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birthnameLee Gayoon


✩ byeontae (변태) - only the group members call her this since she "enjoys" going around poking their cleavage and commenting on their 's (refer to the habit section)
"what? i can't help it. i know a good looking person when i see one."
✩ Food Queen - this is a popular nickname amongst her fans because she's always caught eating something. 
✩ here
✩ here

birthday October 28, 1996 
birthplace Seongnam, South Korea
hometown Seongnam, South Korea
ethnicity Korean
languages spoken

✩ korean - fluent - native tongue. born and raised speaking it.
✩ english -  semi-fluent - gayoon picked up this language at school; and she can read it. 
✩ chinese - conversational - gayoon learned this language throughout her trainee years. she can only speak it conversationally.
✩ here

face claim Kang Jiwon
back up face claim Jeongha
height & weight 170cm & 50kg


✩ Overall, Gayoon has a round face and a pale complexion when compared to her sister, gahyeon's. She has long, straight brunette hair that stops mid-back and piercing amber-like orbs. Her body type is slightly pear shaped; her hips are several inches wider than her shoulder length, but she has a full rack and backside. Much unlike her sister, Gayoon has a slight kink on her ears that make them look slightly elf-like. Gayoon has only one tattoo on the underside of her right wrist that reads, "love". She has multiple peircings on either ear ( left | right ). 


✩ If the coordinator isn't dressing her, Gayoon settles for hip hop stylized clothes; something that's easy to move around in and is overall comfortable.  ( gallery )



personality traits
+ : charismatic, optimistic, debonair, daring, perfectionist, liberal, witty.
o : cautious, ambitious, solemn.
- : rebellious, blunt, sly, imprudent, quirky, steely, unrestrained.

— when it comes to being charismatic, it's because she loves being on stage, and doing what she loves, gayoon is seen as a goddess or spokesperson of the group. no matter what she does, if she has flaws or not, she looks graceful, and she gives off an aura that makes you want to belive she can do anything. she is confident in her skills and personality that she casts a confident and charming side to her. it's hard to look away. however, gayoon refuses to accept anything less than perfection. she dedicates herself to work day and night to produce results that are as perfect as can be. if it's anything less, she will not accept that of herself. because she decided to become a member of a girl group, she was also re-trained in etiquitte, seeing as she didn't have much of it, so now she's more dignified and orderly. it catches the attention of k-netz and dispatch to see such a dignified idol. however, its quite obvious that gayoon likes to do things on her own accord. she's daring in ways you couldn't imagine, and doesn't think much about the consequences. this is bound to get her into a whole bunch of trouble with her company, however, since she still has lots to learn, they won't get rid of her so easily. shes apart of the team just as much as any other member. when gayoon does things she does them because she half knows that she wont get into much trouble for what she does. she stays away from incidents that would cause major setbacks for her.  

gayoon has always had an open mind. she is able to accept new idealistics, ideas and opinions. this makes her accessible to her group members whenever they need somebody to talk to. on top of that, gayoon has quick and inventive verbal humor. you can definitely have a great time with her quick remarks and hilarious comments. she can quote just about any movie up until the 70's as a remark. and when the going gets tough, gayoon doesn't skip straight to the bad thoughts, she likes to think of all the good things before she shifts over to hopelessness. if there is no hope in the group, she'll give it to them, because she's probably the most optimistic of he bunch anyway. gayoon knows what she wants in life. as good as gayoon can appear or be, she's also got a sharp tongue. you can often times see her standing, arms crossed over her chest giving you a very blunt comment on your outfit, or how the hair doesn't match you at all. on a good day, she can tell you what you need to hear and it won't affect you at all, rather it would help you more than you could ever imagine. then there are times when you get on her bad side, gayon comes up with gruesome, and evil filled ideas to get back at you. she doesn't belive in mercy once you've given her no mercy yourself. there isn't much you can do to redeem yourself, but she likes the effort. 

gayoon is very cautious when it comes to her personal life and who she is in general. she keeps her family issues to herself. she belives that revealing them to the public, she'd be throwing her entire life away, as everybody needs to have some sort of private life away from the cameras. gayoon doesn't want to put her family in the spotlight, because she struggles with it and gayoon wants to succeed and give back to her mom so badly that she'd do just about anything to push herself further. because she's a perfectionist, she makes it so. this isn't bad, but it's definitely not good since sometimes she can over work herself to exhaustion. 


