animanga club recruitment — the tech girl, mitsuki.

Dreamx-- 9/10 Lina English
 FULL NAME  nase, mitsuki
 GENDER  female
— Techie; She's called this by almost everyone who knows her because during her free time, she's always on her 3DS or others playing every type of game possible.

—  Miki; Just a nickname those close to her call her because she absolutely hates it so they do it to annoy her. 
 DOB  01/04/1998
 ETHNICITY  japanese

 japanese; just because i want to, imma add it, it's her native language being born in japan and everything... 

— english; she only knows bits and pieces of the language and uses it whenever she skypes with her friends in the US to play mmorpg games. 
 HEIGHT & WEIGHT   50 kg & 162 cm
 1ST FACECLAIM  Nase Mitsuki
 2ND FACECLAIM  Shirakiin Ririchiyo
 APPEARANCE  She just has a small birthmark near her left collarbone in the shape of a crown. That's about it... 
 STYLE  simple and clean.  that's that, she doesn't like standing out so she would rather wear clothing in grey scale than anything else. 
 PERSONA  the overly addicted gamer/techie
POSITIVE: reliable, calm, blunt honest, independent

NEGATIVE: irritable, stubborn, high standards, attention span of a goldfish
 CHARACTER OVERVIEW  mitsuki is pretty reliable. she gives out all of the advise she can give even though they don't make sense at all. she stays calm no matter what kind of situation they're in and will always show a bored face throughout the whole thing. she is also very honest and throws out her comments whenever she feels as if they are needed even if they aren't. since she doesn't take any interest in most things, she is pretty independent and doesn't care much for anything. she doesn't stick her head into problems and problems don't stick their heads into her space. 
she's also a very irritable person, meaning that she's hot tempered and will speak her mind no matter where she is. if she hears an insult about her favorite game Elder Tale (got that from Log Horizon eue) she'll immediately react, not caring what time of day it is. mitsuki can also be very stubborn. she doesn't back away from a fight and since she has high standards to who she talks to and such, it all depends on the person she's fighting. if it's somebody who doesn't like or understand the way she talks about Elder Tale, then she thinks of them as lower than herself. mean right? but then again, mitsuki has the attention span of a goldfish and will soon forget and ignore the person that she's having a fight with. very unique she is. 

 CHARACTER BACKGROUND  born as the second child in her family, she's practically babied around. she has to follow every rule in the house while her older brother, who has a little sister , gets to do whatever he wants. her parents have divorced when she was around 10 years old but she's over that and so is her older brother. there really is nothing interesting in her past other than it was her brother who made her into the geek she is today. till this day they still play Elder Tale together, re-creating new characters and redoing each of the quests as much as possible.
She was also part of the Tech Club but once bratty little girls started joining to make guys notice them, she quit and decided to stay away from that club. Right after she quit, somehow Tateyama-sensei found out and immediately dragged her towards the Animanga club. Right when she was about to win in Pokemon, he took away her 3DS and threatened to smash the electronic in front of her. Irritated, she put up a fight but once he had scratched it, she immediately joined in so that the torture to her precious baby would stop.

mitsuki is pretty quiet but then again, she doesn't get much work done. why? electronics.
 OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL  first thing she does once she gets home from school is log onto Elder Tale and play until the next morning is present. she also plays many other mmorpg, shooter etc. games but Elder Tale is her main game on the PC. 
— she's always carrying around an ipod, 3DS, PSP and even more electronics in her school bag. 

— she's absolutely obssessed with Elder Tale and will continue to play it until she gets bored of it
— she always has a strawberry flavored lollipop in whenever she needs to focus.
— even though she doesn't show it, she's absolutely terrified of clowns and the dark
— she bakes whenever she doesn't want to play Elder Tale, which is about once every two to three months
— she's absolutely terrible at point and click games but she won't admit it
— sadly, she's a rage quitter. 
— when there's a light rain, she loves to go and walk outside, it counts as her exersize of the year. 
— you'll rarely see her in heels, she's always in converse, never heels. 
— there's rarely color in her clothing, of course, there are dashes of color but it never shows. 

Q: First of all, tell me one thing that you think is your strong point.
A: My ability to focus on games. 

Q: I see. So, why are you applying for this no-good club?
A: I was dragged here and forced to apply.

Q: What is your favourite anime & manga?
A: No Game, No Life! I wish I lived there... 

Q: Give suggestions on how to help improve the club, and it's one hell of a clubroom.
A: Add a gaming console and a computer. It'll make me want to be here more often. 

Q: Do you think you'll be able to cooperate with me and the other members?
A: I guess it's possible if you don't disturb me while I'm in the middle of my gaming time. You stay away from me when I'm playing and everything will be good. 

Q: What do you think of our advisor, Tateyama-sensei?
A: Ehh... I don't pay attention to him... I guess he's okay. Wait no, never mind. He took away my game. Hate him. 

Q: I hope you'll enjoy being in the club. See ya.
A: Yeah... Bye. 


 COMMENTS  Hehe, I hope you liked her. Sorry I was a bit lazy on her personality but if you ever wanna add more to her, feel free! 
— One of the club members challenging Mitsuki to a shooting game
 PASSWORD  "Damn... I ran out of lollipops..."



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