« PRODUCE 101 » Kang Jaewon。


replace with fc or aesthetics
kang jaewon

BIRTHNAME Kang Jaewon (강재원)



- Ice bear+ Jaeyun + Created as soon as Jaeyun noticed that Jaewon always has the stuff toy with him while watching tv.

- Mr. Glow up 2018 + Jaeyun again + I mean the nickname speaks for itself. He's got a major glow up during that year and definitely showed everyone during their graduation.

- Honey voice + Jaeyun, Byungwoo, and select Void Trainees + You feel like melting when you hear this beautiful voice. It's very addicting and some even come to him just to ask him if he could sing a line or two.


BIRTHDATE 03/09/1999 + 20

BIRTHPLACE Anyang, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea



- Korean + 100% + Native language
- English+ 90% + School and mostly those random videos on YouTube along with the fact that he sings english songs too. He can speak the language as if he was born and raised with it as his first but would lack a little bit on the vocabulary department when it comes to uncommon words.

replace with fc

FACECLAIM Seo Sunghyuk # icons

BACKUP FACECLAIM Taewoo 1the9 # icons


HEIGHT 170 cm
WEIGHT 59 kg


APPEARANCE Jaewon and Jaeyun are nearly identical with their major difference being their height which seperates them by 17 cms. He would sometimes be mistaken for his brother but once they get a close look and realize he was lacking in the height department, they'd know that he was not Jaeyun.

Fair complexion, messy parted bangs hairstyle, and those dimples when he smiles gives him such a cute aesthetic that people fall for and have the tendency to protect at all costs. He decided to stick with his coal black hair for the competition.

Jaewon was actually a chubby little boy during his highschool days which usually made him the target for people to make fun of but boy was the glow up real when graduation came. Jaeyun found out about it and dragged him to the gym every chance he got and helped Jaewon bulk up and show those bullies what a glow up can do. Right now, he's got himself lean and muscular body. He's just a little bit more conservative than his older brother when showing skin.


FASHION STYLE His style is actually very simple. Just a bunch of hoodies, sweaters, long sleeved and short sleeved shirts that are paired with jeans that vary from gray to black. He isn't as much of a fashionista as Jaeyun is because he likes his clothes to be really simple.

(+) Honest, Friendly, Open-minded, Thoughtful
(-)Passive, Lacks Self-confidence, Sensitive, People Pleaser


Honesty is like an expression of a well-balanced mind and spirit. Jaewon has been taught that when you tell someone a lie, you are taking their right to know the truth. With that he states only truth and nothing but the truth. He won't keep promises he knows he won't be able to keep so don't be disappointed when you ask something of him and he declines saying he can't do it because it is way better than hoping that he would be able to do what you ask him to but learn that he wasn't able to. He won't play around with the trust people put in him.

This boy does not bite and is probably one of the friendliest faces you'd see. From the tone of his voice to his body language, Jaewon exhibits a friendly aura that shows others how he isn’t someone to be feared but someone they would want to get to know more about. He’ll listen to you when you need someone to talk to especially when you have things to rant about or things you just want to get off your chest. Not really the attention seeking type of person and when he is recognized for his achievements, he shifts the attention to those who helped him get there.

Jaewon isn’t quick to judge someone. Hearing one side of the story isn’t enough for him to judge someone, he waits until he knows the full story. He is very open to new ideas and is willing to try them out if other people think that it is a good idea. He’ll avoid speculation as much as he can because he wants to experience something first before forming his own opinion about it. Rather than blindly believing what someone else says, or assuming that he won’t like it, he’d find out for himself if he likes something or not.

Jaewon is the guy who makes people feel important and worthy of his time and energy. With this empathetic trait, he is able to think thoroughly about the right words to say to a person whether they are having a good or bad day. He thinks through his decisions by taking on the perspectives of those who would be affected by it, ensuring that he considers everyone's feelings when doing so. He is naturally observant with this trait as he sees what makes people smile and what doesn't so he can do the same whenever someone needs some cheering up. He'd always surprise someone with thoughtful acts such as bringing someone their favorite food and/or beverage when visiting them, comforting someone whenever they feel lonely/have a problem/just need someone to stay by their side/etc., and just brightening up the world in his own way.

