« PRODUCE 101 » Kang Jaeyun。


replace with fc or aesthetics
kang jaeyun

BIRTHNAME Kang Jaehyun (강재윤)


- Prince of  the Void + Trainees of Void entertainment, his fans, family members, and friends + With visuals like his and the amount of modelling he has done for the company seeing as he started at a young age made him achieve this title. He is the prince of Void Entertainment.

Princess of  the Void + Byungwoo + Byungwoo made this once he heard the Prince version and started using it once they were somewhat close. It's just to spite Jaeyun which somewhat works.

- Highness, Duke, Emperor + Friends + They know how conceited he is and jokingly call him this whenever he begins rambling about how good he looks and how great he is.


BIRTHDATE 13/04/1997 + 22

BIRTHPLACE Anyang, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea



- Korean + 100% + Native language
- English + 80% + School was the major factor in him learning how to speak the language but also continuously watching English shows on Netflix. He can hold a conversation with people who speak english but his vocabulary is limited and would need to ask them to explain what certain words mean.

replace with fc

FACECLAIM Kim Mingyu (Seventeen)



HEIGHT 187 cm
WEIGHT 80 kg


APPEARANCE Tall, built, and handsome. He certainly fits the image of a model which was actually his job prior to training to become an idol. 

He towers over majority of the trainees as he stands at a whopping 187 cm tall. Always standing at a proper posture making sure he isn't slouching to avoid back pains.The only pain he'd take is the burns he feels when working out at the gym. He's built himself a body that most men envy and some drool at the sight of.

Clear-skinned and handsome is what he is. His dark brown eyes, fair complexion, jawline, and bow-shaped lips combined together form this visually pleasing masterpiece of a man.

His original hair color is black but he dyed it to an ash gray color just for the competition. He's tried out multiple colors before and out of all of them, he really likes his original jet black hair and his current ash gray hair. He styles it that same way you see at the picture but has down some days with a brush up hairstyle as well.

Nothing really intimidating to him, except his height, as his resting face isn't that cold to be deemed unapproachable.


FASHION STYLE Jaeyun loves going for that boyfriend look which is composed of different combinations of an oversized fleece pullover, a hooded buttoned jacket, a piped loose-fit argyle sweater, a boxy-textured shirt, long-sleeved or short-sleeved t-shirts, cotton pants, band-waist cropped dress pants, slashed waist skinny jeans, and different rubber shoes and sneakers.

(+)Out-going, Hardworking, Bold, Caring, Responsible
(+/-)Energetic, Openly Affectionate, Bubbly
(-)Jealous, Secretive, Talkative, Conceited, Possessive


ELABORATION He has got to be the most energetic among the three sent by the company. Pretending to be in Music Videos is one of the things he does when being EXTRA. It's all part of him being the Outgoing and Energetic member of the three. His friends see him as the manifestation of energy itself since he is this bubbly, high-spirited man who just can't seem to contain all his energy. With these first few traits, it was easy for him to attract some friends who really enjoy his company and personality. Although not everyone likes these kinds of personalities, it doesn't stop him from at least trying to make friends with others.

One of the bolder members of the three since he has a lot of confidence in himself which most people don't have. No signs of anxiety are shown on his face when he performs in front of many people. There are no shaky hands or legs, no sweaty palms, and no slightly worried expressions on her face. It's like performing in front of people was something that was easy as pie for him.

Jaeyun is also the caring and responsible among the three of them. During practices, he always has extra small hand towels to wipe of all the sweat from their backs so that it doesn't dry there which could cause some sickness. He is that friend who packs so much stuff for a 1-day trip because he wants to be 'prepared for anything'. He constantly shares the snacks he has with his other members and sometimes even bring numerous plastic bags filled with different pastries and bread for them. #doratheexplorer

Also known as the one who loves skin ship the most. Constantly seen clinging to anyone of the two and maybe other trainees if he gets to know them more. Usually the things he does are the usual hugs, hugging the other’s arm, resting his chin on someone taller than him, resting her chin on someone shorter than him, and of course the numerous attempts of him trying to give a quick peck on the cheek to those he is close with, but them sadly pushing him away.

Jaeyun is jealous of those people who are better her in certain areas like rapping. He envies those who have are better than him and when they get praises from the instructors and he doesn't. This doesn't lower his self-esteem, but it causes him to be competitive against that person until he finally gets praised himself. Very childish but it's what he does when jealousy takes over.

