GOLDEN-BLOOD • SUN • cheatsheet turn in



remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnameMoon Nari


— here

birthday December 11, 1997
birthplace Tokyo, Japan
hometown Harajuku, Japan
ethnicity Korean
languages spoken

— Korean + Korean is Nari's native tongue. She was born and raised to speak and understand it.
— Japanese + Having grown up and spent a handful of her time in Japan, Nari has adopted the language and can speak, read and write it like she was a native. 
— English + Nari does not excel in English. She can understand it more than she can speak it. She can hardly read it, much less write it.

face claim WJSN's Lee Luda/Luda
back up face claim Dreamcatchers Yoohyeon
height & weight in cm & kg

— here

fashion style

— here



— Nari presents herself with a very stoic kind of persona. Having been through a 'tragic' situation at the age of twelve, she shut out a lot of important people along with her gateway. This was of course, at the beginning of her career. Nothing phased her. Joy, fear, and sadness where nothing but words to her. She suffered with depression, but with the right help, she recovered splendidly. 

Her Stoic image hasn't completely left her, but she has indeed changed over time. She has learned to be more considerate to the people around her and she shows more emotion than she did when she started out.  She treats her closest friends with adoration and respect that they deserve. Her family is the most important thing to her, so she values them with all her heart. After all, she wouldn't be in the industry without them.  Nari speaks only when she needs to and enjoys observing everyone around her more than anything. She is quite good when telling when the other members are down about something.

Nari is said to be 'wiser than her years' but she doesn't seem to belive it one bit.  Nari also believes in giving back, so she donates most of her wealth to charities. She is a er for people who come begging to her, and can't really say no. She isn't very bubbly about it, but it is as it is. When around Nari, she doesn't give off a weird vibe given her persona, but rather an incredibely welcoming one.  She loves to enlighten people with her experiences, and is open to discuss just about anything.

Above all else, Nari is the type of person who treasures her fans as if they were a member of her family, and often rebels against her managers to show love to her fans. (Just for reference, almost everything in her room is something a fan gave her)


— Moon Nari was born and raised in Japan to an arranged couple by the names of Moon Jack and Kim Iseul. By this time, they had been five years married, and they were also at the point where they could finally accept each other as the others spouse. It was rather old fashioned, but the reason for their marriage was solely for their parent's sake. 

Iseul was a stay at home wife, while Jack was an interpreter, always on the move, and always busy, but Iseul prefered it that way in the beginning. It's how they'd come to love each other over time as well. Jack was a permanant translator in Japan for a while, even after Nari was born. Knowing six languages, he was consistant to teach his daughter the two main ones : Korean and Japanese. When Nari was six, he began to teach her English, but English had never been her strong suit. When Nari turned Eight, her mother had gone back to school overseas as a Fashion Major. Jack spent most days and afternoons with his daughter, and took her on trips her mother would never let her go on, it had become their little secret.

Nari spent a lot of time around performers, and actors thanks to her fathers translating job, and at first, Nari was in love and so awestruck with all the stars in her life, But as time went on, and as she spent more and more time on the scene, she came to learn that being in the center of attention had both it's pros and cons. She watched and lived along with one of her role models, through thick and thin, even through death.

In a way, Nari's best friend was said to have died of depression but it was actually because of the unbareable stress the media caused her. From that moment on, Nari had vowed to stay away from the light that her friend loved so. However, people who knew Nari knew she had grown a stong attatchment to the stage. Nari being an idol was innevitable.

Her whole personality took a turn. Nari stopped showing up with her dad, and she faded from the minds of those she had come to be so very close to. She severed the bonds she'd made with all the people who worked with her father, and all the people who wanted to represent her. When she was Fifteen, her mother was scheduled to return to Korea for work, and the family moved back to Korea. It had officially been two years since her friend died, and twelve months without the stage. Nari became known as an 'Ice Princess' who showed no emotion toward the theatrical and performance geeks. Little did they know, she respected them a great deal, and wished the best for them.

She graduated school early, at the age of sixteen. It was a rainy day, she decided not to walk with her class, and instead made a trip to Tokyo, where her friends grave was. By chance, she happened to run into an old roadee she once knew. The roadee enlightened her a bit. She told Nari how her best friend lit the stage up, and how charismatic she was. The roadee said, "Tsuki would have wanted her to continue in her footsteps despite her brutal departure. She may have seemed like she hated it, but that wasn't the case. She had her own problems and she did a great job hiding it. I think Tsukiko would have encouraged you to be an idol des[ote her discord witht he media. Your voice is great, you have a unique look. And  you have something she never had." And the roadee was right. So, Nari did what she had to do. She went back to Korea with a new attitude.

The same speed she had to change her life the first time, was the same speed she used to change her life for the second time. She ventured out to seek potential managers and teachers to teach her what she was lacking performance wise. She auditioned for entertainments when she had the chance and gave it all she got for local talent shows. Her strongest point was singing, and dance. She began writing her own lyrics and presented them on her youtube channel as well as ocassional dance covers.


likes  peace and quie, playing violin, listening to music, exercising, meeting up with fans, jello/pudding, cheesecake, hot chocolate, decaf coffee, manga, anime, reading, learning new things, babies (she thinks the're adorable).
dislikes  innacuracy in pretty much anything/any content, being lied to, when people aren't taking things she has passions in seriously, caffeinated coffee, comedy shows and movies, over exposrue to sun. 
habits  sometimes confusing some japanese words with korean ones, knotting her cherry stems when she eats cherries, sticking her tongue out subconsiously when playing violin, singing in the shower, twirling her hair around her finger.
hobbies  violin, singing, dancing, scrap booking, reading.
fears  being or feeling alone, dying from a natural disaster, bugs.

— Her favorite color is gold
— The first song she learned to play on violin was Cannon in D Major
— She originally wanted to be a neonatal surgeon
— She learned how to play violin when she was six
— She has a boston terrier named rin
— Has been suspended from activities more than once on accounts of not doing what her managers tell her to do.
— Her favorite music genre is indie (artists like ashmute, giriboy, cherry coke, etc.)


— relation • name / age / occupation / personality traits / closeness
interactions briefly
— relation • name / age / occupation / personality traits / closeness
interactions briefly
— relation • name / age / occupation / personality traits / closeness
interactions briefly
— relation • name / age / occupation / personality traits / closeness
interactions briefly
— relation • name / age / occupation / personality traits / closeness
interactions briefly


stage name Moonie
persona Ice Princess

trainee yearsanswer

trainee life

— answer


— answer


— answer


love interest here
back up love interest here


— here

love story

— here


— here

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment hello

scene requets

— here
— here

password in the cheatsheet :)



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