Jaewon is the type to just "meh" at situations where in it doesn't go in his favor.  He is the type to just wait for a good thing to happen to him instead of actually being active and making one happen. He always confronted his problems on his own so standing up for himself is something that requires an immense amount of courage for him which sadly he lacks. He is like a doormat that people just step on.  He belittles his own views and you'd hear him say things like "I might be wrong but-" "I am no expert in this but maybe" and "I think you should ask someone else." as if his opinion is invalid. Which is why his brother is always there to push him out of his passivity and give him the courage that he needs.

There were events in the past that to him having low self-confidence and those events have proven to affect him greatly. He’s is constantly overthinking which sadly makes him ask questions over and over again because it’s not that he forgot the answer, he is convinced that the answer changed. Apologizes for no reason like when he notices someone’s tone changes when talking to him, he’d think that he must’ve done something wrong. To give you an example of that ‘asking the same question over and over again’ let’s put it in the setting of produce where teams have been formed and positions for the song are being chosen. The team chooses him as the main vocalist because they feel that he could do well seeing as he was great at the audition with just a minor hiccup. Jaewon would keep asking them “Are you sure?” throughout the course of their practice because he just feels like maybe there could be someone else who would be better. In situations like this, he just needs constant reassurance and eventually he’d just accept it and do his best.

He is skilled but fragile at the same time. A glass cannon if you will. He is easily hurt by insults and finds it hard to let it go unlike others who just dust it off like it was nothing. He often hides negative feelings, believing they are too strong, turbulent, embarrassing or vulnerable to share; keeps a lot of negative emotions inside. He can take constructive criticism but when someone is plain sh*t talking him, he won’t be able to handle that. He’d go quiet and just keep it inside till that person isn’t present anymore then he’d let it out usually through tears.

A “yes” man is something you could describe him as. He finds it difficult to tell someone “no”. He isn’t the type to speak up and say that his feelings were hurt and will just often deny that he is angry, hurt, sad, embarrassed, or disappointed. He pretends to agree with others after having listened to their opinion just because he wants to be liked all at the risk of going against his own values.


Chapter 1 : Welcome to the World! 
Jaewon is the youngest son of the two who came two years after Jaeyun was born. They grew up in a pretty nice house which was big enough for the two to play all manners of games they wished. They were always with their father, who was a model at Void Entertainment, whenever he had a job to do. Along with their nanny, they would stay at his workplace and maybe go out a bit and explore the town while their dad was doing work. It was a busy time for both their parents since this was during the time when the company had just started out and was struggling to rise up due to the competition. Their parents didn’t forget about their kids and spent as much time as possible with them whenever they had a break.

Chapter 2 : The problem! 
While Jaeyun started his career in the modelling industry at 15, Jaewon was in highschool learning and doing his best to fit in with the other kids. It proved to be difficult since there were those who made fun of him for his appearance and weight. With this happening constantly, it was real hard blow to his self-esteem making him the quiet one in class who did his best to ignore those who mocked him.

He found his love for music at this age as well. He enjoyed singing and practically did it all the time. Whenever he was cleaning and doing chores, showering, or walking to and from school. He joined the school choir which had a brilliant instructor that really transformed those who think they couldn’t sing into sounding like professionals. The choir would sing and perform for school events. It somehow gave him some confidence in himself when people complimented him for his skills, but the bullies were always there to make sure that his confidence always stays low.

Chapter 3 : I got’chu bro! 
His brother found out about the verbal bullying the kids were doing and seeing as their graduation was just in two years, he figured he’d have enough time to transform his brother into something those bullies regretted talking smack about. With the help of their parents, they managed to get Jaewon private classes with the teachers so that he would be on campus when the students aren’t. Think of it as after class classes (if that makes sense). He’d have classes once all the students finish theirs lessening the chances of him being seen.

