D'One ➊ Kol ➐ Mr.King


golden-blood • sun • cheatsheet turn in


임 영진

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnameIm Yeongjin / 임 영진


— Yeongjin : cause frankly, he's not all that into nicknames in the first place. If you attempt to call him something, he'll correct you with, "It's Yeoungjin to you." 
— Kol : the only other name he'll allow you to call him is Kol, his stage name. 

birthday December 04, 1995
birthplace Seoul, SK
hometown Seoul, SK
ethnicity Korean
languages spoken

— Korean : native tongue, born and raised speaking it. 
— English : he "claims" to know the language because he does! he can speak it, read it, write it, understand it, even. the only reason he learned the language to perfection is because compared to s who know other languages, he's only got korean and english under his sleeve. being the leader, he has to be the spokesperson. 

face claim Oh Sehun
back up face claim Jeon Wonwoo
height & weight 182 cm & 72kg


— Yeongjin is pretty tall and toned. He works out on a daily so he doesn't look all that lanky. His hair is naturally light bown and wavy, but with the help of stylists and money, its always dyed one color or another and striaght. If he had it his way, he wouldn't use make up but he can see just how much livelier it makes him look. He has naturally brown eyes and lashes for days though he won't ever admit to it. He has a beauty mark on his right shoulder, and a scar on his right calve from a time he went to the beach and a can was jammed there but it's alright! It doesn't hurt anymore but he's got a cool scar to remember it by. 

On the inside of his right middle finger, he has a tattoo that says, "If I hadn't met you", and on his left middle finger, he has the tattoo "IV.XII.MMXV." These are the only tattoo's he has and it's in reference to the day he met Angela. 


— When it comes to style, it's literally all or nothing for him. He can either be fully put together or not at all. There is no in between and it mostly depends on his mood and schedule. If he has a schedule that doesn't require him to put in too much effort into it, there's a chance he'll just sport sunglasses, a hat and face mask along with more casual styled clothes but if his day is laced with events, then that calls for a visit to his stylists. 


sagittarius, lawful-good, ravenclaw

personality traits passionate, determined, hard-working, loyal, organized, hot-headed, impatient, phlegmatic


— For starters, Yeongjin has made a pact to always finish what he starts. When he knew music was his passion, he fought long and hard to make it come true and he will always do so for as long as he has the intensity for it. He won't take rejection as a sign to quit, as he will usually just do his best to be better for the next time. He'll prove anybody wrong, if you give him the chance to do so. And as a leader, passion and determination courses through his veins. He wants his group to succeed and he'll sacrifice what he has to in  order to make sure his group mates are where they need to be in regards to punctuality and focus. 

It's been noted, time and time again that Yeongjin always put his friends and fmaily before him. If something comes up, he's probably the first to know since he's been good at reading people for the majority of his life. He can tell when people are off and when they need their space, or when they just need a hug or shoulder to cry on. He doesn't really judge either, so whether you tell him or not, he won't go digging for answers. He'll know only what you tell him and he'll give you the advice that seems best for the moment. He's somebody that his friends can rely on. 

Besides that, Yeongjin is a neat-freak. He likes for things to be as he leaves them, and to have everything listed in his calander for the day. He makes little notes over details to go over for a later date, or he always makes sure that things are just neat. He can't stand seeing something out of place. 

Lesser said, Youngjin is quite hard to upset but say the right things and you'll end up penetrating his ticking time bomb. He tends to get crazy when he's angry, all his cool, calm and collectiveness goes out the window. He becomes rash, and says or does things he doesn't mean. Furthermore, he's also really impatient. He hates waiting around with nothing to do so waiting in lines at the store or waiting in traffic really gets to him. He ends up making phone calls to distract himself or just doesn't go out altogether. 

