« 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴 88 » 坂田凪音。 




Full name : Sakata Nagito (坂田凪音)

Alternate name(s) : N/A


✽ Nagi; a shortened form of his given name, this is his nickname by default, used by pretty much everyone?! Some people don't even realise that his actual name is not even Nagi lol..
✽ Nagicchi; members in Anthos sometimes use this nickname on him purely just to sound cute. Nagi's initial reaction to this pet name was kinda >:/ but it stuck over the years.

✽ Nagitree; international fans in particular have this nickname for him due to his height, further amplified during variety programs when smaller Anthos members would literally climb on him like a tree.


D.O.B : 09/09/1997
Birthplace : Sapporo, Japan
Hometown : Sapporo, Japan
Ethnicity : Japanese
Nationality : Japanese


Pronouns : he/him
Orientation : questioning biual




Korean—conversational (receives lessons from his company, gets better over time on the show)

English—basic (learnt at school but he hasn't been retaining his knowledge since he graduated; more comfortable writing English than speaking it)


Faceclaim : PandaDragon's Naruki [gallery]
Back-up : Inoue Yuuki (voice actor)

Height : 188cm
Weight : 62kg

Appearance : His overbearing height, alongside his lean body type, is the first thing people notice, but his softspoken voice & bright smile completely eliminates any fear or intimidation people might feel from his height when they first meet him. He is lanky af with his long arms & legs. Minus his signature glasses (which, on-camera, is actually fake frames + he wears contacts for his vision), his other charm point is his sharp square jawline.


Fashion : Outside of his onstage performances, he's not the type to wear anything that would be considered wild, flashy or edgy. Instead, he tends to mix and match vintage & neat/smart casual styles together (think light/dark academia). Others occasionally how he dresses like a middle-aged man because of the way he tucks his typically collared shirt into his pants in order to hold it up, since he's too skinny.
Somehow, even in the practice room, he manages to look neat. His default look in the dorms is a white T-shirt and some baggy pants.


getting to know

isfj. virgo. ravenpuff.


- (+) cheerful around people, sociable, neat, affectionate, considerate/helpful, hardworking, persuasive
- (0) emotionally sensitive, tires out easily
- (-) forgetful, cowardly, self-deprecating, bottles up feelings, overthinks too much, hypocritical


Nagi initially comes off as a smart, mature, gentlemanly type, but in reality he's just no thoughts, head empty. He's almost airheaded in a way, but this is how Nagi is able to keep himself sane after growing up with so much stress when he was younger. Perhaps as a result of burnout from his school years, nowadays as an adult he's a but slow to process things in his head; he has never been the naturally smart type, but all his achievements up until now have been ther esult of pure hard work.


If it's the things he is truly passionate about, Nagi's the type to be able to dedicate a loooot of mental energy & analysis to perfect something. Unfortunately, this also means he is prone to pushing himself over the limit to the point of sacrificing his health; his body is not very strong to begin with, so he wears himself out very easily, whether physically or socially (he is introverted, as much as he is friendly with people). He fluctuates between overthinking sometimes, to just straight up not thinking. But when he does find himself stuck in the cycle of overthinking, it's hard for him to break out of, sometimes driving him to neurosis at night, further creating an endless cycle of exhaustion.


Nagi copes by smiling dumbly most of the time. But at heart, even though Nagi looks like a rational/logical, heads-first kind of person (judging by how studious he is), he feels strong emotions within and is a sensitive boy. His pessimistic side is hidden from the public, for he tries his best to be a moodmaker when people are around. Deep within, there is a fear of him being unloved; after all, after feeling like a disappointment & a bad son to his parents because his heart for entertainment won out making his parents proud, he wants the feeling of acceptance again. His hypocritical side comes out when he tells others to cheer up when he is one feeling discouraged instead. He often lies that he is fine; from Nagi's view, if the intention of the 'white lie' is to lessen the burden of others, then it's justifiable.


Chasing over the feeling of being loved by the masses, his social personality is extremely affection & caring. He isn't *loud* per se, but he radiates a warm, nurturing (healing) energy that isn't abrasive, but is gentle. One can compare his personality to a puppy dog, or a mama. However, once he gets very comfy with people, his flamboyant wild side can start to show, and he is shown to have a humourous personality too. Overall, being an idol, even though the journey to get there hasn't been easy so far, but Nagi definitely feels a lot happier than ever on this path.


