« 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 88 » 後藤 翼。 




Full name : Goto Tsubasa (後藤 翼)

Alternate name(s) : N/A


✩ Gobasa; a combination of the first syllable of his surname + the last two of his given name, Anthos members sometimes call him this just to spite him lmao ("My name is NOT Gobasa!")
Tsubacchan; the kawaii form of his name, more used in affectionate contexts by fans or members


D.O.B : 20/05/1995
Birthplace : Tokyo, Japan
Hometown : Tokyo, Japan
Ethnicity : Japanese
Nationality : Japanese


Pronouns : he/him
Orientation : straight


Korean—conversational (receives lessons from his company, gets better over time on the show)

English—basic (the worst in English out of all of Anthos lmao, but strangely fluent in Japanglish...)


Faceclaim : Ishikawa Kaito [gallery]
Back-up : Kudo Shuhei

Height : 173cm
Weight : 70kg

Appearance : Tsubasa has a rather unique face, neither a visual hole nor traditionally good-looking by idol standards. He sometimes appears older than he really is, especially when he puts on a scowl or a dead expression. But when he breaks out of character and flashes a grin, his pinchable cheeks are highlighted. His body is certified thicc especially his arms and thighs, mainly muscle hiding beneath a thin layer of chub (dad bod? lol). In comparison to the average Japanese, he is also hairier than most.

If Tsubasa were to choose a charm point about himself, it would be his pouty lips (hence his signature :< face)


Fashion : Tsubasa has.....a questionable sense of style. He prefers comfort over looking chic, but he starts to make an effort to look decent throughout his time on Gen88.


getting to know

intp. taurus. slytherclaw.


- (+) funny/witty, determined (once pushed to motivation), humble, resilient, just
- (0) introverted, rational/logical, detached/apathetic, blunt, secretly emotionally sensitive
- (-) naturally a shut-in, pessimistic, stubborn, unconfident, messy


Tsubasa's...an interesting personality.


On one hand, how others perceive him (and even how he perceives himself) is just darkness. Cold. darkness.


However, he hides a lot more than he thinks. And if someone were to see past his mask, they would spot a gently glowing ray of light that's unfortunately been trapped by insecurity, inflicted by trauma of the past.


At his best, Tsubasa has the resilience to withstand all sorts of troubles that come his way. Even though he claims that "life has no meaning", somehow he finds the inner strength to give life a big fat middle finger to prove it wrong.


Most of his motivation is powered by anger. Anger at the injustice he felt he faced growing up. Anger at the people who wronged him. Anger at his circumstances, but at least by becoming an idol he's able to escape all the negativity directed at him all thoughout his life. He found his voice, his strength, and for once he is good at something.


Sometimes, to alleviate the dark cloud he feels like he's plagued by, he detracts the attention by making a fool of himself. Behind his 'dark' idol persona, Tsubasa's actually a silly little gremlin with a knack for entertainment. His mind runs quick (another strength of his that he's aware of) and he is able to keep himself & other people on their toes with all sorts of ridiculousness possible in the universe.


Also locked even further deep within, is a sensitive heart that feels a lot. Hence the reason why words mean a lot to Tsubasa, even though he tries his hardest not to look like he's bothered by any hurtful remarks, putting on a disinterested/apathetic demeanour. Ironically, Tsubasa is someone who values the blunt truth over buttering up words, so sometimes the way he expresses what he thinks might not be the most tactful.


When it comes to expressing how he feels though......Tsubasa's not honest with himself at all. Rarely does he ever cry, but in the rare occasion something good in life happens to him, he would feel so overwhelmed with pleasant surprise that he can't help but burst into tears, finally letting his body express his emotions honestly on his behalf.


In a nutshell, Tsubasa's parents were once famous in the Japanese arts/entertainment industry. His mother was a known child actress & model in the 70s-80s, who has now retired from the big screens but is focused on directing choir for the Tokyo Choral Association. His father, on the other hand, was a founding member of a Japanese jazz fusion band in the late 70s, but he passed away from esophageal cancer shortly after Tsubasa was born. His sister, older than him by 7 years, was a J-pop idol during the 2000s but retired from entertainment not long after to start a family, eventually moving to Hawaii permanently with her partner & son.


Tsubasa was always treated as the black sheep of the family for some unexplained reason growing up, even amongst his relatives & cousins, and Tsubasa can't help if the close gap between his birth & his father's death has anything to do with it. This, along with the fact that he was always seen as the 'chubby kid' since he was child, deteriorated the way he looked at himself and the little confidence he had.


At one point, during his early elementary school years, Tsubasa had an Ultraman phase and that inspired him to get into acting just like his mom. However, his dreams were crushed by her words when he told her this. "You still have a long way to go," she said. "Will you become a slim and ordinary actor, or will you become a very fat and typecasted actor?"


And when he wanted to pick up music, his father's relatives all looked down at him with disapproval, saying that he'll never be able to live up to the legend that is his father.