It's weird to hear all that when at other times he can be completely fine because there are also times where he'll get other people mad for being perfectly calm and unmoved by events happening around him. When tense situations arise, he's the one who calms others down, but sometimes there are things people would like him to react to, and there is no reaction. It causes discord among the group, because they think he doesn't take things seriously. Yet, he's so calm because he does take EVERYTHING serious. He's the group leader after all. 



— When he was a child, Yeongjin along with his twin sister Yeoungmin experienced their first love in the form of music. Their mother would always play music for them when they woke, when she prepared their meals, when they sat to eat, when they were outside playing, when they were put down for their naps, when they were sad, when they were happy. Their lives revolved around it, like they lived in some type of musical. It wasn't a surprise that when they started their path down to learn musical instruments that they were good at it. In fact, their parents were colored impressed by it but there was never a thought that pursuing music was an option for thieir twins. 

In fact, the twins even excelled in school. They were in the top percentile, reaching middle school. And though they pretended that music was a hobby, it was much more than that. In middle school, the twin's lives deviated from each other as they gained their own friends and took up after school activities. Sure, Yeongjin always dropped his sister off at her events and picked her up from them as well, but he didn't mingle in her life the way she didn't intertwine herself in his. They grew apart for some time, but what alway brought them back together was their love of music. 

Their love of music is what brought them into the industry in the first place. 


— Before signing with Pledis, he had auditioned for companies like ZB, Kakao M, Mystic Story and YG. 
— He has a female boston terrier named midnight.
— He has a love and adoration for classical rock music. 
— While auditioning for ZB, he met and had a small conversation with AleXa, and that sparked their relationship. 
— He never wastes a second to update his fans (and others) about his sister's upcoming debut. He's her number one fan. 
— His favorite color is Opal.
— here
— here


— parents • Im Wonwoo & Im Younah / 52 & 48 (respectively) / Wonwoo is a defense lawyer whilst Younah is a businesswoman / 4 out of 5
Yeongjin's parents are his main source of support. They always believed that he could do anything he put his mind to and they were a big help in acheiveing those dreams. Whenever he has a chance to show them how thankful he is for them, he does. They're the first people he always thanks when he recieves an award and yeah, he's extremely soft around them or when they're mentioned. He'll go all agro and cry about them on reality shows. #nojoke

— twin sister • Im Yeongmin/ 25 / Idol Trainee / loquacious, animated, active, charismatic, clumsy, impulsive, gullible / 5 out of 5 
When he found out that his twin sister had the same dreams he did, he went out of his way to help her out. They were each others rock. Along with his parents, Yeongjin gets soft whenever his baby sister is invovled. They meet up very often when their schedules allow it. 

— best friend • Kim Seri; Alex Christine; AleXa / 24 / Solo Artist / 5 out of 5
Having passed the first part of auditions for her company, Yeongjin was able to meet her, but sadly he didn't pass the final part of the auditions and was pulled out from under ZB's grip. Still, the take away from that experience was meeting Alex. They became quick frineds after clicking right away. Because Alex has such a bright and bubbly personality, he found himself gravitating toward her. Alex, being his best friend knows pretty much everything about him, and vice versa. He attends all her live's and sends her flowers or tokens of appreciation very often and they meet when their schedules allow it. 

— best friend • Lee Namwoo (aka handsome squad) / 24 / Model / 5 out of 5
Yeongjin met Namwoo throughout is trainee days. Namwoo was going to become an idol at first and the two of them got off pretty well. They lived in the same area too, so it was easy for them to walk home together and furthermore, got to know each other. When Namwoo switched to become a model, Yeongjin was sad, but it made sense actually. They stayed as bestfriends and hang out VERY often considering they still work for the same company. 

