Comments: Draw Me a Date

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Silencedshadow #1
Chapter 53: Yixing is right, Yeonhee is the best thing that had happened to him all year. And considering the tough year he had, I would even dare to say she's the best thing that happened to him in the last few years. They are so cute together it makes me smile.

Sehun and Jia, I could see this work. Yeonhee's friend would be upset but Chanyeol will be there to comfort her. And I would love to see Wenhan grilling Sehun as Sehun has been grilling Yixing.

Poor Chanyeol, he helped Mihae look for Sehun all night. That must be depressing. Especially considering the amount of fan girls he probably has.

I'm glad Yixing at least got to hear the concert. It's a pity he didn't get to also see it, but i suppose there are enough recordings of it online.

Yixing's room sounds so like him. I like how he treasures every diploma and trophy he got when he was younger. Obviously the dancing competition trophy is not as serious or important as an aviation certificate, yet it stands next to it, and it shows part of Yixing's character, and that every small achievement for him is very important. He is a person that cares for not only the big important things, but also the small ones that he takes pleasure in. I really like that about him. I wouldn't be surprised if one day he decided to join a drawing competition, and then frame the diploma and put it next to Yeonhee's drawings.

I smiled when Yeonhee saw the dancing competition trophy and decided she's not jealous. I also tell myself that when I see people excelling in things I would love to excel in, yet I .

Baekhyun would be so proud if he finds out the prince has a lot of respect for him. Like I said, Yeonhee is really good at choosing her friends. Except Taehyung, I have no idea how that happened.

Yixing is right about people being psychologically predisposed to help people from their own group. Now if both Hanmi and Zenyu would identify themselves as Taderrans, it would make things a lot easier for everyone, and especially for Yixing.

Sehun should take the offer of working with Yixing. He has a set of skills and brilliant brains that would do the country great good, if used in politics. I'm not saying he has to sacrifice his dream for the greater good of the country, but i think that's exactly what I'm saying. :))) With great power comes great responsibility. If Sehun was a superhero, his name would be Mr. Brain.

Yixing telling Yeonhee he's trying to make his way into her family, full stop, is his indirect way of saying he's planning to marry her. And it's not even that indirect.

I'm not sure what I would enjoy more, Yixing meeting her family officially, or Yeonhee meeting Wenhan face to face. I'm suspecting some fun moments to come.
Sharmi99 #2
Chapter 83: Amazing ending! Well done :') loved ittttt
Chapter 83: I kinda wished that the ending wouldn't have the usual big, romantic wedding with a lot of tears haha so I'm glad the ending didn't take that direction. But I felt the ending came too quickly ;( I was just reading one second, wondering how the tune of The Rolls' song goes. The next thing I know, I was reading 'THE END'. :(((

But all in all, I love this fic! <3 This is the first fic I've read in which Yixing is the main character and DMAD definitely set the bar up high. It's very rare to find fanfics that delve into serious political stuff that's well-written, logical but still entertaining so a big thumbs up to DMAD! :))) Congratulations again Korey for finishing another precious fic! :)))

P.S. I read your note and realized just how many fics you're juggling, not to mention the other things you do outside AFF. Damn, I envy your organization and time management skills haha. Keep it up! :)
cntotheblue #4
Chapter 83: I LOVE THIS. I'm going to miss them both :'(
It's nice to have a bit of a background story of how yixing planned this all. the picture of yixing in a prince suit is HOT DAMN THAT BOY AGSDUEJWJAO
Chapter 83: *Clap clap* congratulation for finishing this one Korey! Finally u made it! All of the coincidences here with Yixing in real life just great! How did u made it i'm not rly sure...I've been reading this since u announce the tittle yeay eventho i had to take a break from reading any story here on aff bcs of work (and currently still catching up on any updated stories here). But once again congrats and farewell for this story of Holy Yixing :) Happy Bday too Yixing ge! And thank u Korey!