After classes, Jaeyun would drag him to the gym and essentially be his coach making him do all sorts of exercises to turn his chubby baby boy body into one similar to what Jaeyun had built himself. With a lot of hard work, self-discipline, trips to the salon, and Jaeyun’s comforting and motivating words, Jaewon had turned into a handsome young man with the built body which he normally hides with long-sleeved shirts cause he is somewhat conservative when it comes to revealing his skin.

The next time his classmates saw him was when he was called on-stage during their graduation where he showed everyone possibly the biggest glow up of the century. A chorus of screams from both girls and boys in the crowd could be heard as they were clearly all about this new look he had. He took his diploma, looked at those who talked smack about him and gave them the smuggest look, bowed, and went back to his seat.

He was thankful for all the things his brother helped him with and always had his back ever since. Jaewon supported him with a banner when he watched Jaeyun perform on-stage in a music festival. He was a little too aggressive with his support that he ripped the banner in half to which his brother chuckled at. He commented on how great he was and that he looked like an idol on-stage.

Chapter 4 : Special Treatment, No! 
Something he said made Jaeyun drag him along for dance classes as well as putting him in voice lessons right after finding out how good he was at singing. It was when he finally asked did he understand that his brother wanted them to become idols like the ones he sees perform on tv. Jaewon wasn’t opposed to it and actually enjoyed performing just like he did with the choir.

Jaewon had just seen the announcement on Void’s official website when his brother came busting into their room telling him to get dressed because they were going to the company immediately. It was at this time that the company was pretty successful and had their name known in the entertainment industry. Jaeyun inquired about the auditions and they were informed that since they were part of the company for so long, they didn't need to audition if they wanted to become trainees. #nepotism

Jaewon was absolutely against nepotism and wanted to get in fair and square. And so, they were then prompted to prepare their audition. Either sing, rap, dance, or all of the above. The instructors were the only ones there to evaluate them and see if they pass. They were legitimately impressed by the skill these brothers presented and so they contacted them saying they passed the auditions.

Chapter 5 : Ready up!
Months of practice and they were getting better every day. He developed better and healthier techniques and his vocal range has been extended to hit high notes with ease. During one of their classes, their instructor had them sit down as he was going to announce something. The company recently got information about a new produce season coming in and the company will start holding monthly evaluations to see who they would choose to join the program. A chorus of gasps came from the trainees as they know how big of a survival program produce is. Once the instructor finished, he wished all of them good luck and to work hard. His brother told him that he wanted both of them to be chosen to represent the company and participate in the program but not because they were with them for so long but because they were talented. Jaewon agreed and so the two practiced every day preparing for each evaluation and showing everyone what they were made of.

Fast forward to the announcement. Once the evaluations were all finished, the instructors all gathered and talked about which trainee/s to send in. They were all informed that they would get a phone call which would tell them if they were chosen or not. Jaeyun had a modelling job to do and dragged his brother along. While he was doing his thing, Jaewon was holding onto both their phones waiting for the call. Jaewon's phone began to ring and he answered it. The company had chosen him as one of the trainees who would participate in the program. He was ecstatic and wanted to tell his brother immediately but saw he was still working. Then, Jaeyun's phone began to ring. He answered for him and was informed that his Jaeyun had also made it and that they would meet the other trainee who made it tomorrow when they get to the company.

He was feeling a little mischievous so he told his brother that he didn’t make it and the acting was 100% believable. He eventually told him that he actually passed right when they were eating dinner with their parents. Jaeyun wanted to kill him right then and their but “Come on. Jaeyun-hyung not being chosen? That’s gotta be the biggest joke the company would make.” said Jaewon.


"Be confident bro. You've got this."

