Ghost Club - First Impressions

First Impressions



"portals? wax? what?"

First Impressions

Hyeri remembers sitting in the club room as people pooled in and him giving a brief explanation of what the ghost club is and what they've done in the past. Hyeri doesn't know much about Sanghyuk other than his evident interest in the supernatural. Some of the things he brought up did have her eyebrows raised such as conversations of opening portals to hell and the fact that he was expecting for this club to die off with him as the remaining member. Hyeri does feel slightly bad that even though the ghost club has been dubbed as a random and that there’s no official club room for it. Perhaps she’ll talk to the student council about it and try to get some funding for the club.

"...How long did you witness me talking to the fan?"

"I was kind of in the room the whole time"



*makes eye contact*

First Impressions

What did one introvert say to the other introvert? Absolutely nothing as they quickly parted ways. That's exactly what happened when they first met. Both are shy, both don't like making the first move, both don't want to put themselves out there only to crash and thus, there's no progress between the two. To be quite frank, Hyeri felt like she just met a male version of herself.Hyeri thinks Seojun is an okay guy and doesn't really mind nor pays attention to the awkward silence they have between one another. He did however confuse and pique her interest when he muttered a sarcastic comment since Hyeri doesn't get the concept of sarcasm at all. Noting that he was the quietest one of the bunch she naturally situates herself close to him knowing that she won't have to talk as much. 






First Impressions

It would be a lie for Hyeri to say that she wasn't shocked when the blonde walked in the room. Hyeri may have not known her name but she does recall them calling her an airhead. And by them, she refers to the "popular" crowd she sees Seoyi running with. Despite Seoyi being sociable, Hyeri isn't that bothered with her since Seoyi doesn't always try to talk to her a lot nor tries to get her talking. Hyeri sees Seoyi's way of socializing just right. Not too energetic, not to loud, casual, not unbearbly loud and not way too friendly. And this too Hyeri is a breath of fresh air as she notes Seoyi as one of the most approachable person in the club.  

"I've been stomach cramping since this morning! It feels like i'm getting hit it in the stomach multiple times by a knife."

"...You mean stab?"





"mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell"



*internally screams* "uh huh..."

First Impressions

Hyeri's brain screamed one word when she first met Jiyoon, "avoid". Jiyoon is super sociable and he took the initiative to start a conversation with her at the Ghost Club meeting. Despite Hyeri not responding much or coming off as aloof, it doesn't deter Jiyoon from consistently talking to her even if she doesn't respond back much or at all. It's times where he constantly tries to fill the silence between them that Hyeri wishes he'll just ignore her and let her fade in the background. She tries to avoid him at all costs due to his constant, and what Hyeri dubs as, "verbal diarrhea" because it drains her of her small introvert "social tank juice". Just by making eye contact with him Hyeri could feel her energy getting drained and the want to scurry off in the opposite direction.

"—And so I ate it and they all gave me weird looks. I was so confused why they were looking at me like that and then I figured it out. Guess what happened."


"Turns out that you aren't supposed to eat the wrapper, haha!"




First Impressions

Unoffiially, Hyeri "met" Myungsoo when she stayed after school and watched the male soccer game. There is when she developed her crush  seeing how cool he is but also how kind he is when he stopped the game due to a member of the opposite team get hurt. She purposely avoids him so she doesn’t have to make a fool out of herself. Fast forward to the present day where they're actually meeting face to face in the club room and Hyeri can easily tell that Myungsoo clearly didn't know that she at all. Not like she'll easily admit it but once she left the club room after they officially met, she could later be found with a big smile on her face because he finally knows she exists. 

"I'm, uh, sorry. Have we met before?"

"I've met  but haven't met you. Uh wait, that sounded weird. No...? Um yeah— we haven't met....You're like tall, really tall. Oh my god i'm rambling, sorry."



"uM, yeah"

First Impressions

If Jiyoon is avoid #1 then Hyejin is definately avoid #2. They both have the same negative affect towards her tiny social tank juice. Hyeri didn't even have to anaylyze and guess what type of person Hyejin is because Hyejin made it pretty clear that day of the meeting that she was a social butterfly. Like Jiyoon, she likes to strike up conversations with her whenver she gets the chance. Hyeri likes to make sure there aren't much chances for her to do so by implementing her favourite and most effective method—you've guessed it, avoidance. Meeting Hyejin also brought forward the realization that how she was the shortest person in the club.

"You sure are quiet"



Final Thoughts?


Funny how Hyeri avoids half of the people in the club lol. If you don't mind, I also like the idea of matching Hyeri with Myungsoo as a love interest. Please inform me if any changes or corrections need to be made; and I can’t wait to read the first chapter!



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