Download photoshop?

Honestly, I hate to download photoshop because ugh the effort I don't have.

I brought photoshop cs6 from the shop for mac a few years ago but the thing is now I'm no longer using mac and I can't install it on the laptop I am currently using.

Definitely not buying a new one cosidering the price I would be paying just to use it on a different platform.


So does anyone know how to download it?

I know I've tried to download it in the past and I've had much trouble because of license key and all that.

Everything that seems to give me hope require surveys or something to do with my phone, which I refuse.

My mac is a douche and I need Photoshop in my life again.





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did you ever got photoshop though... im so desperate toooo T^T
ASHJGASSAJF I just literally downloaded Photoshop CC the other day T_T
I don't remember where I got it now T_T
luxicity #3
Yo :)
Try this one. This is just a portable one. But it's a bit long to download because it's too big.