The area of Japan where Nagi is from is famous for its powder snow. Growing up with both parents being doctors + being an only child, Nagi was raised in a highly academic environment and was privileged to be exposed to many interests/hobbies outside of school such as snow sports (skiing, snowboarding, etc.), ikebana/flower arranging, handmaking ramen, etc. However, it was never really music--or any performing arts for that matter. He has a close relationship with his grandparents since they were the ones who took care of his little self while his parents were away at work during his early childhood.


Having grown up smothered with attention, yet also having the pressure of two successful parents behind his back, Nagi felt a lot of pressure at school. He had always enjoyed whatever exposure to music he had back in school (especially learning piano), and during middle school he started dabbling in J-pop & K-pop. However, he kept his fanboy side a secret from his family and many of his friends because everyone saw Nagi as a 'perfect role model student', a high achiever in academics + dedicated to studying.


Even though he did well in his studies and passed the exam to enter a top ranking science high school in Tokyo, his motivations to follow his parents' footsteps to become a doctor completely crashed. This didn't please his parents, who had deliberately transferred their workplaces and moved to Tokyo with him to support his education. He was at his most stressed during this point of his life to the point that Nagi thought he was going through depression, but it was the J/K-idol scene that saved him. As a form of escapism in order to cope, he started becoming more and more invested in idol pop music to the point that he had thoughts of becoming an idol himself, which shocked even he himself. He started spending more time picking up dances + taught himself singing rather than studying, and finding a balancing act between his hobby & his studies was difficult without the sacrifice of sleep.


(...TBC due to timeline changes from last time with PD101, will deal with this later)

✽ Winter sports
✽ Cooking & other domestic chores

✽ Travelling

✽ His favourite foods are beef burgers, salmon sashimi + his mother's Japanese curry

✽ Sports cars

✽ Computers, robotics

✽ Maths & physics

✽ Giving little gifts for others, especially origami

✽ Onsen/hot springs

✽ Taking walks in nature

✽ K-dramas & movies (romcoms especially)



✽ Dirty glasses lenses, even if it's just a small smudge!

✽ Overly spicy food (his stomach will die)

✽ Cucumbers, raw tomatoes, orange flavours

✽ Black coffee (only likes coffee if it's sweetened beyond recognition)

✽ Messy environments, especially bathrooms!!

✽ Public toilets

✽ Anything that scares him lol, including people who are deemed too intimidating for him

✽ Bugs/insects

✽ Embarrassing himself (which, unfortunately, is not uncommon)


✽ Laughing/giggling at the end of almost every. single. sentence. (he just gets uncomfortable if the mood is too dark/serious so he fills the void like this)

✽ Always smiling during interviews
✽ Nodding excessively when listening to others in a conversation
✽ Cleaning his room as a way to destress
✽ Slapping/punching his stuffed toys to release anger
^ He also slaps nearby people if he's laughing too hard. If no one else is within his radius at the time, then he would just clap whilst hollering.

✽ Taking forever to eat

✽ He squeals like a piglet if he gets tickled (he's extremely sensitive =u=")

✽ Blinking rapidly if he's in deep thought, or flustered/nervous (he gets flustered easily, so haha)

✽ Hugging everyone...^^;;


✽ Gaming (he does play LoL)

✽ Making K-pop dance covers

✽ Watching movies, dramas, you name it

✽ Tinkering with computers (fixing/upgrading them)

✽ Taking selfies & experimenting with filters. He also likes photographing things of nature (flowers, sunsets, etc.)

