« 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 88 » 渡辺友樹。 




Full name : Watanabe Yuuki (渡辺友樹)

Alternate name(s) : N/A


✽ Papa Yuu; Anthos members sometimes call him Papa if Yuuki starts acting dad on them lol, which has also spread to Antholics as well
✽ Yuu-kun; mainly used with his parents & older twin brother, but also amongst his school peers back in Japan
✽ Yuupyon; his wife sometimes calls him this if she wants to be ironically cute. Anthos members know about Yuuki's wife (which is a public secret) but sometimes they poke fun at him by using this nickname in public too. None of the fans know the actual reason behind the bizarre nickname except for Anthos themselves.


D.O.B : 07/12/1993
Birthplace : Tokyo, Japan
Hometown : Tokyo, Japan
Ethnicity : Japanese
Nationality : Japanese


Pronouns : he/him
Orientation : straight


English—fluent (studied in Australia during his senior high school years + has developed a strong Australian accent as a result)
Korean—conversational (receives lessons from his company, gets better over time on the show)


Faceclaim : Otsuka Takeo [gallery]
Back-up : Kageyama Tatsuya

Height : 179cm
Weight : 64kg

Appearance : A very prince-like, neat appearance in the face, his leanly muscular body also fits his ikemen face. One of the better looking members of Anthos alongside with Eunhyung (but Yuuki is not a like him)


Fashion : Classy & mature is how one would describe Yuuki's style on a day to day basis; he loves blazer jackets regardless whether he is going for a smart casual look or something more formal. He pulls off turtlenecks quite well. However in the summer he's a little less formal in his dress style, but would still wear loose collared shirts to cool off.

Otherwise in the practice room, he's a big fan of oversized hoodies too, usually in black/white/grey shades rather than anything coloured.


getting to know

infp (former entp). sagittarius. ravenclaw.


- (+) charming, amiable, relaxed, open-minded, polite, witty
- (0) private on personal matters, ambiverted, rational, flirty, curious/adventurous
- (-) lowkey a show-off, absentminded, long-winded, loves playing the devil's advocate


In the past, when Yuuki was younger, he was notorious for being the class clown who was always cracking punny jokes that made everyone facepalm in the room. Not only that, but he just. wouldn't. shut up. He loved talking and debating deep on the most stupidest of things, just simply because he always got bored and needed something to stimulate him intellectually, since his mind seems to love exploring what-ifs (which is the main reason why he made a career switch to become an idol later on in life). Sometimes, because of this behaviour, this made him come off as a bit obnoxious, and the way he was always arguing with people for the sake of it offended some. Despite this, his witty charm managed to make him popular amongst girls back during school, but only one won his heart over: his childhood love.


Yet during his senior high school years, he had to live abroad to study. Finding himself in a foreign environment with a language barrier, on top of him being apart from his first love who agreed to become his girlfriend before he left, his personality went through a 180 change. Suddenly, he was popular class clown no more, and his friends in Australia saw Yuuki more as "the quiet Japanese kid" instead. In English, he wasn't able to express his funny, witty side no more, but he worked hard to perfect his English eventually to be able to communicate + show more of his true self to his friends.


His past experiences have contributed to his personality today. Added with the fact that now, being married to his childhood sweetheart with a secret baby daughter, fatherhood has softened him up and made him more aware of feelings and emotions. In the past, Yuuki would consider himself brash, uncaring over feelings because proving his point & logic came first. But he is learning to be more in touch with heart matters.


Aside from the above though, he is still as playfully flirty and charismatic as ever. Every now and then he likes to jokingly praise himself, or humblebrag even. He seems like he doesn't have a serious bone in his body, but when you prompt himself enough, he is able to reflect and think deeply, and one can find that he's not as superficial as he seems. In fact, Yuuki is often in his own head more than he likes to admit.


(W.I.P but in a nutshell, Yuuki's parents divorced towards the end of his middle school years, hence he and his mother moved to Australia while his twin brother was with his father instead in Japan. It was a divorce on good terms though, nothing too traumatic dw >.>)

✽ Sports (especially big follower of soccer & AFL)
✽ Shocking people with his voice lol
✽ Coffee
✽ Sports cars
✽ Travelling, just exploring new places in general
✽ Classical piano music (finds it calming)


✽ Being misunderstood
✽ Having his privacy invaded
✽ Overly spicy food
✽ Cleaning up alone (he needs someone to accompany him to clean lol, otherwise he would get bored)
✽ Being cramped up in a small space

✽ Bananas


✽ Drinking water first thing in the morning
✽ Imagining scenarios in his head to entertain himself (hence he comes off as absentminded)
✽ Being extremely loud/vocal when gaming
✽ Turning/rotating his head to crack the joints in his neck, especially before dancing/performing on stage
✽ Snoring (luckily not too loud, but it's still snoring!)
✽ Always having the windows down when driving a car (he likes feeling the wind)

✽ Sometimes eats sour candy to wake himself up during the day

✽ Taking walks by himself outside if he needs some fresh air


✽ Video gaming
✽ Playing/watching sports (especially soccer, AFL, tennis + occasionally cricket from his days in Australia)

✽ Likes to watch an occasional film or two (mainly with his wife though)
✽ Cooking
✽ Driving for fun

✽ Exploring cafes (he is secretly looking for potential date locations for his wife hehe)

✽ Lately dabbling into professional photography


✽ Getting stalked/doxxed
✽ Harm to his family, especially his wife & baby daughter (Yuuki's normally chill in his personality but when it comes to the privacy of his family, he is not chill)

✽ Dying


Notable talents
✽ Beatboxing
✽ Imitating voices/English accents

✽ Dad...jokes?