Jaeyun conceals his feelings of sadness and stress really well which isn't good since he cries it all out alone asking no one for comfort nor help with what he is going through. Not even from his own little brother who swore to always be there for him whenever he needed him. He doesn't want anyone to help him out because he believes that it is his problem and doesn't want people to waste their time on his problems when he should be the one solving it. Jaeyun keeps a stoic expression on his face when being scolded for not doing well and when he doesn't get good feedback from the instructors, he holds back the tears and lets them all out when he is all alone.

When it's a blabbermouth you wanna talk to then talk to Jaeyun, he has so many things to talk about, so so so many things. He would share his opinion without people even asking for it. He just has so much to talk about, may it be rants or just plain topics about a tv show she recently watched. His mouth almost never stays shut and he’d be rambling around 24/7 just talking and talking and talking and talking. It gets annoying especially when you just want some peace of mind and when you’re one of those people who can’t really find the heart to tell him to stop talking.

He may be a little too confident in his abilities since he constantly brags about how good he is. It sounds really bratty when he does so since no one asked him about it, yet he continues to tell them amazing he is at rapping. It's true. She does have talent when it comes to rapping but for the love of tuna "please stop reminding us of how good you are at rapping!". It's usually just his rapping skills he brags about but when she gets her hands on some really cool clothes that make him look good, boy you better run before he starts telling the entire neighborhood how much of a god he looks like in those clothes.

He is such an attention seeker. Jaeyun would constantly try to get anyone's attention regardless if they are busy or not. He just wants attention and if you are his prime target, then prepare for a relentless assault of "Hey''s and pokes. This part of him just literally screams   "Look at me and only me please! I need your attention so give it to me!".


CHAPTER 1 : Happy Birthday!
Jaeyun was the first son of the two who came 2 years later when he was just two. He grew up in a rather nice household where he and his little brother had enough room to round around playing whatever games they liked. Their parents were already employees of Void Entertainment when they were born so you could imagine how busy they were. This was the time when Void was still starting out and was having difficulties rising in ranks with all the competition which left their mother, who was the secretary of a high-ranking member of Void, out of the house majority of the time while their father, a model at the company, cared for them and brought them everywhere he went. Every photoshoot and event, Kang Jaewoo, their father, took his kids with them along with the nanny who looked after these rascals who would wander off into different places if not attended to.

CHAPTER 2 - Watch me strut!
He was 15 when he was signed into Void Entertainment as a model. Growing up he found hi father's job to be quite amazing and cool which made him want to become a model someday. He shared his dream with his brother who said that he has his support because "Hyung is handsome and fits well with modelling so you'd be fine." He told his father as well who spoke to their mother about it...through the phone. Yes she was still quite busy but, since the company had been gaining more renown and growing, she managed to find time to spend with her kids. She agreed and said it would help him build a lot of self-confidence. And so that was the time he became the second youngest model, the youngest being 13, to sign up with the agency. He was shaky, stiff, and unnatural which was the opposite of what modelling should be. Lucky for him, his dad was there everytime to guide him to what he needed to do. After years of experience, he became a natural who no longer needed to be told what to do.

Now there were some ups and downs with the modelling. Sure it made him bolder, more confident in himself, hardworking, and responsible but, it also made him quite the conceited person who got jealous when others do better than him.

Chapter 3 : They love me!
Music was big thing especially in the entertainment industry which is why it came to no surprise that Jaeyun got himself into Korean pop. He constantly listens to different groups especially to songs that had amazing rap breaks in them. He was more into the rapping part because he found it really cool and even gave time and effort to learn the words and try it out for himself. He loved shows like Show Me The Money and Unpretty rapstar since these where the shows were the contestants were spitting fire like its hot and dropping sick bars at one another. His friends were well-informed about it since he never stops talking about it though they agree that he is skilled.

It was one afternoon strolling around the mall was he approached by one of his friends who told him that someone from their performing group just dropped out due to personal reasons and that they needed someone to fill in his position. They were performing a vocal dance cover at a music festival and they needed someone to fill in a position. Jaeyun never really saw himself as a performer but his friend needed him, and also praised his rapping skills, so he took on the role. The performance date was near and they had to act fast since they had to teach Jaeyun the dance, positions, and the lines he was gonna rap.

