. Although I haven't commented on most of the chapters, I wanted you to know that I've enjoyed each chapter immensely and always looked forward to updates. Thank you for another amazing story, and I look forward to your new fics! :)
Lilinne #13
Chapter 83: Yaaah! It was so cute! I loved it!
liquorandice #14
I just realized this now but now that your story is finished I don't have anything to look forward to anymore ;-;
Chapter 83: I really can't even describe how much i love this story. Even the politics of it was so good i didnt even miss a single thing when i was reading it. You guys are wonderful authors and i would definitely keep an eye on your future works.

*hats off
Little_M #16
Chapter 83: I honestly would have loved to read about the wedding. Yeonhee's reaction when seeing the dress, the mothers bonding together at the reception, the king making jokes about the newlyweds with Yeonhee's father joining in. It would've been great!
I think too that this was one of your best stories, and up until now, i had no fic i could call my favorite, but now I do. I seriously loved every character, the pairs, the grandmother, the Rolls, just everything.
I don't even know you personally, but i am honestly so proud of you for writing this masterpiece
I can't wait for you to come back and update Rogue
Enjoy your break and thank you again for giving us this amazing royal story!
Chapter 83: What a great ending!!!
Really wanted to see her dress though

And Rogue!! Can't wait to get back into that too!
Chapter 83: oh no. now I want to reread DLWL, Attayear, and Rogue again and read TBBC, BS, BB for the first time... It's testing month, this can only go so well
Chapter 83: THIS WAS JUST SO SOFT AND CUTE AND CUDDLY this was really a nice breath of fresh air and a really nice change for once!!! not that your stories are always angsty and the same but they always make us cry out of extreme anger/sadness but this time, we're crying because an old married couple is finally getting legally married, what a satisfying 81 chapters lol

and HONESTLY the politics in here give me hope that someday my country and every other country can get through their partisan divide to work on actual issues like Taderra here. All of their political speeches, arguments, thoughts, insights- sometimes I felt like I was reading CNN instead of aff, and I ing LOVED EVERY SINGLE MOMENT. honestly, you've changed my perspective on politics from a very partisan view to a more open and considering view. Thank you for this, Korey.

Again, thank you so much for every fic you write because they're amazing and we can tell you put all of your heart into it.
P.S. how the HELL is this fic 300,000 words, Korey what sacrifices/rituals do you do
P.S.S. I'm proud to say i've finally reached the 1 million word count milestone after all of your fics, maybe it's time to give TBBC & it's sequels a read