— group mate • Im Jeongbin / 22 /  D'One Member / kxmjonggi knows this character best / 4 out of 5 
Yeongjin met Jeongbin when they were trainee's. They quickly became the "Im Brothers", after they found out that they would be in the same group together. Because they're in the same group, they hand out quite often and even teas each other. 


stage name Kol
persona Dark Horse
position Leader, Main Rapper, Vocalist
trainee years Five Years, Eight Months

— From a young age, Yeongjin had an affinity with music. He learned how to play the piano when he was six, and guitar by age eight. Having mastered both instruments by the time he was twelve, he learned violin and cello. Yeongjin's family never really though music was a suitable career path. They thought going off to train or become a musician wasn't something to be proud of, so when Yeongjin got scouted when he was sixteen, they told the scouters no off the bat. There was no way their son would train day and night to become an idol when in the top fifteenth percentile of his class. They wanted to believe that he had a future in anything but music, but at last, when he turned eighteen, the choice to pursue a music career was his. 

His parents were furious, but the second they saw how pleased he was with life after he'd gotten into a company really changed them and how they saw this playing out. It's like watching him made them think that he could actually do this and be really good at it. 

After graduation, his parents decided that if he was going to pursue music, he had to have some good coaches. So they aided him in attending vocal and dance classes. He quickly learned that singing wasn't best suited for him, but found a quick love for poetry and rapping. Through his vocal coach, he developed his own rap and dance styles and techniques that aided him in his auditions. Sometime after his nineteenth birthday, he was chosen to become a trainee under Pledis. 


love interest Angela Li (fc: andy blossom)
back up love interest none


— Though Angela looks pretty intimidating at first glance, she is anything but. Angela is open-minded and welcomes the people around her with open arms. She is cheerful, and has a great aura surrounding her. She lives her life to the fullest, and always has. When a chance arises for her she takes it because she knows that life is short, and she should do what she can while she can. Angela has been known to have a short-temper though and that results in her hot-headedness. If she disagree's she'll let you know without filter. Fights with her don't usually go well so it's best to let her go off for a while to sort her thoughts out because if there's one thing she's known for, it's apologizing. She knows when she's done something wrong and she's big enough to admit it. 

love story

— Yeongjin met Angela when he was on vacation in Taiwan. He definitely isn't the type of person who believes in love at first sight but he did have to admit that meeting Angela was a lot like that.

He happened to be passing by a shop she worked at when she caught his eye. It wasn't unusual to see a lady, what was more unusual was that despite her being breathtakingly gorgeous, she wore her tattooed body proudly. She was striaght out of her dreams. He'd managed to go out of his way to ask about what she was selling, but he had virtually no chance when his mandarin was terrible. However, he grew luckier when she tried communicating with him in English. That's where he'd thanked himself for busting his off learning English.

He learned that her name was Angela, and she'd been working there for over a year. There was no time she was going to leave the job anytime soon considering how much she enjoyed it. It was useful information that would come in handy when he went by the next day. He'd felt stupid that he didn't even get her number the day before. However, when he learned she wasn't working that day, he'd go every day after that until he came across her, and when he did, it was also the day he was taking off back to Seoul. Trainee life had been calling to him. 

Angela had been skeptical about giving out her number to a stranger, but after clearing the air, she switched social media handles with him and they communicated through social media before they actually ended up swaping numbers severall months later. 

No matter what he did or where he was, Angela was always the person that was on his mind. Their relationship was slow and steady and comfortable, most of all. They didn't see each other considering she lived in Taiwan, and him in Seoul but they did visit each other at least once every other month. When they got together, it was like no time had gone by between them, they always picked up right where they left off. 


— Though they act much like a couple, their relationship isn't really defined by a label. They're comfortable with not labeling it but they're also very commited and loyal to each other. Perhaps, once he's more stable in his career as an idol, he will finally make a more permanent move. 

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment Honestly, Its been a HOT MINUTE since I was able to come up with an application this quick. I had a lot of fun making this character so I hope you like him c: I'm looking forward to the story. 

scene requets

— Special stages with other groups. 
— Maybe the boys could get their own reality show?
— Bromances among the group
— here

password Simple or this really. 



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