replace with fc. 134x200

Lian Yahui

Name. Lian Yahui 莲雅惠


Hui / Similar nicknames include Li and Ya. They´re just nicknames made up from his name. They´re also easier to pronounce than his name which can be hard for some people.

Quiet kid / Because he´s reserved Yahui is quite and this has caused some people to dub him "the quiet kid" or "the quiet one"


Birthdate. August 3rd, 1996

Birthplace. Guangzhou, China

Hometown. Guangzhou, China

Nationality. Chinese

Ethnicity. Chinese


Cantonese & mandarin / Fluent / Growing up in Guangzhou where they speak both Mandarin and Cantonese has caused Yahui to be bilingual and as such he´s fluent in both languages
English / Advanced (50%) / He´s taken English in school all throughout his life. He´s steady enough to hold a fairly difficult conversation in the language but he´s not fluent. Not even close.
Korean / - / 


Faceclaim. Qian Kun (NCT/WayV member)

Backup. Wáng Xīnyû/Xin (Varsity member)


Height. 179 cm



Yahui posses a strange type of beauty that can be hard to describe. He isn´t necessarily traditionally beautiful by Korean standards. Rather his looks scream "boyfriend material" and "you could take me home to meet your parents". His looks scream sweetheart. He posses a natural, soft beauty that can only be described as quite rare. He´s not as skinny as a lot of other trainees and idols but he also isn´t overweight or even close.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus.


Personality traits. Self-aware, sensitive, reserved, emotionally honest, creative, personal, moody, self-conscious, feels disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living, melancholic, self-indulgent, and self-pitying.

Yahui maintains his identity by seeing himself as fundamentally different from others. He feels that he is unlike other human beings, and consequently, that no one understands him or loves them adequately. He sees himself as uniquely talented, possessing special, one-of-a-kind gifts, but also as uniquely disadvantaged or flawed. He is acutely aware of and focused on his personal differences and deficiencies. He´s honest with himself: he owns all of his feelings and looks at his motives, contradictions, and emotional conflicts without denying or whitewashing them. He doesn´t always like what he discovers, but he doesn´t try to rationalize his states, nor does he try to hide them from himself or others. He´s not afraid to see himself “warts and all.” He´s willing to reveal highly personal and potentially shameful things about himself because he´s determined to understand the truth of his experience—so that he can discover who he is and come to terms with his emotional history. This ability enables Yahui to endure suffering with a quiet strength. His familiarity with his own darker nature makes it easier for him to process painful experiences that might overwhelm others. Nevertheless, Yahui feels he´s missing something in him, although he has difficulty identifying exactly what that “something” is. Is it will power? Social ease? Self-confidence? Emotional tranquility?—all of which he sees in others, seemingly in abundance. In reality Yahui is unsure about aspects of his self-image—his personality or ego-structure itself. He feels that he lacks a clear and stable identity, particularly a social persona that he feels comfortable with. Yahui feels uncertain about who he really is. The problem is that he bases his identity largely on his feelings. When he looks inward he sees a kaleidoscopic, ever-shifting pattern of emotional reactions. Indeed, he accurately perceives a truth about human nature—that it is dynamic and ever changing. But because he wants to create a stable, reliable identity from his emotions, he attempts to cultivate only certain feelings while rejecting others. Some feelings are seen as “me,” while others are “not me.” By attempting to hold on to specific moods and express others, Yahui believes that he is being true to himself. One of the biggest challenges he faces is learning to let go of feelings from the past; he tends to nurse wounds and hold onto negative feelings about those who have hurt him. He becomes so attached to longing and disappointment that he is unable to recognize the many treasures in his life.