So, to Tsubasa, life felt pointless—he was never deemed good enough for anything, whether it is in the arts or academics. He never got why his sister was allowed to do want she wants, debuting as an idol (maybe she was more visually appealing, maybe she wasn't naturally chubby like he is??).


Feeling suffocated, his spiralling depression eventually caused him to completely drop out of high school when he was 16, leading to him getting kicked out of home after a severe argument with his mother. For many years, he was barely scraping by, trying to earn himself a living through odd jobs here and there. His employment never lasted long as there were days where he absolutely had no motivation or will to live; he only found momentary happiness through gaming, watching anime, reading manga, or even listening to music, etc.


When he was 20 though, during the beginning of 2016, he saw an online advertisement for auditions into AMG Production's newest project, a unique virtual 2.5D idol group that will incooperate K-pop style training, open to applicants both from Japan or Korea. The idea of being valued for his voice rather than anything to do with his physical appearance appealed to him greatly, and although the thought of audition felt daunting at first, Tsubasa was getting sick and tired of remaining stuck in his dark hole + wanted to prove his family wrong in his own way. In other words, Tsubasa quite literally went " it" and went ahead to submit his audition.


And from that time on, when he received the shocking news that he made it in, it was the first time Tsubasa ever felt any sense of accompliment or success.

✽ Proving people wrong
✽ Arguing/debating
✽ Making people laugh
✽ Satire humour
✽ Comedy genres

✽ Burgers


✽ Words of praise (even if he acts like he's allergic to it lmfao)

✽ Cooking

✽ Fizzy drinks

✽ Games, of any kind


✽ Unfair judgment
✽ People who try to piss him off
✽ Talking about his past
✽ Vegetables (unless if deep fried)
✽ Insects


✽ Mishearing words (he may or may not be hard of hearing without realising)
✽ Making deadpan jokes
✽ Raising his voice to get his point across (usually in a comedic way in order not to come off too aggressive/angry)
✽ Making weird faces in photos (or just whenever he's deeply thinking)
✽ Eating food quickly in large mouthfuls


✽ Video gaming
✽ Watching anime & reading manga
✽ Gym/muscle building
✽ Karaoke
✽ Cooking up a storm

✽ Reviewing burgers


✽ Being judged
✽ Horror houses
✽ Insects


Notable talents
✽ Tasting hidden ingredients in food
✽ Making gourmet level burgers/steaks
✽ Pulling funny faces with his "flexible face"

✽ Making extremely cursed drawings...


✽ Blood type AB
✽ Actually needs to wear glasses (just like his 2D avatar), however he doesn't like the way glasses usually look on him so he goes by without it (uses contacts)
✽ Used to be chubby when he was younger (a major reason why he was often ill-treated by his family)
✽ Has chest hair (which is uncommon in Japanese men)


Quotes : 
- here
- Optional but much appreciated!

Hello, please introduce yourself : He gives a quick bow, a bit stiff at first. "Hello, I'm Goto Tsubasa, member of Anthos under AMG Production."


What is your reason for joining the show? : "Be...cause...I...have to?"


What do you consider your strengths? : "Uhhh..." Tsubasa drags out for a long time to fill the silence as he racks his brain for a decent answer. "I guess, my vocals are decent...I hope." With another awkward pause, he looks down at his body and suddenly remembers about his selling point. "Oh, I'd also like to think that I'm pretty stronk." He loosely flexes his large biceps with a nod and half a smirk, eyes still looking dead af. "Yeah, muscle," he adds on in English with a thick Japanese accent.


Is there anything new you want to try on the show? : Tsubasa scrunches his mouth in thought. "New...yeah, I guess. It is the perfect timing to try out something I could never in the past, being on Genesis 88. Whatever that might be though...we'll see."


What is your view on Genesis88? : He simply shrugs dismissively. "Neutral...?"


Would you ever try to compete for the center or leader role? : "Hmmmm..." Tsubasa presses his lips in a tight line and narrows his eyes in deep thought. In actual truth, Tsubasa is interested. But he didn't want to come off desperate for attention. In the end, he can't help but confess honestly. "May consider."

And finally, what advice would you have for your younger self that's about to audition for the first time? : "Oh," he quirks an eyebrow at the question, not expecting to be thrown back to his NEET days prior to him auditioning for Anthos. "Err...just go for it. Yolo." On one hand, he didn't sound serious when he answered with that. On another hand though, there is an element of lived truth behind his advice.

Relationships :


(tbc: tsubasa is a lonely lmfao)

Stagename : Tsubasa


Group name : Anthos
Brief group history : Debuted 2017 as a Japanese-Korean virtual/2.5D idol group whose members have only just revealed their faces for the first time because of Genesis 88. Anthos is known to touch various genres under the EDM umbrella, and their choreography which is above standard for a virtual group. In Anthos, Tsubasa is one of the group's main vocalists (together with Nagito & Eunhyung) and participates in dance too.