He was nervous. They were all dressed up in their performance attire holding onto the mics they were gonna use during the performance. He was shaky and felt the same way he did during his rookie days as a model. His friend saw his status and told him to calm down and that everything would be fine. He saw his younger brother out in the crowd with a banner for him which he was sure was blocking the view of other audience members. In that moment, he felt less anxious and just focused on the performance. Their group was called on the stage, they positioned themselves, and the music began.

Once the performance ended, their group was showered in cheers by the crowd. Jaeyun could see his younger brother waving the banner he made aggressively showing his support before ripping it by accident. He chuckled. At that moment, he took it all in. Everyone in the crowd cheering them on it was amazing. His friend thanked him and also told him that everytime it was his part, the crowd was cheering real loudly for him. He must have been that good. Or you know, because he is a model and is known more. He was greeted by his younger brother who told him he did great, that he never knew he was so good at performing, and how he really looked like an idol on stage.

Chapter 4 : Nepotism or Talent?
The performance was all he could think about after that day. The thought of being an idol never really crossed his mind before since he already had a stable job which was modelling. But now that his younger brother brought it up, he found himself wanting to be one.

He took dance classes along with his younger brother who he basically dragged to because his lil bro has talent and he didn't want to see that go to waste. While his brother was getting voice lessons, he was more into practicing his own rapping trying to set his own tone and rhythm.

A year later the company announced that they became an idol company as well and will start taking in trainees. It took Jaeyun less than a second to grab his stuff and drag his brother out of their room before going to the company to ask about the auditions. By this time their family was known in the company as they were with them when the company first began. Jaeyun inquired about the auditions and was informed that since they were part of the company for so long, they didn't need to audition if they wanted to become trainees. #nepotism

Jaeyun was fine with it but his younger brother didn't like the idea that they were getting special treatment and pushed that they let them audition. And so they did. The instructors were the only ones there to evaluate them and see if they pass. They were legitimately impressed by the skill these brothers presented and so they contacted them saying they passed the auditions.

Chapter 5 : Void's decision
Months of practice and they were getting better everyday. During one of their classes, their instructor had them sit down as he was going to announce something. The company recently got information about a new produce season coming in and the company will start holding monthly evaluations to see who they would choose to join the program. A chorus of gasps came from the trainees as they know how big of a survival program produce is. Once the instructor finished, he wished all of them good luck and to work hard. And work hard did Jaeyun do. He wanted him and his brother to get chosen by the company but not just because they were with them for so long. No, he wanted to be chosen because he was better than the rest. So he and his brother prepared for each evaluation. Watching each other practice and pointing out what they think was wrong and how they could improve.

Fast forward to the announcement. Once the evaluations were all finished, the instructors all gathered and talked about which trainee/s to send in. They were all informed that they would get a phone call which would tell them if they were chosen or not. Jaeyun had a modelling job to do and dragged his brother along. While he was doing his thing, Jaewon was holding onto both their phones waiting for the call. Jaewon's phone began to rang and he answered it. The company had chosen him as one of the trainees who would participate in the program. He was ecstatic and wanted to tell his brother immediately but saw he was still working. Then, Jaeyun's phone began to ring.

Jaeyun finished and changed into his normal attire before going to Jaewon who was holding onto both their phones. Jaewon decided to be a little devilish and prank his brother saying that he got it in but Jaeyun didn't. It wasn't until they got home for dinner with their parents did Jaewon spill the truth.

"So were you two chosen?" their mother asked while pouring some soup into their bowls.

"Yeah." Jaewon said nonchalantly.
"What?! But I thoug-" Jaeyun looked at his brother.
"Surprise." Jaewon chuckled but knew his brother was gonna kill him for it later.


"You know you're the best right?"
"I don't think I'd be good at that."
"Come on. Let's take some time to cool your head down."
"Thanks for essentially being my motivational coach."

Kang Jaewon | Younger Brother | fc: Seo Sunghyuk | Jaewon is Jaeyun's precious little brother who has self-confidence issues. He's always been the one to give him that push in order to gain confidence in himself. Jaewon is also the sole reason why Jaeyun acts really confident. He wants to be the role model for his brother who struggles a lot. They are really close and always have each other's backs. They do get into arguments but they are siblings so they eventually make up.

"You tired already? Come on. You can do better than that."
"Well well well. If it isn't the Princess of the Void."
"There is a difference between confidence and being conceited."

