Ghost Club New Member Application - 한,혜리


Han hyeri



— Miss President // a nickname given to her by her class mates because she is the student president in the school's council, class president in her class and albeit they say it jokingly, thy also believe she has potential to be South Korea's president. Hyeri doesn't really mind the nickname since she is technically the president in the student council. "I heard Hyeri got the highest score in the literature test. Miss President strikes back once again"

— Sonic the Hedgetalker // A nickname given to her by her peers because she talks too quickly people can't understand her. Hyeri doesn't really have much of an opinion on this nickname. "Woah, woah, woah, calm down there Sonic the Hedgetalker. Deep breath in and deep breath out. Now repeat what you said, but say it slower, way slower".

—  Book Whisperer // a nickname her classmates gave her because they notice just how much Hyeri spends her time studying, doing homework and reading books. this can be used positively to praise her good marks or negatively to . Hyeri hates this nickname whether its used in a positive or negative light. She herself knows she studies too much, she doesn't want people throwing this bitter fact in her face as well. "Thanks for helping me! They're right, you are a Book Whisperer". "Hey Book Whisperer, can't you take all your little books home and whisper to them there? You're not the only one who uses the library tables".

DATE OF BIRTH : August 15th, 2000 (18)
BIRTHPLACE : Gwangju, South Korea

— Korean

— English


Well Hello there!

FACE CLAIM : Kim Sohye


— if you were to look for the definition of "another face in the crowd" hyeri's face would be there. she has the basic mid-length all girls her age get when they want to try something new to their long hair but are way too scared to actually cut more. due to her habit of constantly touching and messing with her hair gives it it's unmanageable look.  her lack of knowledge in makeup is why she just doesn't bother to wear any. however, she is very invested in lip balms, especially the pink or red tinted ones. she has a very petite frame with barely a chest and a non-existent . she is 162.5 cm and weighs 52 kg. 


— Hyeri likes to wear clothes that she has literally picked off her floor or that have been lying in her closet. these often consist of jeans that are big on her (mom jeans), graphic tees/long sleeves or plain tees/long sleeves. she also really likes plaid or solid one colour shirts/sweaters that aren't overly tight either. she also tries to always top off her outfits with sweaters or cardigans. she doesn't wear bright colours except for the occasional greens or whites or yellows. she can not wear anything with heels that are bigger than her pinkie. she sticks with sneakers , flats or converse. she isn't really comfortable showing a lot of skin so you won't ever see her wear a dress unless it's an important occasion but you will, although rare, see her wear a skirt, and although long, at most 3 times in a year.


school clothes: when it comes to the schools' uniform hyeri would like to think she follows the rules strictly. that's only if you count ditching the blazer with school crest on it and replacing it with a sweater, cardigan or woolen/cotton jacket. she also wears black knee-high socks with her white sneakers. her excuse? she's cold. and technically she's still wearing her uniform


The Newest Member!


+ intelligent, observant, hardworking, loyal, intuitive
÷ innocent, shy, introvert, 
- mousy, anxious, socially inadequate, meek, pushover

PERSONALITY TRAITS : hyeri is a mousy, anxious, little chick that would love, more than anything, to fit and belong in her world. however, as her world is limited to her studying life, home and even more constant independent studying she feels that she is stuck. she is fairly quiet in public places. and at first, she didn't mind not getting attention and just fading in the background but now that she's older, she wants to make more friends and interact with people other than her parents, her grandmother and her dog. but she just feels like it is so hard to do so. Hyeri is a person who won't talk unless she's talked to, unless she sees fit to stand up and make her ideas and points be heard. And like the stereotypical introvert, she is shy. He's selective about how he should put herself out there because she doesn't want to crash afterwards. she's often concerned about making a fool out of herself, or being rejected and judged. Too much socializing gets her easily drained, especially since she has to put a lot of effort in talking and constantly reminding herself what to do and what not to do. After socializing a lot or after going to a party, she'll like to spend some quality time to himself to "recharge". Because of her quiet and detached tendencies, she's commonly seen as standoffish and uncommunicative too many. her shy nature is a by-product of her anxious personality trait. although shy as stated before, she can still "function" (give opinions, state what she wants (even though it comes out as a stutter), etc. ) in social situations but she still struggles. she finds it extremely hard to take the first step and talk to other people, even ones her age, and so she tends to unconsciously walk around with her head down and hands in her pockets both hoping and dreading someone approaching her. saying "hello" is draining as she has to build up the courage beforehand to actually go up to the person and say a soft hello. but that doesn't stop her from trying. 