— Lee Gayoon was born to minjin and junhui on october 28. Since her birth, there was always something special about Gayoon. She was very talkative and aware of what was going on around her. She had various friends growing up, and school was pretty easy for her, being the talkative/active child. And even moreso when they welcomed her younger sister Gahyeon. She was over the moon to meet her little sister, and teach her everything she knew. Their parents had no trouble raising them since Gayoon usually stayed out of trouble, and helped them out with Gahyeon. It was at a young age that Gayoon found her calling for music. She signed up for piano classes and tap dancing at the age of six; where she later spread her wings to learn percussion and cello. She had dropped dance altogether to focus her life on drumming. Her love for music spread heavily throughout the household, as even her little sister started her journey toward music. On free days and weekends, the two siblings would make their way to noraebang/karaoke to get their vocal's working.

Together, Gayoon and Gahyeon worked for their dream amongst their workload and school to focus on. With the support of their parents, Gahyeon and Gayoon were able to advance in their own career paths. However, Gayoon and Gahyeon tore paths as soon as Gayoon secured a spot in Winselton. For a while, this created a rift between Gayoon and her sister. They were supposed to go at it together, but Gayoon chose to be a rockc star. Truth be told, Gayoon never imagined herself as an idol, so it surprised even her when she got scouted for her vocal skills that even she had forgotten she had in her.


✩ anime (yep, she's quite the otaku)
✩ bubble tea
✩ composing music, especially with her knowledge in instruments.
✩ learning new things
✩ traveling
✩ music (any and all kinds)
✩ foods and pastries
✩ performing
✩ her fans and interacting with them


✩ oversleeping
✩ long skin care routines
✩ being on a diet
✩ the colors orange, brown, yellow, and green. "they're disgusting on their own".
✩ disloyalty, dishonesty
✩ wearing too much make-up
✩ having her choices made for her
✩ being scolded for something that others do
✩ being kept waiting 


✩ if the other members are wearing something revealing, she will go up to their cleavage and poke at it, or admire their if the outfit they're wearing is flattering.
✩ biting down on her lip when she's deep in thought
✩ when she's nervous, her fingers have a certain tick (she runs her thumb over her knuckles several times; and it's hard to notice if you don't know her very well).
✩ she chomps on her lips like crazy when she's bored and gets scolded for not taking care of her "beautiful" lips.


✩ interacting with her fans
✩ donating to charities/setting up charity streams 
✩ composing music
✩ listening to music (she would listen to music all day if she could)
✩ training/practicing
✩ walking around playing random tunes on her ukulele


✩ she has a unique theme song for each member on ukulele that she wrote herself, and she plays it anytime the members are around.
✩ gayoon is left handed but does various activities right handed.
✩ her favorite foods are italian and japanese cuisine.
✩ her favorite type of music is visual kei.
✩ she can play electric guitar, bass guitar, and drums as well as cello and ukulele.
✩ she has a secret youtube channel (of course, it's not so secret), even though she's not supposed to have one. (She uses it for benefits/charities).
✩ her favorite color is rose gold.
✩ she loves sneaking out in the middle of the night to meet up with friends/lovers (?) and she'll do it with or without the members.
✩ she loves reading comics, her favorite comics being marvel and her favorite to read is spideypool or deadpool.
✩ she is currently studying musical education in university
✩ she's totally into rock bands and even wanted to be a kick- guitarist in a metal/rock band. 
✩ her favorite bands are sleeping with sirens, black veil brides, pierce the veil, him, cky, iggy pop, the used and afi along with tokio hotel. 
✩ her favorite visula kei band is mejibray.
✩ she owns a rose gold iphone 7 plus, mac book and beats. ( i ). this is her phone case 
✩ she's covered afi's "miss murder" on bass, guitar and drums.
✩ she's obsessed with tim burton things and has various collections dedicated to it.
✩ openly supports lgbt+


✩ sister  • lee gahyeon / 18 / idol (dreamcatcher) / hard-working, cheerful, stubborn, outgoing, intelligent / 3 out of 5
they used to be really close growing up since they had the same goals and dream, but the moment gayoon chose to join an actual band over becoming an idol with her, it drove a rift between them. No longer did they keep up with keeping in contact, and since gahyeon's life became a lot busier, they stopped seeing each other. it was like they were complete strangers. Even after Gayoon was announced as a member of auralize, gahyeon hasn't reached out. Now that they're both in the industry, their relationship is nothing more than a siblings rivalry. 

✩ best friend - carina irwin (20) / idol trainee/ personality traits / 4 out of 5
although they have a difference of two years in age, and carina might not see it the way gayoon does, gayoon feels like carina is the closest thing she has in the music industry besides her younger sister. Gayoon may have entered the company before Carina, but it didn't stop them from becoming friends. Over the time they've spent together, Gayoon's learned how to stay out of Carina's bad side, and devotes her time to making sure her friend is always on the "better side of the bed". 