Lee Byungwoo | Friend | fc: Astro Moonbin |This guy was always the leader of the three ever since they were announced to be the trainees who would be sent to the program. He respects Byungwoo a lot because the man has so much experience knowing that he once was in a survival show and almost got in too. But boy is he intense with the practices. They became gym buddies and constantly try to one up each other when working out.

replace with twin group


- Books
- Catchy songs
- Cats
- Skincare Products
- Spicy food
- Eating outside
- Scented Candles
- Spring and Fall
- Iced drinks
- Show Me The Money
- Unpretty Rapstar
- Being complimented
- Rapping
- Red Velvet....yes the group
- The color white

- When people spit straight fire
- Fast raps that have an amazing flow
- Intense dances the leave you breathless



- People who slurp soup loudly
- The taste of onions
- Biting a chip that just stabs the roof of his mouth #-1hp
- When an instructor compliments others in his group but not him 
- Unhygienic people
- Being pushed away when he attempts any form of skinship #donotresistmylove
- The word "moist"
- Slow walkers
- People who can't follow the escalator etiquette
- Monkeys
- Stepping on gum or even poo
- Ripping his clothes by accident
- People who don't cover their mouths when sneezing....yeah just share those blessings am i right?

- Wet door handles



- Plays with strands of his hair when bored or even the hair of someone else
- Clasping his hands together when nervous
- Covers his face when embarrased
- Copies people's voices to annoy them when they say something stupid
- Nods furiously when completely agreeing to something
- Points with his mouth
- Repeats instructions to himself when someone gives it to him....kinda looks like he is talking to himself
- Singing with earphones in his ears



- Shopping for clothes like the rich muthafka he is
- Strolling around town seeing new sites or visiting old ones
- Playing games on his phone or computer
- Binging series on netflix
- Binging different survival shows and competition shows
- Practicing writing raps - Amateur level
- Watching dance videos by 1million studios
- Scrolling through his social media
- Posting on social media about anything really but mostly about his different ootds



- Being forgotten
- Haunted Houses

- Ghosts
- Large Fires
- Fireworks 



- Freestyle rapping
- Hand stands. Then walking with his hands
- Korean tongue twisters
- Speaking really fast



- Body rolls when expressing a win. The sequence is clap -> satisfied look on her face -> body roll -> dabs
- Insta : @j.yun97
- Has like 20k followers on insta
- Is his #1 fan. His brother is like #2 for him
- Will fight anyone who hurts his brother #throwsomehands
- Knows his charms and what angles he looks best at
- Literally the guiding light for his bro since his brother has some self-confidence issues

- His closet is huge
- Has one of the most contagious laughs ever
- Not really a crackhead but will follow those who are with their antics
- His main theme song 0
- Loves red velvet but keeps up this swaggy cool af type of guy vibe making sure no one finds out about it. His brother knows but isn't telling him that.
- It's like his guilty pleasure
- The type of guy to call you and ask if you're awake at 12 am. He'd then ask you to come out and meet him at a convenience store to eat cause he can't sleep.
- Cheetah is his fave in Unpretty Rapstar
- A big fanboy of her's



- "Can you speak up?"
- "Sorry. I don't speak broke."
- *hugging everyone who he sees is sad or just when he feels like it
- "If you become jealous, you lose."
- "Yes I'm THE Jaeyun. You wan't my autograph?" *chuckles but is kinda hoping they do ask for his autograph
- "The handsome guy has arrived!" (imagine this the same way Loki did "You're savior is here!" in Thor ragnarok)

- *sees cheetah* "Oh my god my queen!"
- "How dare you dare me like a dairy queen?"
- "I'm great aren't I?"

STAGENAME Jaeyun (재윤)


POSITION Rap, Dance, Visual


TRAINEE LIFE Trainee life was exactly how hard it was when his other friends who were trainees described their experiences. It was like his first days as a model but scarier. But he needed to act strong especially for the sake of his brother who saw him as the epitomy of confidence.

It took months before he finally adjusted to routines and criticism by the instructors. He managed to garner some praises when he was seen to be improving in his area of expertise, rapping. Soon enough he was being asked by other trainees to help them in rapping when they knew he could provide some advice.

Generally, people were kind to each other and to him as well and there weren't really any fights or conflict between him, his brother, and the trainees that he knows of. They kinda just accepted the fact that he was a conceited hoe who loves flaunting how good he is.




LIFE ON PRODUCE 101 Will most probably try to catch the camera's attention with some wild reactions. He'd be focused when practicing but when they aren't, then he'd be hogging the camera's attention doing all sorts of wacky stuff to get that sweet screen time.

Of course he'd make some friends along the way and like any contestant, he'd try to stick with the popular ones as well.