✽ Iceskating, if there's a rink nearby


✽ The pitch black dark
✽ Horror/gore genres

✽ Haunted houses

✽ Getting stalked

✽ Being unloved

✽ Pain lol


Notable talents
✽ AEGYO (kawaii level 999999+)

✽ Model poses

✽ Girlgroup dances, kkap dance

✽ CPR/teaching first aid lol


✽ Personality type ISFJ, enneagram type 2

✽ Blood type A

✽ Nagi had his growth spurt when he was 2nd year middle school. During that time, he reached 180cm, completely towering over all his classmates

✽ Nagi was popular with the girls due to his height & smarts, but his parents never allowed him to date during his school years. Being a mama's boy that he is, he had turned down many confessions in his lifetime. Till this day, Nagi is still a little bit nervous around girls, and is noticeably a LOT touchier around guys.

✽ Nagi's height on Anthos' official profile was initially 187cm, but it was only when he came on Gen88 that's when his most recent height is revealed--he grew 1cm out of nowhere since debut!

✽ Funnily enough, out of his entire family, it was his late grandfather who was the closest to Nagi's height

✽ His given name, Nagito, actually means 'calm sound' in Japanese. Nagi reckons that he is the fulfillment of the name his parents gave to him, because his voice is calming/soothing.

✽ Has extremely small & neat handwriting (+ the only one in Anthos who writes English in cursive)

✽ Wants to travel around Europe one day

✽ Started wearing glasses when he was 5

✽ Used to HATE vegetables as a kid, but the only way anyone could get Nagi to eat his veggies back then was via cooking it in Japanese curry, hence his attachment to his mother's famous dish

✽ Nagi might be smart academically, but he is terrible at puzzles

✽ Currently using an Apple phone

✽ With K-pop, he was  a huge fan of KARA since middle school


Nagi Says : 
✽ "I am 420 years old. Nice to meet you."

✽ "Girls are scary, huh?"

(talking about himself in 3rd person) "Nagi in real life without glasses is like seeing a turtle without its shell. IT'S WEIRD."

Hello, please introduce yourself : "Hello!" He bows with a bright eyesmile followed by a wave. "My name is Sakata Nagito from AMG Production." 


What is your reason for joining the show? : "I want to become a better, more skillful idol!"


What do you consider your strengths? : Nagi immediately showcases his wide cute grin and answers in accented English, "My bright smile~ And...healing voice~" He switches off his English mode and further adds on, "I'm quite tall too, although sometimes it can be more of an inconvenience than a 'strength'..." he ends with a sheepish laugh. "I'm not scary in the slightest so please don't be intimidated by my height~!"


Is there anything new you want to try on the show? : "Hmm, I want to show more of my manly charm to everyone!"


What is your view on Genesis88? : "It's a chance for us to prove to the world that we are real idols too!" he answers confidently, putting on a face of determination.


Would you ever try to compete for the center or leader role? : "I'm not sure if I can be fit for a leader role..." he laughs sheepishly. "I don't have the personality as one, to be honest. Heh.."

And finally, what advice would you have for your younger self that's about to audition for the first time? : "Oh, deep question huh? Mm..." Nagi looks up to think, half smiling. After a  couple of seconds, his smile widens and Nagi gives himself an affirmative nod. "Be confident! And work hard always." He pumps his fists slightly up in a fighting pose. "You got this!"

Relationships :


- relation : name / occupation / personality traits / closeness
interactions (fc if they have one)


-  TBC

Stagename : Nagito


Group name : Anthos
Brief group history : Debuted 2017 as a Japanese-Korean virtual/2.5D idol group whose members have only just revealed their faces for the first time because of Genesis 88. Anthos is known to touch various genres under the EDM umbrella, and their choreography which is above standard for a virtual group. In Anthos, Nagi is one of the group's main vocalists (together with Tsubasa & Eunhyung) and participates in dance too.


Notable songs
- Breathe (solo)
- Imitation Flower (solo)

- Girl, it's you (solo)

- LOVE IS... (w/ Tsubasa & Eunhyung)


Group twin : Kisaragi Kaoru


Position : Main vocalist, dancer
Talent twin : T-MAX's Park Yunhwa (first person) (x) (x) (x) (x)


Trainee and/or idol life : Nagito, alongside with most of the members of Anthos, was accepted into AMG Production during the first half of 2016, and they trained for approximately a year before debuting as Anthos. Prior to auditioning, Nagito taught himself dance & vocals mainly through imitation of his own favourite idols (especially his biggest role model, Da-iCE's Sota) and was merely a closet singer, too shy to showcase himself in public (although he had no issue making girlgroup dance covers lol).