✩ best friend- heo joongki (24) / winselton's frontman & vocalist / charming, condifent, sweet, selfless  / 5 out of 5 / fc: kang minhyuk
from the second joongki had seen her shred upon her guitar, he knew she was the one that would fit in with winselton perfectly. although he'd have to make various arangements for her because of her age, there was no doubting how far winselton would go with her. And ever since the day she was accepted into the band, he acted as an older brother for her. he brought her food when she needed it, made sure she was healthy and always had a roof over her head. 

✩ friend - nam wonho (22) / winselton's guitarist / energetic, talkative, random, clumsy / closeness / fc: shin jiho
wonho is the life of winselton. it's like he darts off the walls. gayoon think's he's pretty funny, and she's not bothered very much that he talks a lot. she's pretty comfortable around him and things of him as the second brother she never had. although...the realtionship she has with wonho is nothing like the one she has with joongki, since wonho doesn't really check up on her; he's more of the "mess with my little sister and i'll mess with you" type. joongki is too sweet to go ham on anybody.

✩ friend - tachibana kaede (24) / winselton's bassist / creative, imaginative, quiet, observant / 3 out of 5 / fc: risa nakamura
although kaede hardly talks, gayoon finds it rather easy to talk to kaede. kaede listens and notices when things around her aren't how they should be. and oddly, even though their the most distant winselton members, gayoon know just what kaede's thinking, and that she's got the biggest crush on wonho, just by the way she smiles at his lame jokes. 

✩ friend - clarissa clark (20) / winselton's keyboardist / stubborn, wise, fiery, firm / 4 out of 5/ fc: sarah sorceress
because clarissa is wise, whenever gayoon had any problem, she'd go to her. she trusted clarissa with her life, because she was the type of person who would make sure that the person in the wrong knew they were wrong so that the situation wouldn't repeat itself. 



stage name G-Yoon
persona name Sleeping Beauty / The Trickster

trainee years— 4 years, 7 months

trainee life

✩ Gayoon was scoouted after securing second place in a vocal contest. She was hesitant because she didn't want to stop playing with her band (winselton), but they assured her that they'd always be around, and the position was always going to be hers when she wanted to come back. So with a heavy heart, she packed her bags and moved into the company dorm rooms for trainees. Right off the bat, people disliked her because she wasn't idol material at all. She had the biggest eyes, and dressed in street/hip hop clothing. Gayoon was skinny and...disgraceful in terms of personality. But the company was well aware of that when they signed her on as a trainee. She went through varioius etiquette and vocal classes to begin with. It was nothing too hard until they placed her into dance classes. That's where she really struggled. She complained a lot, and her poor limbs always felt like falling off. These were times she begged her band to take her back, but they wouldn't have her. They pushed her to do her best and that she'd be happy when everything fell into place. Thanks to them, she pushed through it but continued to gain "haters" for being herself. 

Luckily for her, she was able to meet one true friend whom she could be herself with; Carina. Gayoon would never have made it out of trainee life alive without Carina. They pushed through their trainee life and both made it into the line-up.

pre-debut experiences

✩ She was in a band prior to becoming a trainee. She was the drummer; and the band was called "winselton". (she was in the band for four years / age: 14 - 18) Winselton is where she learned how to play instruments for the first time.
✩ Second place at a local vocal competition (it's what she got scouted for). She only managed to do it because she'd lost a dare to her and members.


✩ Auralize's G-Yoon and Dreamcatcher's Gahyeon || Sometime after her teaser is released dispatch finds evidence that the two are realted. Both companies confirm it.
✩ Auralize's G-Yoon finds herself a Match in Heaven via her Member's relative. || This article shames G-Yoon for being seen with Ashton Irwin, who is her members relative. Her fans, however back her up. || You can decide whether or not the company will address the situation or not


love interest Ashton Irwin
back up love interest None

✩ Hes closest to an ENFJ but i mean come on; He's Ashton Freaking Irwin. I'm more than sure you know him just as well as I do, if not better. (': #preciousdrummer

love story

✩ As of the beginning of the story, i'm sure none of them are aware the other exists. They meet when and only when Carina brings them around/meets up with 5SOS that she get's introduced to Ash. Of course, it's love at first sight for Gayoon, but she can't ever bring herself to say it. 

✩ The way I see it, is that Gayoon is absolutely head-over-heels in love with this guy. If he's ever around, she's got ton's of butterflies flying around her stomach, and she turns into a clumsy mess, who always seems to embarass her self. Carina would definitely know though, since it's rare to see Gayoon like a wreck. I feel like Ashton wouldn't make fun of her for it though, he'd let it slide, he'd be kind, and play off her clumsy manner with a comment about music or something. 


— Your Choice

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