Hyeri is innocent. she just wants to learn more about the world and how the people in it work. because she's innocent, she doesn't curse or do bad things (fight, steal, bully others, etc). she wouldn't and couldn't find it in herself to hurt anyone, intentionally of course. she doesn't meddle in things that would get her in serious trouble. if she lies, she'll feel super guilty and she'll tell the truth soon after. she becomes very flustered when curse words or vulgar words are mentioned. that also includes dirty jokes as well, that is, if she understands them. if not, she'll just ask for someone to explain it to her, and then start looking like a tomato after she learnt what the joke meant.

hyeri is first and foremost, one of the most smartest and intuitive person you will ever have the pleasure, or displeasure, of meeting. she knows her materials like the back of her hand and seems to know how it would fit in the grander picture. not only did reading voluminous books for such long periods of time help boost her book smarts but watching educational programs and going to professors' seminars at such a young age (as well as the influence of her parents) have shaped her into a teenager who is astonishingly smart (a genius by definition) in practically all aspects of educational studies. it's why she pushes herself to be observant of her surroundings. she knows the art behind watching, waiting, and noting (or wwn for short). she watches those that she has significant amounts of exposure to . she looks at the little habits that, to some may seem stupid or irrelevant, clue her in to what kind of person that individual might be. do they fidget often? a sign of nervousness. do they bite their nails often? a sign of bad habits which suggest that once hooking them up to a more rewarding action they would pick up that habit and stick to them. bad habits do die hard, don't they. after watching she waits. she needs to see a pattern in order to deduce that how their behavior is actually their nature and not an act. and after that is done, she notes down all that she has observed from the person and uses those notes as a reference for interacting with other people she comes in contact with so she doesn't need to go through the painfully agonizing long awkward getting to know each other process over and over again at a slow pace.

that's another thing about her. she tries very hard in places she's lacking as she feels that her grades define who she is (well according to her parents that is). she isn't completely a mindless zombie nor brainwashed to do their every bidding. she has  interests and dreams that she wanted to achieve just like everyone else, she just needs to find exactly what they are and whether her parents will approve. and so, to make up for her parents struggle to make her the best, she tries super hard to meet their expectations. whether that is by reading university books, studying until the early morning, attending her private tutor lessons, going to the cram school near her school that help students study for free at night, turning down the offer to hang out with her school mates, to focus on her school life without a regard for her love life or swinging on the swings in the park all by herself. not like she'll admit it, but she does feel less than, useless and stupid when she can't get a close to perfect score or meet their expectations. it seems like worrying is a family trait as she also tends to worry a lot. half of the time she knows the level of stress she puts on situations is not correct but she just can't help it. she worries about a lot of things, some are big (worrying about her future or even if she would have one if she's not the best) while others are small (whether she should go to school 15 or 10 minutes early) but she still worries.and it shows in her behavior. her biting her nails and lips are all things that are second nature to her.

despite her inability to just "click" with people right away, the few people she feels comfortable in her life both brighten hers and inspire her. with her close friend, brother and a majority of the elderly people she has encountered  at her volunteering placement, hyeri becomes much more joyful and energetic. she smiles more, and not the half smile half grimace she puts on in public, she pushes herself to talk more and get this, she even jokes. even if the jokes are old or nerdy they are still appreciated. with loved ones and "special" persons, she's a little puppy or even a lost chick. ready to please and bring comfort to those she cares about, even if the attempt fails, at least she tried. her commitment to those she treasures goes a long way. she is willing to push past her own discomfort to please them. her logic being she doesn't have much friends (do elderly people, her grandmother and her brother count?) and so she really doesn't want to lose them. so she tends to hide what she's feeling and agrees. if her parents want her to try learning with a new tutor then she won't say how she likes her old one better, she'll take a shaky breathe and follow. if her brother really wants to go to the park to be a part of the small gathering, she'll put her shaking fists in her pockets and try to smile through her stress. and if her teachers, brother, the elders and only friend encourage her to get involved in the supernatural mess going on in that club room that everyone says is random, she'll protest, try to talk them out of it, refer to all the things that could go wrong but follow. she is both trying to improve herself and make more friends while just really wanting to fit in, be a part of something bigger and wanting to do something that isn't really connected to her school resume. can't she do both? can't a girl dream?