Notable songs
- Pain In My Heart (solo)
- Lotus and Venus (solo)
LOVE IS... (w/ Nagito & Eunhyung)


Group twin : Toudo Lihito


Position : Main vocalist, dancer
Talent twin : Hatanaka Tasuku (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (new!)


Trainee and/or idol life : Tsubasa, alongside with most of the members of Anthos, was accepted into AMG Production during the first half of 2016, and they trained for approximately a year before debuting as Anthos. Prior to auditioning, Tsubasa was simply just living the sad NEET life, cooped up alone in his small little apartment all day playing video games & other otaku activities to cope with his depression & social anxiety he had. Such the depressing life he had, when he saw the auditions from AMG + noticed they are planning to debut a virtual 2.5D idol group, Tsubasa thought the idea is good if he wanted to try something lifechangingly new for once in his life, while being able to hide his face. Unbeknownst to him, all these years of living alone, listening & singing along to his emo music & doing solo karaoke, has surprisingly trained him up well in his vocals (of course, not professionally trained, but Tsubasa innately has some undiscovered singing talent to begin with).

Thus, he was accepted into AMG and quite literally, started from scratch with dance, and continued to build on his budding vocal skills with much persistent effort until he finally debuted as the power main vocalist of Anthos a year later.


Life on Genesis88
The idea of joining Genesis 88 was initially quite anxiety-inducing for Tsubasa, given that he'd never planned on outing his face to the public ever (sharing the same sentiment with Sungjin & Jinhee). The gap between his handsome 2D avatar he'd usually hide behind and his plain ol' self felt too big; he was worried how the fans would think of him. However, in order not to show any signs of weakness, he decided to just it up and go with the flow. Most of the time he was rarely serious in his responses on the show, not wanting to care too much. But his negative expectations didn't go entirely as he thought it would, as throughout Genesis 88 he was starting to feel himself develop more into his role as an idol, quickly becoming more comfortable and even loosened up in his initial closed-off, stoic personality. To other fellow trainees, he surprises them with his crackass humour, and he is actually more friendly than he lets on.


The audition : Anthos begins their audition by performing a cover of Infinite's Paradise with mysterious full-faced masquerade masks, hiding their identities. A lot of focus is on their individual unique vocals, and Tsubasa as the main vocal takes on Sunggyu's lines, giving him plenty of opportunities to showcase his steady live vocals. Honestly if it weren't for the masks they initially performed their first song with, Tsubasa would probably be making so many mistakes on stage out of nerves. The mask he wore helped to soothe himself + get used to the big stage in person, and prepping him for what is to come next...

The performance is suddenly cut after the chorus, and the opening of Anthos' debut song (pls imagine there is a Korean version of this too >.>) can be heard, spiking the curiosity of those who have never heard of the group before. The members get into their new formation and turn their backs to the audience to remove their masks (much to Tsubasa's displeasure, but at least he was more comfortable performing something familiar like his own group's song!), and when the beat drops in the intro, all members dance passionately. Tsubasa is not quite as powerful/sharp in his dance like Jun, Jinhee or Eunhyung, but he tries his best to keep up with the choreo. He has an extremely focused, almost stern expression throughout the song; frankly speaking Tsubasa's just feeling determined to get through the perfomance in one piece lol--he will worry about how the public will react to his real face later.


Seat number(s) : 39


Predicted grade : B


Flexibility level : Nope. Non-existent. He will just nope out of it. Nope nope nope. Buh-bye.


The intro video : Basically this video in a nutshell, until the end of the first chorus. With the sunglasses and explosive energy + vocals and all. After such a ridiculously bombastic performance, he takes off his sunglasses and switches back to his deadpan look, staring into the camera. He bows, and humorously delivers an overly formal, deep-voiced greeting. He is intentionally funny in his intro video in a "wtf" kind of way all throughout.


Second mission song of choice : Voodoo Doll


Genre of choice : Latin pop


J4N1C3 : Janice


Closing words : Honest to god I never expected Tsubasa would be so loved but with all the attention this loser has been getting lately, I have caved in and made an app for him too orz
THE BACKUP FACECLAIM FOR TSUBASA.......I can't believe I'm using someone from Goosehouse lmfao + I KNOW he's old but I recently discovered that he somewhat looks like IshiKai in certain angles and I DUNNO ANYONE ELSE WHO GIVES OFF SAME VIBES AS KAITO so Goosehouse's Shuhei it is orz


Questions or concerns : N/A

Suggestions : N/A

Scene requests, plot ideas : TSUBASA GLOWUP AS WE'VE DISCUSSED IN DMS Y E S

Password : I'm sorry I've run out of ideas at this point :'^)


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Oh boy i will have some work today
I wonder if it will be revealed that yuuki is a dad now that hes revealed himself on the show? 🤔 How would he react? What do you think?
i saw kevin woo as a talent twin and i am in love 😍
I noticed that eunhyung's fc is still listed as teen top's ricky, please change that to his actual fc!
Why do you always make your oldest guys so... Simpable