♔ V-LANE ┌ Lee Hye Rin ┘┌ GOSH ┘


I am Lee Hyerin

Character Name— Lee Hye Rin

Other Names

— Inoue Rin


— Hyung-nim ( Her little brother uses this for her since she is more of a boy than a girl but she doesn't mind at all. It makes her feel powerful in a way. )
— Rin-kun ( Her grandfather and father calls her this because of her behavior. She loves the nickname too and girls from Japan love to call her this. )

Birthday— November 30, 1995

Age— 20

Birthplace & Hometown— Busan, South Korea

Ethnicity— Korean-Japanese

Blood Type— B

Height— 164 cm

Weight— 52 kg


— Korean ( Fluent )
— Japanese ( Fluent )
— English ( Conversational )


Face Claim— Lee Joo Yeon ( link )

Backup Face Claim— Park Chorong ( link )

Style— Hyerin's style is simple. She doesn't like to show off neither does she like to wear dresses. She would rather wear jeans and a tee at a party than a dress and heels. It's rare to see her without her favorite pair of converse on along with a snapback on her head. She doesn't mind wearing shorts but those are only for extremely hot days or practices. She doesn't really like to wear makeup also but on some days she'll add a flick of mascara along with eyeliner. That's as far as she'll go with make up. When being forced to wear a dress, she'll try to wear her converse instead of heels and sometimes, she's lucky enough that she gets to pick out what she wears to a party. 

Hyerin is the biggest tomboy you'll ever meet. She spent most of her childhood and teenage years surrounded by men so she had picked up their habits. Her best habit that she picked up from them is their cuss words. She spits them out as if they were her native language and since she knows three different languages, she knows how to cuss people out in all three. You can easily tell when she's jealous because she'll act as if she doesn't care and starts speaking in English, cussing the person she's jealous of out. Hyerin is also very prideful, just like her grandfather. She never likes to admit when she's wrong and always ends up in the worst conditions when she gives up her pride. Her pride is what makes her seem cold to others. She doesn't walk out with a smile on her face unless she sees the person she wants to talk to or at least when she's near with somebody she's used to. She's also very mischevious. She loves to mess with peoples mind and it brings a small smile to her face when she sees that they're angry at her or at least slightly hurt. I guess you can say that she is a slight sadist but it's not serious, it's just a little part of her that does this. So, to strangers she's cold, mean, and rude but once you get to know her, she's the friendliest person you'll ever meet. 
Hyerin's pretty friendly and caring. She's amazingly shy so whenever she meets a stranger her face turns red as she speaks, not knowing what to say. Even though she is a tomboy, she's also a girl. She knows how to care and knows how to act like a lady but she just doesn't show it much. She's always looking out for her friends and is always willing to fight for what she believes in and when she has enough courage, she'll start to talk with strangers, but that's rare. Adding to everything else, she doesn't like to admit this but she is a romantic. She loves to plan things out and she's been this way ever since her parents let her design a date for them. Hyerin is the perfect lady on the inside but on the outside, she's the little devil. But then again, she's pretty loveable once you see her aegyo.  She absolutely hates showing aegyo because of her pride but what she doesn't know is that her aegyo comes out without her knowing it. She whines, pouts, and pleads with the biggest aegyo ever. But don't tell her that, she'll just deny it. 


— Sweets/Candy
— Sleep
— Anime/Manga
— Music
— PC Gaming
— Football


— People who give up easily
— Talking to strangers
— Strong perfumes/smells
— When her sleep is disrupted
— Overly cute things
— Extremely hot weather


— Taking walks out when there's light rain outside
— Baking sweets when she's hungry


— Winking at random things without knowing
— Smirking when she finds something or someone that amuses her
— Cracking/Stretching her back once she's in a chair
— Keeping one ear out when wearing headphones
— Running her hand through her hair at random times
— Biting her lips just for the heck of it
— Cussing in Japanese and English whenever she's mad


— She's a huge otaku
— She brings her iPod everywhere with her, no matter where she's going
— On her freetime, she Skype's her little brother only to play Leage of Legends with him
— When she goes to visit her family, they always end up playing a game of football
— She actually perfers pastel colors over strong colors
— She knows how to code programs
— She's pretty much addicted to plaid and has many plaid button up shirts. She loves to wear them around her waist along with a white or black tanktop and some skinny jeans. 
— Her little brother's friends also call her Hyung-nim