PS: can i know which story or movie or sth that makes you want to try this royal concept? And why Yixing? Thank u Korey if u decided to answer my questions ;)
Chapter 83: Woah. I can’t believe Draw Me A Date is already completed! I’ve been here since day 1 and I feel bad for not leaving a comment recently, but I really loved this story! Two individuals coming from different backgrounds and perspectives on their own country is like putting a cat and dog together, but in this story, they have grown to be more than friends. ♡

I’m so delighted with the ending, also with the lines of the unreleased song of The Rolls. Are we all invited to the wedding on March?

Thank you for such a well-written story, Korey! (that rhymed) I will probably never forget about Yixing and Yeonhee unless I got amnesia (pray that it never happens). Looking forward to your other stories!
Silencedshadow #7
Chapter 52: The secret admirer is becoming creepier. Those perfumes sound expensive, does that mean her admirer is someone rich? Is Sohye the one with the gifts?

I enjoyed Baek and Kyungsoo's interview. I remembered some of mama's slogans: music makes one. :))
I enjoyed the story behind the country's anthem. Who would have thought the words were actually written by a Hanmi. Baekhyun is really good with words. Yeonhee has some great friends around her. I also enjoyed Kyungsoo's talk about psychological effects of music and singing together. Very educative.

Nice to see Sehun reflecting on his poor actions. I'm not completely surprised by the letter. It's such a Yixing thing to do to apologise for a bit of emotional outburst when it's not even his fault in the beginning. He probably think that Sehun has such a bad opinion of him that he didn't even sign his name with prince. It even made Sehun feel bad. Yixing is really good at guilt tripping people. Did he do it intentionally?

Look at Yeonhee and the queen conspiring together. Glad to see them getting along so well.

I was surprised Yeonhee suggested the visit at the palace to Sehun. I thought it was a bit too soon, and that it might put Yixing on the spot in his own home. It obviously made Yixing very uncomfortable, and I was thinking that maybe she pushed him too much.
But i guess it's the fastest way of getting them to talk, and she did get permission from the queen.

The yelling part was unexpected, especially in the queen's presence. It kind of made me wonder if Yeonhee isn't getting too comfortable in the palace, and is already forgetting who they actually are. Familiarity is great and all, but being rude isn't. And it's obviously he was hurt at that moment, and almost at the limit.

I was also surprised by Yixing when he told her not to make him hate her. That's a horrible thing to say to someone you love. Is love so fragile that can be so easily turned into hatred? Or did he feel so cornered at that moment that he became cruel? Yeonhee could have been shocked and hurt, but i guess Yixing might have also felt betrayed to see her bringing Sehun into his house.

Speaking of Sehun, luckily he's good with words and knows how to chose them. The tension was high even between Yixing and Yeonhee and I honestly feared they would have a real fight. And Yixing is very rational and able to put pride aside very fast. I guess he saw a good opportunity in using Sehun's help after he offered it. Now they will probably stay locked in that office of his until the next full moon.
ilovekorea37 #8
Chapter 83: I really can't believe it's over! I'm sorry for not voicing any comments while reading this, but this is an extremely well-written story! I'm honestly not a huge Lay/Yixing fan but this story changed it! Is it possible for you to submit this story as a script for a K-drama or a movie or something?? And hopefully have Lay casted for it?? I really want to see this story come to life!!
Silencedshadow #9
Chapter 51: Nothing unites people like a painful tragedy. I guess all these terrorist acts will eventually bring the Hanmi and the Zenyu closer. Everyone can agree that killing innocent people, no matter the nationality, is wrong, and nothing justifies it. Everyone except the violent extremists.
It was nice seeing Chenle offering his help after he saw the news of the shooting. Not that Chenle was a Hanmi hater before, but his views were so different from Yeonhee's that it's nice to see them unite under the same cause and against violence. I see it as a step forwards towards unity.

Aside from being a fascist pig, I'm sure the shooter was also a sociopath, because there's no way a sane person would go so far as to kill innocent children in their school. Attacking people is wrong, but attacking children is a whole new level of wrong. He was probably too coward to attack grown ups.
Will the flags go up for the Hanmi kids?

Yixing is a sweetheart for wanting to visit The Rolls at their showcase. Baekhyun will be so thrilled.

Yixing catching the box she dropped while having his arms around her sounds extremely manly and y. In a movie it would be a scene that would make people talk about it afterwards.

