Non (29 non stories)

SpartAce Marital Bliss - Their treasures.

The days following the SBS Entertainment Award Ceremony were a whirlwind for the Kim family. While the girls’ performance had been nothing short of spectacular, it also attracted more attention tha

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By moumoumoux3 Updated
Tags  non 
With 1 subscribers, 650 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only


By moumoumoux3 Updated
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With 480 views, 3 words
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By moumoumoux3 Updated
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With 370 views, 9 words
Status [M]


By moumoumoux3 Updated
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With 330 views, 4 words
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By moumoumoux3 Updated
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With 300 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By moumoumoux3 Updated
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With 360 views, 2 words
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By moumoumoux3 Updated
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With 440 views, 4 words
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By moumoumoux3 Updated
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With 540 views, 4 words
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By moumoumoux3 Updated
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With 480 views, 4 words
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By moumoumoux3 Updated
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With 320 views, 5 words
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By moumoumoux3 Updated
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With 320 views, 9 words
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By moumoumoux3 Updated
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With 380 views, 8 words
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By killarose Updated
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With 440 views, 3 words
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澜面无表情的从读书的霓虹灯上空飞过,停在了沈静则公寓房间的窗户前 凌晨三点的荆潭依旧灯火通明,街道上零星有几个路人车辆,白天喧闹的都市正在酣睡,一如玻璃里面的沈静则一样。 沈静则……沈静则……… 澜小心地慢慢推开窗户,控制着滑轨摩擦的音量,悄无声息地俯身钻进沈静则的卧室。 这是他第一次来沈静则的房间——整体灰白黑的风格,干净整洁却不失柔软。 沈静则床头开着一盏昏黄的咪型小夜灯。他逆光睡着,全身都软在厚实蓬松的灰色床被里。 澜走进了,他轻盈地坐在床头,面无表情地细细端详眼前毫无防备的人。 那样冷漠的人,睡着时才摘掉了无机制的树脂眼镜,闭上了对他冷眼的眸子,柔软温顺,头发散乱,呼均匀,身上不是一丝不苟的白大褂,而是黑色的蚕丝睡衣,敞开着胸露出一点春色。 就像……一个小婴儿一样。 澜眼睛黑的像一潭深不见底的水,即使没有人看着他依旧内敛着情绪,不泄露一丝表情。 他拿出早就准备好的乙醚和毛巾,轻慢却有力地捂住正在熟睡的沈静则的鼻。 约莫过了30秒后,澜拍了拍他的脸,眼前的人连眼睛都没睁


By FarToGo_00 Updated
Tags  death   mpreg   exo   non   con 
Characters Kim Jongdae/Chen Park Chanyeol Byun Baekhyun Kim Jongin/ Kai
With 140 views, 3954 words
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You're Mine. 

Dawn Of Externals

By FarToGo_00 Updated
Tags  angst   sad   exo   powers   deaths   non   con 
Characters Kim Jongdae/Chen Kim Jongin/Kai Do Kyungsoo/ D.O. Byun Baekhyun
With 20 views, 1283 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By marcie1a Updated
Characters kim namjoon , kim seokjin , kim taehyung , jeon jungkook , park jimin , min yoongi , jung hoseok
With 5 chapters, 4 votes, 43 subscribers, 3900 views, 4 comments, 3345 words
Status [M]


By EcstasyXkpop Updated
Characters ten
With 11 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 700 views, 2901 words
Status [M]

Lucy's new mission

By ozzie4022 Updated
Characters Lucy, Natsu, Gajeel
With 12 chapters, 7 subscribers, 530 views, 1 comments, 13549 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Shout it out

By Emmmsss Updated
Characters Seungcheol, Jeonghan
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 6 subscribers, 610 views, 1 comments, 674 words
Status Completed

Established relationship, inspired by a tumblr post about malec lmao

Just A Bad Day

By QueenKimHanna Updated
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With 600 words

Tommorow my wedding day everybody happy except me cuz my wedding day same like my birthday and the day that my dad dead...... What im going to do but...... I think i have to tell this to my future husband i think he dint mad about this but im going to always be the best for him FOREVER.but why tomorrow​​