✽ Very rumbly, deep-voiced ASMR

✽ Moonwalk dance

✽ Drawing, surprisingly



✽ Blood type O
✽ Is not particularly afraid of insects. Would likely swat them out of the room rather than squishing them dead if he needs to expel them.

✽ Gives really good shoulder massages
✽ Sometimes get self-conscious that his name sounds feminine
✽ Puberty hit him like a truck at age 12; his voice has always been super deep since then

✽ Gets warm easily

✽ Prefers to eat healthy rather than fast food

✽ Sometimes is a bit technologically challenged...

✽ Supports Manchester United for soccer


Quotes : 
- here
- Optional but much appreciated!

Hello, please introduce yourself : He first bows politely. "Hello," a surprisingly smooth, deep voice comes out of his mouth, catching everyone's attention. "I'm Watanabe Yuuki." He ends there at first, before being prompted by staff to elaborate more. "Oh, I'm the leader of Anthos, a 2.5D idol group under AMG Production. I'll be in your care."


What is your reason for joining the show? : "To be honest, I also didn't know why we're suddenly forced out of hiding," he laughs with an incredulous expression on his face. "Something about our agency wanting us to 'fully bloom' as idols...since after all, Anthos are 'flowers'. What that looks like, on the other hand, might be different amongst members, but at least for me myself..." he pauses to reflect on the question more deeply first, "...I guess I just want to improve my skills more. No need for me to get into the final group or anything...but yeah."


What do you consider your strengths? : "Strengths huh~?" Yuuki drags out, grinning widely at the question as he rubs his fingers on his chin in deep thought. "I think...my deep vocal range is a unique charm. And I think I'm generally pretty relaxed on stage compared to others." With a pause, he then cheekily adds, "Oh, and don't you think I'm pretty good-looking?" He playfully sticks out his tongue with a charming smirk and wink, followed by a short chuckle.


Is there anything new you want to try on the show? : "New..." he tilts his head, looking up in thought. "I would be curious to try some more heavy hiphop styles, even if it might not suit my image...or even try write my own rap or lyrics."


What is your view on Genesis88? : "It's.......a lot of people here," he lets out a nervous chuckle.


Would you ever try to compete for the center or leader role? : "Rather than compete for the leader role, I would want to avoid it instead," he bursts out laughing. "I want to try to follow along as a member for once, hah. Although if the centre role did come to me, I would be honoured to take that position."

And finally, what advice would you have for your younger self that's about to audition for the first time? : "Ahh..." he raises his eyebrow as he tries to think. "Just...prepare to the best of your ability, and let your charming charisma take over! Hah."

Relationships :


- wife : matsunobu kiana / currently a housewife, previously a travel agent / playful, sharp-tongued, intelligent, organised, supportive / 10/10
despite the fact yuuki has a flirty idol image in public (which makes kiana's eyes roll tbh lol), yuuki in private is very loyal and dedicated to his wife to make up for it. after going through so much together, from having a rocky start as a long distance relationship to their happy reunion after yuuki returned back to japan, their trust has developed strongly. typically their everyday interactions aren't very romantic (they playfully quarrel a lot), but yuuki is the most sweetest to his wife & baby in their down time. somewhere in yuuki's heart, he feels that he owes his wife a lot for making her put up with two absences now (him being in korea for gen88 is the 2nd), so he kinda feels sorry for her.


(the rest TBC)

Stagename : Yuuki


Group name : Anthos
Brief group history : Debuted 2017 as a Japanese-Korean virtual/2.5D idol group whose members have only just revealed their faces for the first time because of Genesis 88. Anthos is known to touch various genres under the EDM umbrella, and their choreography which is above standard for a virtual group. In Anthos, Yuuki is the leader & lead rapper, on top of the usual vocals & dance.


Notable songs
- The Days (solo)
- My CAMERA (solo)
- STAY (duet w/ Jinhee)


Group twin : Kagekawa Ryoga


Position : Leader, lead rapper, vocals, dance
Talent twin : Takeuchi Shunsuke (x) (x) (x) (x) (lol)


Trainee and/or idol life : Yuuki, alongside with most of the members of Anthos, was accepted into AMG Production during the first half of 2016, and they trained for approximately a year before debuting as Anthos. Prior to auditioning, Yuuki was working as a middle school teacher in Japan, but the thought of being an idol has always been a curiosity at the back of his mind since he was a teenager himself. But despite growing up with a mother who works as vocal coach, he didn't think his voice would suit idol pop. However, in 2016 when AMG advertised their auditions specifically seeking for people with unique/distinct voices, Yuuki decided to yolo it and give it a shot. He never thought he would *actually* get accepted.