He'd help out teaching the trainees with the dance since through training he became a fast-learner.

He'd also go for the rap parts and will sway the team into choosing him for the part if more than 1 person wants the part as well.

Still be a conceited hoe but not in front of the judges/mentors lol.



- Shin Yoomi: "I've seen her covers and she is good."

- Kwon Jaeseung: "He's been on Produce before right? Heard he was a pretty good mentor."

- Minzy: "An all-rounder who deserves the title 'queen'."
- Cheetah:  "YEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!"
- MC Jin: "I heard he was on Idol Producer but I didn't really watch it so....yeah."


THE AUDITION The three compromised on the song "Hey Mama" by Exo-CBX. He took Xiumin's parts and they rehearsed at every chance they got.

What went right was that they all were great with their expressions, even shy baby Jaewon did great with the expressions. Their energy was tremendous but not excessive.

What went wrong was that he somehow messed up the rap at the last part of it which he ended up mumbling. His brother started the high note too early and was straining his voice instead of supporting it. Byungwoo was too eager and did some moves too early.

All in all, it was a good performance that had energy in it. There were just some hiccups here and there that made the performance have some undesireable moments.

Almost forgot their outfits:
Jaeyun   Jaewon   Byungwoo


The first mission songs for boys:
- Sistar19 not gone around any longer : He feels like he could do the rap part of this song and convey the emotion with his tone and expressions as well.


It was a small little debate with the three of them on which seats they would take and Jaeyun ended it by saying that they'll be taking seats 4 to 6 with him sitting at seat #4. He wanted seat #1 but he didn't want to leave his brother's side especially knowing how anxious the boy gets. He actually ranks himself as a C. He knows what his limits and capabilities are and him seeing how talented Byungwoo is having more experience than he and his brother combined set the bar pretty high for him.

HELLO THERE, JAEYUN, WOULD YOU MIND TELLING ME WHAT YOU SEE AS YOUR STRENGTH FOR BEING AN IDOL? "Confidence. I see it as the most important part of being an Idol. Without it, all your skills mean nothing."


WHAT IS THE CONCEPT YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF THE BEST AT? "y. Without a doubt. Though I do also like doing anthem concepts, you know the party songs with a lot of edm."


IS THERE ANYTHING NEW YOU WANT TO TRY ON THE SHOW? "If I survive long enough, then I'd like to explore my own vocal skills cause apparently the vocals all went to my younger brother Jaewon." he chuckles at the end of his sentence.


HOW DO YOU SEE PRODUCE 101? "It's a bridge for trainees to gain more experience about being idols. An opportunity to show the world what I can do and what my worth is."


WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE BY PARTICIPATING IN THIS SHOW? "Fame and that I'm more than just a pretty face."


HOW DO YOU ACT IN A GROUP? DO YOU TAKE THE LEADING ROLE OR DO YOU PREFER TO SIT BACK? "I'm usually the guy who lets other people lead because I can follow instructions properly but if no one really wants to lead, then I'll do it."


WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? WE'RE PRODUCE, WE NEED MOTTOS. "Believe that you're the best and they'll believe it too."


AND LASTLY, PLEASE WRITE SOMETHING INSPIRATIONAL. (for the editors to edit on the screen when you audition) "I wanna show you all that I can do so much more."

COMPANY Void Entertainment




PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE The only experience he's had is modelling ever since he was young and that one performance that was mentioned in his background.

LAST COMMENTS Hello hello! It's ya boi mistah ayayron back at it again with the apps. Here is my magnificent conceited boiiiiii



- Something like Queendom's "Fandora's Box" wherein fans send in songs or performances they want the contestants to perform and the contestants choose what they want to perform. It's all about the fans.
- A lot of stages cause a single stage can't possibly encompass a trainees talents.

-Cheetah complimenting someone for their rapping but not him. He just gets the "Ok, good."
-Possibly him stopping his conceitedness as character development.
-Him being forced to become the group's main vocalist and Jaeyun having to go to his brother for help cause he is genuinely afraid that he would mess things up. Also the first time Jaewon would see his brother having no self-confidence.
-Visual Ranking
-Can we get dance and vocal rankings too? Like the same thing with how the Visual rankings go, contestants just choose who they feel fits the title.



PASSWORD Invictus (인빅터스)



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Oh! I think I forgot one thing in the cheatsheet... you're only allowed to pick a single talent twin! I'm sorry D:
oh yes