Background— Ever since she was a little girl, Hyerin spent most of her time with her father and grandfather along with her male cousins. She has learned every cuss word and everything manly from them and picked them up as her own habits. During family reunions, she spent them playing football and playing video games with her cousins. There was one cousin that she loved the most though. His name was Lee Hiro. He had a huge passion for music and was a dance major in Univeristy of Seoul. She had caught him dancing one day and thought that it was amazing so she joined him with his adventures in the dance world. Hiro caught her talent and suggested that she become an idol. It took a lot of convincing her just so that she could start to reach that goal. One day, Hiro set up a family talent show. He purposely had done this so that everyone would support his little cousin in becoming an idol, along with the thought that she would be able to notice her skill. He had his friends teach Hyerin how to sing, rap and personally taught her how to dance. Soon enough, the day had came and everyone saw her potential. They all supported her and soon enough, her dream of becoming an idol was near. She had continued this training with her cousin and his friends until she found the auditions for Big Hit Entertainment. Immediately she was interested, especially since she wanted to dance with the Bangtan boys. So, she trained for the day and auditioned. Luckily enough, she had passed everything and got into the entertainment with little to no issues. 


— father | Inoue Tamaki | 43 | Professor | Serious, Playful, Over-protective | Hyerin spent the most time with her father and is a daddy's and grandpa's girl. He knows that her cussing came from him since she knows how to do it in both Korean and Japanese. She is his pride and he'll do almost anything for her. 
— mother | Lee Sora | 40 | Professor | Bubbly, Talkative, Serious | Hyerin's mother is the one who taught Hyerin everything she knows today. She's extremely supportive but also likes to keep an eye out for Hyerin.
— brother | Lee Hyunki | 15 | Student | Playful, Bubbly, Talkative | Hyunki treats Hyerin as if she was his older brother. They do almost every sport together and are able to talk to each other about everything. 


—best friend/cousin| Lee Hiro | 25 | Choreographer | 
—best friend | Han Yerin | 19 | College Student | 


Rival— Jung Eunji ( Yoon Bomi )

Age— 21

Group— A Pink

Personality— Eunji is very bubbly and friendly. She easily makes friend and is easy to talk to. She also has a lot of aegyo that she isn't afraid to show off. She has the voice of an angel and she just has that bit of matureness that makes you like her a lot. It's hard not to like her but then again, Hyerin hates her. 

Interactions— Whenever Hyerin see's Eunji, a scowl comes onto her face and glares are made towards the nice girl. Eunji is extremely nice to Hyerin and that's what pisses Hyerin off the most. Hyerin is absolutely annoyed of Eunji's face and will glare until she thinks that it'll start melting off. They can speak like civil people but sooner or later, Hyerin will start an argument over little things that annoy her. 

Why they are rivals— They've been rivals ever since they were little kids. Eunji was always the perfect student while Hyerin was the tomboy student in school. All of the teachers would tell Hyerin to act more like Eunji, sweet, nice and like a girl. Sometimes her mother would even say, "Can't you be just a bit more like Eunji?" That pissed Hyerin off as a child and that's what got her more into her father and grandfather. Eunji doesn't think that Hyerin is her rival yet Hyerin finds Eunji to be her biggest rival when it comes to things. So, they brought this rivalry all the way up to now, from childhood to the beginning of adulthood. 


Love Interest— Park "Jr." Jin Young ( Im "JB" Jaebum )

Age— 21

Group— GOT7


Love Rival— Im "JB" Jaebum ( Wang Jackson )

Age— 21

Group— GOT7


Stage Name— Rin

Persona— The Little Devil

Plotline— GOSH ( DASANI )

Fanclub Name— Angels (Because she's the devil and all, she needs her angels too right?)

Fanclub Colour— #ffffcc

Comments/Suggestions— Hehe, I hope you liked her~! Good luck with your story though! Oh, I hope that you didn't get too confused with the way I explained everything. Hehe, once again, good luck!

Password— Nine Muses - Drama. I honestly don't know if this counts but I'm guessing it does..

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Layout by luminous_star from Ice Waffles | Do not steal or remove credit


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