"I hid them in a place you would never look."
"You'll eventually grow out of your shell and get past this low self-esteem phase. Trust me."
"Hit me that G5!" *Jaewon does it for fun* "Yaass that's the stuff!"
"YOU NEED MORE CLOTHES! WE ARE GOING TO THE MALL" *he says while dragging Jaewon out of his room*

Kang Jaeyun
Older Brother | fc: Mingyu (Seventeen)| The best older brother someone who struggles with low self-confidence could have. Essentially his motivational speaker who would always pull Jaewon out of his "I can't do this." mindset to "I can do this." Jaeyun is Jaewon's role model because he wants to be like him, by that he means to be as confident and not the way he currently is worrying over the smallest things. They always have each others backs and would fight anyone who dares hurt the other.

"Look you have to stop being the way you are right now cause it isn't gonna help you at all."
"Psssst. Hey. I got the stuff." *pulls out a box of mozzerella sticks*
"Come on buddy. You gotta get up if you wanna get better."

Lee Byungwoo | Friend | fc: Astro Moonbin | Second motivational speaker but more on the blunt side. He isn't afraid to tell Jaewon that he is being such a pessimist with his own capabilities. He is a good friend who was actually one of the trainees who helped him when he was struggling and his brother was in a different class. Though he is intense and strict with their practices, he does it because he cares for them and wants them to show the best that they can.

replace with twin group


- Sweets especially chocolates!
- Corndogs
- Green tea
- The color black
- Mystery novels and Psychological Horror
- Pizza
- Fried Chicken
- Soft and comfortable pillows and blankets
- Loud bass speakers. Even the small ones
-Noise-cancelling headphones / earphones

- Packing lightweight / just enough opposed to his brother packing every single item in his side of the room.
- Comics
- Marvel Movies
- RnB songs
- Pop songs
- Catchy songs
- Singing almost anywhere he goes
- The Internet
- Decorating and rearranging his side of the room.



- When the remote control is wrapped in plastic
- When a link opens a new browser without his permission
- Artificial flowers
- People who are adamant they’re a certain MBTI type that they are clearly not
- Accidentally stepping on a puddle aka getting his shoes wet
- When the winter season comes and everything becomes super cold
- Bullies
- Menthol
- Spicy foods
- Shopping especially when it takes forever (Jaeyun has to drag him out to go shopping for this to happen)
- Humblebragging
- People who put
 something back on the wrong shelf at the grocery store
- Slow internet
- Trailers that basically tell what happens in the movie
- Being yelled at
- People who talk loudly in the movies
- Spoilers
- People who put too much fragrance



- Drinks at least 2 liters of water a day #drinkyourwaterbish
- Covers face when embarrased
- Sings everywhere and when he sings, he SINGS
- Pouts when begging for something #puppyeyes
- Always wakes up early
- Talks to himself a lot
- Tapping his foot while waiting
- Space out when in deep thought



- Watching singing competition shows
- Composing, also amateur level
- Surfing the internet 
- Reading either mystery novels or Marvel Comics
- Redecorating his room like at least once every two weeks
- Looking up for decoration ideas
- Watching random youtube videos maybe even vocal covers



- Needles
- Heights. Boii he'd be clinging to the nearest person or object and he'd be closing his eyes.
- Flying. Say no to airplanes or anything related to being lifted of the ground.
- Snakes. Ewww and spooky



- Ostrich walk/run imitation
- Flexible so he can do the splits and bridge
- Blowing huge bubbles with a bubble blower
- Fitting his fist into his mouth
- Quick maths. + - * / you name it he can do it in a flash