BACKGROUND : Hyeri was born on August 15th in the Han household as the first child soon after followed by a younger brother. Being born and raised in a wealthy family is very different than she imagined. as a child she got everything she asked for, she got things handed to her without much effort, and if she told her nanny to jump, the nanny would reply with "how high?".  because her family is wealthy you'd think she was--in a way-- free to get whatever she wants and able to do anything she wanted,  right? wrong. her parents didn't let her become a snotty brat. oh no it was quite the opposite really...

Hyeri grew up in a family in which everyone was way to busy to take extra time off to spend with her. her dad being a surgical doctor and her mom a lawyer, she was expected to follow their example and be the family's next best thing. instead of going out to play with friends at the age of 7, she was taught the first basic rules when it comes to dining etiquettes and table manners. instead of getting that sailor moon wand she wanted for her 9th birthday, she was given a computer in which she will do all her homework in.

"mommy, i don't understand this word?"

"that's because your using it wrong. just redo the whole sentence okay? Try not to make anymore mistakes."

"...yes mom"

home life for her is a sensitive subject. her parents, although with the best intentions in their hearts, treat her like a silver doll to groom golden. they wanted to help their little girl but would end up burdening her. from the moment she wakes up to the moment she sleeps, they are constantly telling her and pushing her to do things that would benefit her school and future life.

"Hyeri, you should join the soccer and swim team. Universities like it when students join sport teams, it'll look not only good on your school resume but your resume in the future"

"Hyeri, I signed you up to get private tutor lessons from Mr.Lee after school. Practice makes perfect and you need to be perfect".

"Hyeri, you need to go above and beyond. A 91% average isn't going to get you to into a private university in Korea, you need to get above a 95% average and then aim for 100%"

"Hyeri, a friend of mine is an university professor and I was talking to him about a favor he owes me, and we came upon an agreement for him to let you attend his Sunday seminars at the Seoul National University as a "volunteer" for this whole month. Not like you'll actually be volunteering of course, you are to go there and take notes so you can get used to the university atmosphere. you're welcome!"

"Hyeri, a co-worker of mine is showcasing her art in a museum and I told her that you'll volunteer and help set it up. Volunteer hours are very important and you need get as many as you can".

"Hyeri, I've got an email from school stating that some students sneaked into the teacher's faculty and stole the answers for the exams so it's getting pushed back. Those kids parents should feel ashamed of their children. My Hyeri will never do that, you're the school's president in the council, class president in your class, an A+ student and a golden child"

"Hyeri, hurry up and eat your breakfast! I booked a meeting for us with your principal and teachers to talk about how they can help you be perfect in all areas of academics"

she knows she shouldn't feel annoyed at her parents for their "love "and wanting her to be the best version of her when there are people out there that have worse parents or just don't have them, but she doesn't want to be their puppet on strings obeying their every command. she tried talking to her parents about it but the constants "you're just overacting"s, "don't you want to be successful in life"s and "we're only trying to help you"s whenever she brought it up were too much so she stopped trying. the constant pressure for her to be perfect cause her stress.  what was even worse was the fact that they didn't seem to fully trust that her decisions and choices were the right ones and they would make these decisions for her and create her schedule for the weeks. as if they didn't think she could do it. it was the little things. the way her mother would still block and censor channels on the t.v that she deemed "inappropriate" and have her Netflix user set on kids (something her mother had done for her at 7 years old). the constant phone calls to check up on her when she's not home. the meeting with her teachers to see how her grades were and even "joking" about her future occupation being the second South Korean female president. they don't think she is ready. they never think she will be ready without their help.

the household would be awkward at best and strained at worst. she would wake up, get ready really fast to get out of the house ("remember hyeri, the early bird gets the worm"), check her planner her parents make for her, go to school, go to her private tutoring lessons after school, go the night cram school after the lessons, go home, eat, work on homework and assignments, study, and then sleep and repeat. On days where she doesn't have her tutoring lessons or night school to go to after school, to not go home right away, she'll stay at the school's library to study and work on assignments there. Hyeri gets good grades, she doesn't get in trouble with the teachers, and she is always getting involved with the school committees.