As an idol with a virtual persona, he is well-loved, known to his fans for his 'healing' singing voice and gentle personality. Compared to the average idol, Nagi does get a little more freedom due to the anonymity of being an Anthos member, and he is able to carry out a normal life outside his idol activities. In fact, not everyone who knows him in real life even knows about his idol career! Him stepping into Gen88 will be the first time he would be officially outing himself to the public as an Anthos member.


Life on Genesis88 : Vocally, he is competent and has a unique beautiful tone, although dance is an area of improvement for him as he tends to run out of energy easily, which is highlighted when comparing him against other strong dancers on the show. Despite his weakness, he gains attention on the show for being the smiley, gentle, bespectacled giant who everyone loves as a person, and Nagi adds a fun personality in the show. His meek, clumsy image he initially comes onto the show with gets changed over time, and he is shown to be very bright and animated with his reactions & antics.


The audition : Anthos begins their audition by performing a cover of Infinite's Paradise with mysterious full-faced masquerade masks, hiding their identities. A lot of focus is on their individual unique vocals, and Nagi takes on Sungjong's lines which unfortunately doesn't give him a lot of opportunity to showcase his vocal skills, but he can be heard singing the upper harmony live during the chorus. Inspirits may note that Nagi's voice is impressively similar to Sungjong's cute high tone.

The performance is suddenly cut after the chorus, and the opening of Anthos' debut song (pls imagine there is a Korean version of this too >.>) can be heard, spiking the curiosity of those who have never heard of the group before. The members get into their new formation and turn their backs to the audience to remove their masks (and Nagi quickly putting on his frames xD), and when the beat drops in the intro, all members dance passionately. Nagi, although he is not a power dancer like Jun, Jinhee or Eunhyung, he keeps up with the choreo with a wide bright smile, partly out of nerves but also partly out of an overwhelming sense of excitement that he is performing with his face on-camera for the first time in his life.


Seat number(s) : 37


Predicted grade : B


Flexibility level : More flexible than fellow Anthos member Tsubasa but still not very impressive. Will scream dramatically the whole entire time he attempts the splits.


The intro video : With a cute bright smile, a polite bow and hands clasped in front, he introduces himself in Korean & Japanese. Then, he reveals his random special talent being reciting pi up to the 100th number, and he sorta bores (yet stuns?) everyone as he starts speeding through the numbers all the way past the 80th digit, which then he starts faltering at that point + he gives up with an embarrassed laugh. "Oops, I can't do it anymore hehehe. But YES, please support meeee, thank yoooou, I love yooooou~" + fingerhearts everywhere


Second mission song of choice : What's Happening


Genre of choice : Retro


J4N1C3 : Janice


Closing words : FINALLY I GOT MY FIRST INDIVIDUAL APP OUT. Really should've been done loooong ago given that I recycled Nagi from PD101 but since K&D and Anthos have a slightly different concept as a virtual idol group, there are some smaller details that I need to change here especially @ Nagi's history.......but I will get around to that later in the future if needed >.>

(Also I've now made a little gallery for his faceclaim, if you need help with better quality photos that are NOT selfies of him lmao)


Questions or concerns : N/A

Suggestions : N/A

Scene requests, plot ideas : I think I mentioned this in my old Nagi app but SHOCKED REACTIONS FROM J-NETIZENS WHO WENT TO SCHOOL/COLLEGE WITH HIM @ Nagi's face reveal

+ also if Gen88 will air between August to October of 2021, there might be a chance Nagi might celebrate his birthday on the show. Whoever remaining Anthos members are still there (or maybe all of them reunite if some got eliminated along the way?) can do a little celebration with cake for him <3

Password : Gen.X (cuz X is 10 in Roman numerals lel)


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Oh boy i will have some work today
I wonder if it will be revealed that yuuki is a dad now that hes revealed himself on the show? 🤔 How would he react? What do you think?
i saw kevin woo as a talent twin and i am in love 😍
I noticed that eunhyung's fc is still listed as teen top's ricky, please change that to his actual fc!
Why do you always make your oldest guys so... Simpable