- Usually always early for when something has been scheduled
- Has potential to be a memelord once he gets more character development
- Gets mentored about selfies and angles by Jaeyun
- Always the victim of "Hey I know it's 12 am but can we go to the convenience store and eat something cause I can't sleep." by his brother.
- The one who would sit back and watch the chaos unravel within a group (usually its the fun type of chaos but serious would do too.)
- Has an unhealthy obsession with Mozzerella sticks. Jaeyun literally found his stash hidden in one of his drawers and confiscated it saying he could only have 1 box per week.
- Has his own way of having fun while doing chores. Shooting the clothes into the laundry basket, sliding with the mop, and you bet your dollar bills he'd be singing the whole time.
- Has an ice bear stuff toy sitting on his bed he wraps his arms around while watching TV.
- Wears round-framed glasses because he can't really see all that well. He ain't blind and yes he can see the number of fingers you're holding up but it helps him see clearly.
- His idol is literally his older brother. He aspires to be as confident as he is and not have to worry so much.
- Always has a small notebook and pen with him incase he needs to take down important things.
- Doesn't quote memes or vines but will get it when someone does and will acknowledge that person
- Photographic Memory
- Can't drive #commuteislife
- Wears pink on Wednesdays
- After his glow up, he also did some modelling jobs at Void entertainment. He is listed as one of their models as well but isn't as active as Jaeyun. Like 5 photoshoots a month compared to Jaeyun who has like 17.
- Through watching countless videos on YouTube and practice, he has developed skills and knowledge on make up. Ya boi doesn't need a make up artist he can do it himself #independent
- Practices facial expression in front of mirror and will get embarrased when someone walks in on him practicing
- Not the "love at first sight" type of person
- Ideal type would be someone shorter, long hair, cute, reliable, and honest.
- Tears by So Chan Wee is his go to karaoke song
- Would do well with the y concept despite him thinking that he can't. It's this joke that they have as brothers "If I can do it, so can you."



- "Sorry." for no damn reason
- "Are you sure?"
- "Yeah, but are sure?"
- "Are you 100% sure you won't regret this decision? Yes this is the last time I'll ask."
- "But are you sure though?"
- "You like Marvel too? Cool."
- "Hi. I'm Jaewon! Nice to meet you!"
- "C'mon where did you hide my stash?"
- "Ok so let me guide you through vocals 101."
- "We've been shopping for 4 hours and you've only picked three shirts!!!"
- "So does anyone have any ideas they wanna share?"
- "I'm just watching them argue for a while. I'll step in when things cool down."
- "Need a hug?"
- *hugs
- *tears up when stressed* #sadboihours
- "Yeah I sing a lot. Kinda my thing."

- "If that's ok with you."
- "Jaeyun I need help, again."
- "I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this." whenever he feels like he can't do something. It was something his brother told him to do whenever he feels low.





TRAINEE LIFE It was difficult oh boy. Everyday they came home sore and tired from the relentless training given to them by their instructors. It would be a miracle when they had an easy class and those were as rare as diamonds.

He focused a lot on vocal training since this was what he was good at, then dancing, and not so much into rapping. It took months but with the help of their multiple instructors, he developed a much healthier technique when singing and they even taught him how to extend his vocal range and the right warm ups he has to do before singing.

Generally, the trainees were pretty chill and were helpful despite the rooms always having the air of competition in them.


LIFE ON PRODUCE 101 He probably wouldn't be an attention hogger with the camera like his brother. He'd be more focused on the actual competition and be a strategist on how to turn the performance given to them into an amazing one.

With that being said, he'd help with line distributions and if, by some miracle, he was the best dancer in the group, he'd learn the dance and help out the trainees with the countings.

He'd like to be center at least once in the program to challenge himself and also because Jaeyun told him to do it but mostly because of his own volition. #babysteps



- Shin Yoomi: "I listen to a lot of her covers and love them."

- Kwon Jaeseung: "Strict but good mentor."

- Minzy: "Legend."
- Cheetah: "I've seen my brother praising her a lot and I have seen some episodes of Unpretty rapster to see that she is really good at rapping."
- MC Jin: "I saw Idol producer and kinda know what to expect. Maybe."


THE AUDITION The three compromised on the song "Hey Mama" by Exo-CBX. He took Xiumin's parts and they rehearsed at every chance they got.

What went right was that they all were great with their expressions, even he did great with the expressions. Their energy was tremendous but not excessive.

What went wrong was that he was nervous at the high note part and ended up straining the note. To others it sounded fine but vocally skilled mentors would know that this wasn't good. Other than him, his brother mumble the last bits of the rap and Byungwoo started a part of the dance too early.

He wanted to make up for his mistake so he was glad that the mentors gave him a second chance to sing a song of his choice. He sang "So Close" by Jon McLaughlin (specifically 2:35 to 3:27.)