I really like Wenhan. He sounds like a fun person to be around. His description of his image of Yeonhee is funny. I can't wait for them to officially meet face to face.

Woah, I just praised Sehun last chapter, I think, and now he made sweet Yixing cry. Bad Sehun. Poor Yixing. What's wrong with Sehun? Why did he get so angry? I know Yixing is at the end of his patience with how tired and overworked he is, and his momentarily outbreak is completely understandable, especially since he was so directly attacked, but what has gotten into Sehun? And his worry for Yeonhee is not an excuse.

Poor Baek, he was so looking forward to having the prince there, and happy too.
Kyungsoo coming in at that moment made the scene a bit lighter. Who doesn't like a confused Kyungsoo?
Poor Yixing, he was also looking forward to the concert and spending time with Yeonhee.
Sehun needs to apologise. He made the prince cry. Seriously, how can he do that to someone like Yixing. Though, truth being told, under normal circumstances I doubt Sehun's words and attitude would have made Yixing cry. It's was probably the tiredness that made him more sensitive, and he was probably also affected after seeing the children at the hospital.

I can't believe Yeonhee didn't go after him. She probably wouldn't have been able to catch up with him at the speed he was walking but still, and especially after hearing he was crying.

As smart as Sehun is, as kind and gracious as Yixing is, Baekhyun is pretty amazing too. I was honestly a bit worried something bad might happen at the showcase, because it's a place with many people gathered and The Rolls is majority Hanmi, and when the One Nationers were mentioned I was thinking that it might not end well. But the minute Baekhyun took the microphone and cursed that guy, I was certain things will end well. It was such a great scene. And the anthem's words were so nice. Where did you get the verses from? Or did you come up with them? Really really good, I enjoyed the entire chapter a lot. Yeonhee is right, it's a pity Yixing didn't get to see that.
Silencedshadow #10
Chapter 50: I was shocked when I saw the completed status on the story. Am I that far behind? :((
Either way, congratulations for completing another great story. :D

I never pictured Sehun as a guy that would say he has to call his mom at the end of a conversation. It's cute, and it makes him even nicer than he already seems to be.

Marriage is a big step, and it should not be taken lightly. If Yixing is as decided as everyone says he is, Yeonhee will need a bit of time to adjust to the idea and decide for herself if a life as royalty would suit her. It's not an easy change to make in one's life. But if he marries him, does that make Juan a royal pet plant? :))

Two hundred thousand preorders are a lot. How did The Rolls get so popular? Were some of those preorders because of Yeonhee's artwork?

So, now all the members of the Rolls found out that Yeonhee is pencilmania?
Silencedshadow #11
Chapter 49: I can't imagine how difficult it must be to not have time to sleep. How can he function like that? Isn't it affecting his health and how come he isn't irritable and cranky? He's really amazing. I'm not surprised he almost fell asleep in his soup.

I didn't think Yeonhee could get into problems by suggesting things to the prince. I guess from a political point of view and for security reasons it could be interpreted as something bad, but it didn't cross my mind before. No wonder he was disappointed and she felt embarrassed. But if they never discussed the issue, it would have constantly bugged her that maybe she could have some sort of good influence on his political decisions.

Another thing that I find admirable about Yixing is that he lives the moment. When he's painting he's completely immersed into what he's doing, leaving behind all his other worries. This is such a difficult thing to do when you're stressed and you have so many things that need to be done, important things. I can't do it, I'm constantly aware of the things that stress me even when I'm doing something else. I would love to find a way to disconnect like Yixing. It's probably one of the reason he's not losing his mind with everything crazy going around him, and with the little rest he gets.

I love the bickering scenes between Yixing and his mom. :D

I wonder about the type of arguments Minhee had with her boyfriend that ended up in them breaking up. I hope it's nothing political.

It's cute to see Yixing worrying about making a good impression with Minhee. A good third impression, or is forth if one considers the conversation on the phone?