— dark chocolate
— autumn
— classical and trot music
— musicals
— puns
— staying indoors
— astrology
— seafood
— comics
— cartoons
— field trips
— independent study time
— scented candles
— taking late night showers
— tea
— puzzles
— plants
— long weekends


— cold and hot weather
— coffee
— neon colours
— when people crack their knuckles
— loud noises
— surprises
— fireworks
— sweet things
— crowded areas
— people touching her
— birds
— spicy foods
— balloons
— strong scents of perfume/cologne
— oral presentations
— flowers
— group projects


— reading comics
— studying
— collecting small plants
— watching cartoons
— watching kdramas
— doing face masks
— going to the park
— doing puzzles


— her lips
— biting her nails and lips when nervous
— subconsciously covering her smile whenever she laughs
— slouching whenever she sits
— touching her hair
— ruffling her hair when she's frustrated
— drooling whenever shes asleep
— laughing when feeling awkward or uncomfortable (usually out of the blue)
— drumming her fingers against a surface when thinking
— speaking fast and rambling when she's nervous and anxious


— pigeons
— thunderstorms
— heights
— amusement park rides


— she is a member of the school's senior girls swim team and senior girls soccer team
— her homework snacks are pocky, ramen, mixed nuts, fruits and yogurt
— the most non-flexible person you'll meet in your life (she can't even touch her toes)
— also can't draw to save her life
— she has seasonal allergies
— she has a weak immune system so she tends to et sick a lot
— sleep? hyeri never heard of her due to the amount of studying and homework she has to do
— she volunteers at an elderly home every Thursday afterschool and Sunday morning until the early afternoon
— she doesn't hold eye contact with people for long because she finds it awkward
— she has more books than clothes
— her parents are the state of the art of helicopter parenting
— she used to wear braces but got them removed in her freshman year
— her favorite number is 5
— she gets a drive to school by her mother and she takes the bus after school
— she doesn't know how to ride a bicycle
— she's quick when it comes to showering and getting ready
— she's a light sleeper
— she's extremely ticklish
— she doesn't get the concept of sarcasm
— her blood type is o+
— she has no sense of direction and gets lost easily
— she has an adult golden retriever named Yoyo
— she can't wink
— she gets hiccups when she eats spicy foods
— her definition of fun is staying indoors huddled in blankets watching cartoons and doing 1000 piece puzzles
— her favorite animal is a giraffe
— she recently started a small plant collection on her window sill and plans to expand it
— her parents don't know that she's a part of the ghost club because she will sneak out of her night classes and go to Moon High, attend the meeting and then bus home. Her grandmother knows that she's joined the club and allowed her to do so.
— she sleeps with a night light in her room


The Important People!


— father : Han Sangrok (57) / surgical doctor / wise, workaholic, fault finding, hard working, blunt / 6/10

a workaholic father who often pays attention to his work more than his children. because he always pushes himself as a surgical doctor to be accurate and perfect, he often puts this same pressure on his children, mainly his daughter as she is the oldest. he only really pays attention to his children when one of them brings good results to the table or isn't doing well. Han Sangok is willing to share his wise words with hyeri whenever she's struggling or whenever he sees it fit to do so. It's not like hyeri's father doesn't sugar coat anything because he wants to tell the truth and the truth hurts. No not at all. He just doesn't know how to phrase his words in a way where he won't hit a sensitive spot and expects the other to receive his words in a more pleasant manner. He knows sometimes that the way he phrases his words have an impact on Hyeri, but Sangok honestly has the best intentions for his daughter, he's just terrible at showing affection. He definitely expects a lot from Hyeri, but it's only because he wants her to succeed in life {"If my words are enough to dissuade her, it's clear that she'll become discouraged by trivial things in the future"}.