- Infinite Be Mine


SEAT NUMBERS & PREDICTED RANK Through a very long discussion, they ended up sitting at seast 4 to 6 with Jaewon sitting at seat #5.

Jaeyun told Jaewon the same thing he always does. "Be confident." He told him that right before they entered the building where the program was being held. He took those words into consideration when choosing his predicted ranking. He chose A.

He's seen a fair amount of survival shows. He thinks that if he manages to wow the mentors with his vocals, which is one of the things he is confident of, then he could possibly get an A.

HELLO THERE, JAEWON, WOULD YOU MIND TELLING ME WHAT YOU SEE AS YOUR STRENGTH FOR BEING AN IDOL? "My strength?" He mumbles to himself for a while not expecting such a strong question off the bat. 

"I guess it would be expressing the right emotions of the song through my voice. It's hard to do but that's what I see as my strength."

He was most confident in this aspect anyways.

WHAT IS THE CONCEPT YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF THE BEST AT? "Light-themed concepts. You know, those songs where you just have fun and enjoy the stage."


IS THERE ANYTHING NEW YOU WANT TO TRY ON THE SHOW? "I haven't really done much so anything I try would most likely be something new for me." He says as he recalls during his trainee days that the dances and songs he usually does don't vary that much.

"But if I were to be specific on what I want to try out, I'd like to perform a song with a y concept." He chuckles and is a little embarrassed after saying that.

An audible gasp escapes from both Jaeyun and Byungwoo who then smile and give a thumbs up to him


HOW DO YOU SEE PRODUCE 101? "I've seen previous seasons before and I guess I could say it's one of the most competitive shows out there." He's seen so many trainees having problems, being scolded, and tearing up just to present their performance. He definitely knows that this wasn't going to be a walk in the park.

"Aside from that, it gives trainees a chance, if they survive long enough, to show what they can do not only to the world but more importantly, their company." Jaewon has seen trainees who were eliminated but still debuted months after the show so it would mean that they were good enough for the company.


WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE BY PARTICIPATING IN THIS SHOW?  "Confidence in my self." Straightforward and honest answer. He really needs to break out of his shell. 


HOW DO YOU ACT IN A GROUP? DO YOU TAKE THE LEADING ROLE OR DO YOU PREFER TO SIT BACK? "I would most likely be the one sitting back and helping out when I can."


WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? WE'RE PRODUCE, WE NEED MOTTOS. "Don't judge yourself through the perception of others. They don't know you like you do."


"Void trainees let's work hard!"

COMPANY Void Entertainment




PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE The only experience he has are those times he's modelled for Void. Other than that, he's only gone to vocal lessons and dance lessons with his brother.

LAST COMMENTS I'm crazy so here he is hahahah



-I know this probably would be so much work but.... How about producers make songs designed specifically for each trainee. This would be at the further parts of the competition when the producers have gotten a grasp of what the trainee is like and what concept would fit them best. Then they perform those said songs. Just a thought
-Coed stages?

-All the tears when he is in a stressful situation(This could be anything really. Having difficulty with the dance, s not cooperating well and the pressure that comes with being judged for a poor rehearsal.). Cue Jaeyun finding out his bro is crying and rushing their faster than my internet connection.
-Dance offs
-Karaoke time with the trainees
-Runway with commentary (maybe crackhead commentary XD)
-The tension and stress that comes with finding out the votes after the performance
-A team winning due to popularity rather than talent
-Character development!!! Not only his but others as well cause we stan character development!!

-Everyone's reaction when he actually does great at a y concept (if he ever does) followed by Jaeyun shedding actor tears for being proud at his little bro. "He's so grown up!" T_T
-When they first see their current ranks, and I know this sounds mean, but I'd like to see how he'd react when he sees he is like in the 90s and below rank.





put anything you want here


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Oh! I think I forgot one thing in the cheatsheet... you're only allowed to pick a single talent twin! I'm sorry D:
oh yes