Minhee seems to like Yixing enough to give them her blessing to get married.
Yixing is a sweetheart and he proved it again when he reassured her he was looking forward to eating the pizza. Doesn't he get much of it? If becoming a princess means giving up pizza and fast food, then I think I'm glad I'm not royalty.
2501 streak #12
Chapter 83: What a sweet ending. :') We get to see Grandma once more and there's one last gathering with the crew. ^^ It's nice that Chenle was included, since he did play a relatively significant role among the minor characters, and he's the only Zenyu student that really got spotlighted. Lee Shin also sounds like a great guy and I'm glad he's the newly elected prime minister. :) The country will hopefully become more united under him, and ethnic tension won't be as much of a problem.

Knowing about how much Yixing had planned for the proposal was so heartwarming and I know they're going to have a wonderful post-marriage life together. x] I love how excited the queen is about designing Yeonhee's wedding and that the Rolls have composed a song dedicated to the couple. :D I seriously love DMAD's character cast. Everyone is great. <3 (well except for Antiroyo/ZPX and Taehyung, LOL) And Princess Yeonhee has a nice ring to it, haha. :)

I can't believe DMAD has come to an end. This was the first story of yours that I followed from start to finish and I'm really happy that it was this one that I got to experience all the way through. :') Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful story (and for being a wonderful person!) for all of us. ^^ You're one of my favorite authors on AFF and I'm so glad I found Attayear last year when you advertised it (literally a few weeks after I joined the EXO fandom, haha). I'm super hyped for updates for the rest of your ongoing stories and I know they're going to be amazing! :)
Chapter 62: I'm crying I love Chen so much.
Can we applaud for a security team that actually does their damn job because I don't see that very often in fics?
Chapter 60: I love how that even 60 chapters through Juan is still my favorite character. <3
cessyliciousa #15
Note to Self:
DON'T EVER STOP ON THE COMMENT SECTION!!!! My my.. Don't spoil yourself.
Me: *Nods
Chapter 72: It's been a while. Gotta finish reading this~ ^^

Xiaodan and Mei could just die out of jealousy. Bleh~~~ :p

Lol Chen got me gaping too XD

"How rich are you?"
"Marry me and you'll find out."

me: asffgghhhhjjjkkkxllllll
Chapter 83: I would just like to add that I've grown so attached to this story and it has replaced Attayear in the number one spot in my heart <3 (Sorry Baek! :3 BaekXing bros are still adorbs hahaha) Since I'm so attached to this story, i think it'll be awhile after i'll stop imagining their actual wedding, their married life, and how they'll cope up to being a royal couple yeeee. This is why i'm single hahahaha just wanted to add that haha Thank you again Korey!
Chapter 83: When i started reading this story, I was so excited. One, because Prince!Yixing!!! Two, the plot is again so unique. Amazing really. And three, because I was so curious how you could develop the plot and characters to match each other when they are complete opposites. Boy, was i so wrong. They aren't complete opposites. They may have different beliefs but they do share a lot of things in common AND having things in commom doesn't always guarantee a harmonious relationship. While reading your story until the end, it made me realize that even if your beliefs are different doesn't mean you should always argue and disagree. This made me realize the deep significance of communication. Communication isn't always having the need to respond in every issue but it also pertains to listening and understanding each other's points. Thank you for that Korey.

And also, thank you for drowning and spoiling us with lots and lots of fluff from YeonXing <3 I'm really gonna miss this intelligent, witty and pun-ful fair hahahaha looking forward to your planned works! Already subscribed to them cause i can't afford to miss another one of your stories :) Again, thank you Korey :D
xxlovelydayxx #19
Yixing and Yeonhee getting married is everything I could've hoped for. And the fact that Yixing decided to marry Yeonhee when he got shot just warms my heart so much. That was such a climatic point in their relationship cause it showed how much they loved each other and it's probably my favorite part in this story. I'm going to miss this and the characters so much but I'm glad it ended where it did. Thank you for another wonderful story Korey and I can't wait to see you in the next one!
Chapter 83: I think this story has become one of my favorites on AFF! Following DMAD over past few months has been so enjoyable, Yixing and Yeonhee are precious, as are all their friends and I really appreciated the way you incorporated serious social issues into the story without making it too heavy, it makes for a nice little break from reality :)
Thank you Korey for yet another wonderful story, I may never meet my own prince charming but at least I have Yixing and Yeonhee to love instead haha