While it is true that Yahui feels different from others, he doesn´t really want to be alone. He´s socially awkward and self-conscious, but he deeply wishes to connect with people who understand him and his feelings. He longs for someone to come into his life and appreciate the secret self that he has privately nurtured and hidden from the world. But because such validation has remained out of reach, Yahui has begun to build his identity around how unlike everyone else he is. He comforts himself by becoming an insistent individualist: everything must be done on his own, in his own way, on his own terms. His mantra is “I am myself. Nobody understands me. I am different and special,” while he secretly wishes he could enjoy the easiness and confidence that others seem to enjoy. He has problems with a negative self-image and chronically low self-esteem. He attempts to compensate for this by cultivating a Fantasy Self—an idealized self-image which is built up primarily in his imagination. As long as he believes that there is something fundamentally wrong with him, he cannot allow himself to experience or enjoy his many good qualities. To acknowledge his good qualities would be to lose his sense of identity (as a suffering victim) and to be without a relatively consistent personal identity. He could really grow by learning to see that much of his story is not true—or at least it is not true anymore. The old feelings begin to fall away once he stops telling himself his old tale: it is irrelevant to who he is right now.



Phasellus maximus eu mi non semper. Mauris malesuada diam elit, id dignissim lorem rhoncus sed. Fusce nisl diam, aliquam in tellus vitae, vulputate luctus nisl. Nunc ipsum lorem, rutrum malesuada euismod et, convallis eu enim. Mauris hendrerit turpis velit, ac fermentum enim facilisis sit amet. Phasellus quis massa orci. Maecenas molestie massa ac mauris consectetur sodales. Sed eget est et est blandit volutpat. Vestibulum scelerisque justo non maximus sollicitudin. Nam ut sollicitudin dolor. Suspendisse suscipit dignissim justo, a pretium nisi feugiat eget. Nunc interdum id mauris et accumsan.



Likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, trivia, etc.




Relation / Name / Age / Occupation / Personality / Relationsip with character
Relation / Name / Age / Occupation / Personality / Relationsip with character
Relation / Name / Age / Occupation / Personality / Relationsip with character


Stage Name. Yahui


Talent Twin. DPR Live (Hongjoong of Ateez)


Trainee years. Here

Trainee Life.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo. Vestibulum posuere ligula at dolor placerat, id bibendum nulla laoreet. Fusce molestie leo urna, eu sagittis nisi semper aliquet.


Previous Activities.

Year / Activity

Year / Activity



Year / True/False / Scandal 

Year / True/False / Scandal


Hello! Could you please introduce yourself? 

I´m Yahui, 22 and I rap. I´m one of the Chinese trainees on the show. Oh and I´m under Unite Media.

Why did you decide to audition for International Idol? 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien.

What was your audition song? 

Text Me.


What do you believe sets you apart from the other contestants? 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien.


What skill or skills are you most confident in?

My rap


If given the chance, what skill would you like to show off and if that skill wasn't available for whatever reason, what other skill would you pick? 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien.


What concepts do you prefer and what ones don't you like?  

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien.


If you were in a group with a concept you didn't like and were given the chance to switch to one with a concept that suits you better, would you switch or stay with your group? 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien.


What amount of members do you think the winning group should have?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien.

If you won, how do you think you would react?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien.

And on the other side of that, if you lost, how do you think you would react?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien.


Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to your mentors, other contestants or the audience?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien.

Thank you for participating in our interview today! We wish you the best of luck!


Love Interest's Name

Backup. Here



Eam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo. Vestibulum posuere ligula at dolor placerat, id bibendum nulla laoreet. Fusce molestie leo urna, eu sagittis nisi semper aliquet.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Love Story.

Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo.


Status. Here.

Ending status. Here. 



Relationship trivia here.


replace with fc. 134x200


Comments/questions. I´m so whipped for Kun so I just had to make a Chinese kid for you using him as the faceclaim.

Suggestions. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo. Vestibulum posuere ligula at dolor placerat, id bibendum nulla laoreet. Fusce molestie leo urna, eu sagittis nisi semper aliquet.

Password. Here. 



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Hi again Ninna! Thanks for applying again! Let's get right into your review.

First off I just have to say how nice it is to see someone from somewhere I have never really seen used for an applyfic before! It’s refreshing to see a character from Fiji! Everything else also seems really good, there is just one small thing I would like you to add. You mention Jihun’s sister and she seems to play a large art in Jihun’s life so I would love if you could her into Jihuns relationship section! Other than that Jihun is perfect! So just add that and I would be more than happy to accept him! Thank you for applying.
Hey there Ninna! Thank's for applying for International Idol. I'll keep your review short and sweet as it is a little late and let you know that there was no issues with your application and that Akihito has been accepted! Thanks for applying!