— mother : Jang Hyesun (54) / lawyer / worry wart, fault finding, prideful, perfectionist,hard working / 5/10
Hyesun is that parent who is always saying "Well my daughter*insert reason why hyeri is better than your kid here.*" hyeri always figured it was just her mother's way of saying she was proud of her, but it made her rather uncomfortable and ashamed. i'm sure you can see that Hyesun wears the pants in the marriage. unlike hyeri's grandmother who in Hyesun's eyes still wants to baby hyeri and protect her from the cruelty of the world, Hyesun sees it fit that they no longer do that and let their daughter experience the adult world, a world full of competition, a world full of people who won't give you a second glance unless you prove your worth their time, a world where if you're not the best you're not chosen and if Hyeri experiences this and becomes th best, independently she can surpass the world's expectations and grow without any difficulty and without any worry. and the only way to be without any difficulties is to be perfect and expect the best and only the best. When they are together she will constantly point out her faults and tell her to do better she is always pushing hyeri to be and go out of her way to make sure she is by signing her up to tutoring lessons, buying her university books, setting up conferences with her teachers and parents, join the school's parent council and so on. {"Working to become the best is perfect and all, but joining passionate people when you aren't going to give it your all is the rudest thing you could do"}.

— grandmother : Jang Jandi (80) / retired / jokester, caring, thoughtful, naggy,  passive aggressive / 10/10
Jandi and her grand-daughter used to have a very small relationship before she moved into the family home. They would talk over the phone when she called or visited on holidays. Other than that, they didn't have much contact and exposure to one another. however, once Jandi moved in due to her being a divorcee for some time now, her poor health and not wanting to live alone at her old age their once bland and awkward relationship slowly started budding.In all honesty, Jandi like any parent want their child to be successful and see their grandchildren do the same. but she unlike her daughter can see that she's putting too much pressure on her children. Jandi is what Hyeri likes to call a guardian angel sent by solely heaven alone to help her. she's the only one in the house who can convince hyeri's mother to give hyeri a break, stop or reduce the amount of activities given to her by her mother and giving permission for Hyeri to do something that she wants. But the downside to this is that it strains Jandi's relationship with her daughter as she becomes passive aggressive towards her. She likes to crack jokes here and there and though they're jokes about the person, you can see she means no harm  And though she's the one who's health isn't as good as hers, she's a nagging grandmother ordering her to go outside and bugging her to eat more, and so on and so forth. Hyeri truly sees her grandmother as her parent figure and listens to her grandmother more than her parents.{"Look at you! You're so skinny I can use your legs as chopsticks. Ha! We need to cover the drain when you go take a shower. I'm scared you'll just slip through it!"}.

— younger brother: Han Hyunsoo (11) / elementary student / teasing, supportive,humorous, sarcastic, forgetful / 10/10                                                                                                                                                                                                 you would think that Hyunsoo, although it would be fair, will hold a lot of resentment towards the Hans' family's "golden child", but it's the exact opposite really. in fact he made it clear, although his sister feels like suffocating him under the amount of books she's read every time he says it, he's glad that their parents aren't on his back and very strict on him like they are with her. well he is expected to meet their expectations and strive to be the best as well, when he doesn't reach it or makes mistakes they're more laid back with him because the youngest is allowed to make mistakes, "boys will be boys" and that he'll eventually grow out of it. Hyunsoo is the direct definition of a tsundere towards her. perhaps it's the whole "outwardly showing your sister love is uncool and gross" phase some boys experience when they're young. he pretends to not to be worried about her well being, pretending to not be thoughtful, and pretending to be embarrassed by the other. because of this they do at times get on each other's throat with the rude retorts, insults, bickering, and name calling, but that's just how the two interact with one another and how Hyunsoo shows his love. {"Don't get the wrong idea now, I accidently bought more ice cream than I can finish, so do me a favor and eat it with me because I don't want to waste it. Stop smiling! I just don't support wasting food, that's all."}

