New pain with old feelings

Loving some one who can't love you back. But they can become your closest friends. At some point you start to feel a pain in your chest that you want to stab it so bad so that it will stop. She was my sun that lit up my life and now I don't know anymore. Things get more complicated with her boyfriend as he is the possesive type, but he doesn't call me out directly, rather goes through her to get her to spend less time with me. Not that I was spending a lot of time with her to begin with. I should stop and move on right? she can't be mine, not as long as she loves him. I'm just lost, I don't want to leave her, I can't, I promised I wouldn't. Some time off maybe? get away for a while? can I really move on without her? she's the only person I can comfortably talk to. I don't really have anyone else. I don't know, this is stupid. I wish I didn't say anything back, I made this situation way worse than it needs to be.


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