During his year long training, the company had pushed him to take up rap, and while Yuuki had never considered rapping before (unlike maknae Jinhee who was literally raised on underground hiphop music), he found himself a new niche and soon debuted as a member & leader of Anthos.

Compared to the average idol, Yuuki is able to carry out a normal life due to his concealed identity being in Anthos, and this allowed him the blessed opportunity to get married to his childhood sweetheart towards the end of 2017, a little over a year after Anthos' debut. 2 years later, he became a father to a healthy baby girl. All of this is strictly kept a secret from his fans, but internally the Anthos members & his management are aware and they are all supportive of him.

However, stepping into Gen88 will be the first time he would be officially outing himself to the public as an Anthos member, and there might be complications regarding his private life being found out...


Life on Genesis88 : Yuuki doesn't really care too much about grabbing a spot in the final lineup on Gen88, as he'd rather stick to leading his group to new heights post Gen88. He does appreciate the newfound acknowledgement of his skills from the show, and the areas of improvement (such as his slowness in learning new choreo) is also something he tries his best to work on throughout Gen88. He is keen on working towards polishing his rap skills for the sake of his group too, and he gets particularly close to his fellow Anthos member Jinhee during their time on the show.

Yuuki is known on Gen88 for his authoritative deep voice on stage, which is a massive gap from his mild, prince-like face in reality. Such a gap like this would captivate/mystify judges & other fans/casual viewers watching the show. Aside from rap, there are also rare moments where he is able to showcase his underrated smooth vocal skills (tbh, most of Anthos are relatively strong singers), even though he does not have the ability to belt extremely high notes like a main vocalist.

Although not a strong dancer, he is shown to exhibit good confidence & natural charisma on live stage, being able to improvise without looking out of place if he forgets certain steps.


The audition : Anthos begins their audition by performing a cover of Infinite's Paradise with mysterious full-faced masquerade masks, hiding their identities. A lot of focus is on their individual unique vocals, and Yuuki takes on Dongwoo's rap lines. Even though there wasn't a lot of time for him to shine, he's absolutely killing it with power behind his deep voice (particularly at the final "hopeless world" in English, his strong Australian accent comes out lol)

The performance is suddenly cut after the chorus, and the opening of Anthos' debut song (pls imagine there is a Korean version of this too >.>) can be heard, spiking the curiosity of those who have never heard of the group before. The members get into their new formation and turn their backs to the audience to remove their masks, and when the beat drops in the intro, all members dance passionately. Yuuki, being pretty familiar with this dance they've practiced for ages leading up to this audition, was confident and showcasing a wide, proud smile on behalf of his group, as well as for his wife & baby whom he knows would be watching too.


Seat number(s) : 38


Predicted grade : B


Flexibility level : He warms up and prepares greatly to do the splits, but doesn't reach more than halfway. He, adorably, gets embarrassed afterwards.


The intro video : Through his own cover of the Japanese 80s classic 'Touch' by Iwasaki Yoshimi, he will showcase his impressive vocal range going from a humorously squeaky voice down to a earthquake-inducing bass voice (just without the funny faces lol). Afterwards, he will introduce himself as the leader of Anthos using 3 languages (Korean, Japanese, English), with a smooth gentlemanly smile at the camera. He eventually ends the video with a thanks and a wink. "Support me, will you?"


Second mission song of choice : Beautiful Beautiful


Genre of choice : Jazz


J4N1C3 : Janice


Closing words : So, the real Anthos came out with a bunch of new solo songs recently for Ryoga (along with Mahiro & Setsuna) and I AM SO EXCITED THAT 'MY CAMERA' IS ACTUALLY ELECTROSWING, WHICH IS PERFECT FOR JAZZY YUUKI LOL.


Questions or concerns : N/A

Suggestions : I need Yuuki on bass for the acapella part of Beautiful Beautiful PLZZZZZZZ.

Also, imagine...his ex-students recognising their teacher on the show. Omfg awwwks (actually tbh he was likely to be popular with the students since all the girls crush on him lol, but imagine the SHOCK like "Watanabe sensei?!?!"

Scene requests, plot ideas : Go ham with his lore tbh.

Password : Gen1ⓧ/Gen1X (look I'm reeeeally pushing the 10 here LMAO)


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Oh boy i will have some work today
I wonder if it will be revealed that yuuki is a dad now that hes revealed himself on the show? 🤔 How would he react? What do you think?
i saw kevin woo as a talent twin and i am in love 😍
I noticed that eunhyung's fc is still listed as teen top's ricky, please change that to his actual fc!
Why do you always make your oldest guys so... Simpable