— best friend : Lee Jisoo (17) / high school student / quirky, playful, outgoing, boisterous, no filter, air head / 9/10
Jisoo was the very first friend Hyeri made when she first attended her first year at moon high school. Jisoo saw that the Hyeri looked a tiny bit out of place, lost and uncomfortable, and Jisoo had already got used to the school's layout and structure as her older brother once attended the school and she'll come for his games and/or because he forgot to take his lunch, so she decided to show Hyeri the ropes around the building and through the outside areas, who to talk to, who to stay away from, where she could get different things, and how to get what she wanted. Hyeri who only thought of Jisoo as a student in her grade who was only doing a nice act was shocked when the girl sat with her for lunch and next to her when they found out they had the same set of afternoon classes. Jisoo did this for the following days and weeks talking to her about everything and letting out her extroverted energy despite the fact Jisoo was only met with short awkward responses, hums to signify that the other was still listening and a small smile or laugh the other made when she said something funny. Jisoo proclaimed herself as Hyeri's best friend so they would usually hung out together due to this and because of their close age, same classes, and soon Hyeri opened up to her and called Jisoo her best friend too. years later and moon high school is still hosting the twos' giggle fits when they're around each other, jokes, talks, classes that they have together in their senior year and enjoyment from being in each other's presence. even if they can't hang outside of school due to Hyeri's parents only making her focus on her school life, they are still really close with one another. as they say, opposites attract. {"Yah! Do you have to drool the Yeongsan river all over your desk when you sleep? I had to tell everyone that you spilled water all over your desk just to save you from embarrassment, haha!"}.

— friends : elders at the Busan Elderly Home / retired / friendly, thoughtful, teasing, naggy / 8/10
Hyeri has a very good relationship with the elders despite the small amounts of time they see each other. They would talk to catch up on each other's days, play board/card games, enjoy 'Trot Thursday', watch films, listen to them talk about their families and stories. Other than that, they don't have much contact and exposure to one another since they both meet at most for 11 hours within in a week and Hyeri's busy schedule where she sometimes won't be able to go volunteer. However, when Hyeri has the chance to go to the elderly home she talks more than she does at school. Hyeri likes to throw a comment on what they're talking about here and there as they like that she responds to them and like to know that she's listening to them. and if Hyeri is feelings bold, she'll even throw a joke or pun about the subject at topic. as they say, the elderly knows best, they know herself better than she can. This is why they are the only ones who mostly knows about the problems hyeri is going through and how she feels without hyeri telling them (she's like an open book to them really), and offer great advice and suggestions to her. {"So how's that handsome fellow you've been daydreaming of all day? You have to bring him here so we can meet him and state whether we approve. Elders know bes after all, and our caring Hyeri deserves the best!"}.

— peers/love interest : ghost club members / students /5/10 (at the beginning)
Because of Hyeri's shy, awkward and introverted personality, it's harder for her to open up and make new friends than others. Especially since she never talked to any of the members during her high school years and now she has to be acquainted with all of them. She's detached and would only speak when spoken too, and would barely give any of her opinions or ideas out there. At the beginning you can see that she wanted to limit her interactions with her other club members by going at the club room early, avoid them during school hours, sit or stand a small distance away from them, and leaving the meeting first and fast once it ends. Her relationship with her club members would deepen and she'll warm up to them over the time they have that they can bond. Hyeri literally has the biggest crush on one of the male club members but she convinces herself that she's not his type. So she stays back and watches him from afar, wishing that she was brave enough to go talk to him, or even offer a pencil, offer to eat lunch together or just anything. But every time she musters the courage and walks up to him wanting to talk, she runs away because she's way too shy. {"AH! Oh my god. Why didn't you make your presence known when I walked in the room 3 minutes ago? You can't just sit in the corner and wait until people notice you and give them heart attacks. I'm starting to think that you're the real ghost here"}.


Application Questionnaire!

So, what brings you to Moon;s High's Club for the Investigation of the Supernatural? How'd you hear about us? : 

— Hyeri let out a shaky breath, "Other than my friends encouraging me to join, I wanted to try and do something outside of my comfortable zone, something new". Something that her parents didn't have control over. The interviewer continued to stare at her as if anticipating something. Hyeri bit her lip feeling self conscious all of a sudden as she didn't know what he was waiting for. It then dawned on her, " about that. I heard of the club through the flyers. Not that the flyers told me directly because flyers obviously don't talk but it was written on the flyers. Not that i'm clarifying because you would think flyers would talk because that would be stupid, and stupid as in how i'm rambling and speaking fast about talking flyers...hahaha". She gave the interviewer a small awkward smile as she was praying for the ground to swallow her up and make her disappear.

Do you believe in Ghosts? Goblins? The bogeyman? Do you believe in anything supernatural and not of this world? : 

— "Well...I guess so? I mean like if you believe there's a heaven then you must believe there are angels and vice versa when it comes to hell, right? I do remember sleeping with a night light until I was 13 because I believed the bogeyman would come out of my closet", Hyeri still does sleep with a night light on but not like she'll say it so she can embarrass herself further than she already has, "I do believe that there is potential of something supernatural and not living of this world to exist. Like physics have hinted towards it with things like phantom energy, dark matter and magnetic fields. Like how they predict that negative kinetic energy expands the universe in excess of something predicted by a cosmological constant. I'm getting too sciency here, sorry about that"

What do you hope to get out of this club? : 

— Hyeri genuinely thought about this question carefully before she decided to reply. She looked down at her finger fiddling with each other in her lap, " a place to belong? to hang out with people my age and not with books all the time? an excuse to prolong my time from going home and studying?...friends..." she murmured. The interviewer apologized as he couldn't hear what she said and asked her to repeat. Hyeri stopped fiddling with her fingers and looked up at the interviewer, "well my mom wants me to be more involved in school activities. I have joined the school's swim and soccer team, student council, i'm my class's class president but I have yet to join a club and if I were to join a club it'll look good on my school resume when universities look at my applications".

What should we do for our end of year event? : 

— This is where Hyeri can feel frowning. end of the year events are supposed to be fun and spectacular right? Her definition of fun and spectacular are a 1000 piece puzzle, word searches and crossword puzzles. Hyeri her lips, "a...mukbang in a haunted house?". It sounded better in her head than said out loud. She was so embarrassed with what she said. Hyeri felt laughter make its way up and she let her embarassment out in uncontrollable fits of laughter. She covered her smile with her hands and looked up to the interviewer. The interviewer was taken aback by her sudden outburst of laughter and right when they were going to ask her if she was okay, Hyeri did what she did best in these situations — she ran wherever her little legs could take her.


kimbappkidding : kim :  turn in

COMMENTS : I didn't "pretty up" the application like I usually do with others because I want her personality to reflect the application and in all honesty, no changes for the application was need because it reflects Hyeri's plain, boring, dull and average self and life. I hope you like her.


— her parents find out she's been skipping her night classes and they get into an argument with Hyeri about how she's getting distracted from her goals. Her grandmother steps in and argues with them that they should stop treating her like a machine only made for studying. Her grandmother convinces her parents to drop her night classes and let her join the club based on the fact that Hyeri has yet to join a club in the school and that it'll look good on her resume.
— Ghost club members go to either one of Hyeri's soccer or swim team games to support her. This leads her to crying a river since the only person who watches her games are Jisoo (her parents claim they never have time or have other things to do, her grandmother stays at home due to her poor health and her brother can't leave the house without parent supervision if she's not with him)
— Hyeri helps the ghost club members with their homework and studying
— Hyeri finally having enough of her parents orders and from the encouragement of her friend, brother, elders, ghost club members and mainly her grandmother stops doing all the things her parents want her to do that she doesn't want to. She quit soccer, swimming, student council, after school tutoring lessons, reading university books and she quit denying offers to hang out with her peers.
— Hyeri brings her crush to the elderly home as a "date" (she shyly asked him if he was busy on Sunday and if he'd like to volunteer with her at the elderly home since they are always looking for helpers), and the elders start embarrassing her and are constantly slipping up at the fact that Hyeri likes him but she quickly interjects everytime and comes up with a cover up for what their about to say. "Hyeri tells us a lot about you-", 'what she means is that  talk to them about the club and the members a lot, hahaha! Mrs.Park why don't I wheel you to your favorite spot near the window and get you your animal crackers?", "It's quite alright Hyeri I want to keep talking to your handsome boyfrie-", "BOY FRIEND! She was going to say boy friend as in a boy who is your friend, not boyfriend as in kissing and such, why are you so embarrassed about the wor boyfriend!", "Hyeri sweetie he's not embarrassed about the word you ar-", "I'M WHEELING YOU AWAY NOW BECAUSE YOU REALLY REALLY WANT THAT FRESH AIR FROM THE WINDOWS AND YOUR ANIMAL CRACKERS!!!".
— Ghost club members making fun of Hyeri's innocence because she carried a small ziploc bag of salt to protect them of evil spirits
— Hyeri running into the ghost club members while walking Yoyo

PASSWORD : Phsyics and Literature



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