Dreamx-- • Lina • 8/10


You're so Beautiful.

name » Han Yerin

nickname(s) » 
     » Rin - It's just a shorter version of her name that her friends call her. She also actually really likes this name for her. 
Sleepy - She's always tired and trying to find time to sleep no matter where she is. Her dark circles are almost as bad as Tao's  natural bags. 

Birthday + AGe » October 1, 1994 + 21 years old

birthplace » Busan, South Korea

hometown » Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

language » 
» Korean - Pretty self explainable... When she speaks though, there's a Busan accent.
     » English - She's not that good at english, but still trys her best to understand what people are saying. 


face claim » Suna

backup face claim » Se Jin


appearance » With short yet smooth orange ombred hair is this girl here. Her hair is cut up to her shoulders and once was her original dark brown hair is now ombred into an orange. Her hair is usually up to keep it out of her face and it is rarely put down. 
Yerin has nice big chocolate brown eyes which make her much more innocent than she actually is. With those eyes, it's not hard for her to pull of the puppy dog look on her face which can easily give her nap times for whenever she wants them. 
Amazingly she stands at the height of 168 cms and weighs in at 53 kg. She is what you would call tall and lanky but don't underestimate her strength. She is one of the strongest despite her job of being the pastry chef. 
Yerin isn't much of a make up person honestly but when she has time to put it on, she'll mainly focus in on her eyes. A thin line of black eyeliner and some matte brown eyeshadow for her bottom lash line is all that she needs. From time to time she'll even put on lip gloss but that's as far as she'll go. 
She also has two small tattoos that are fairly visible. The first one is on her right  wrist in the shape of a small arrow with a light wave going through it. The second one is behind her ear in a small infinity sign. Other than her tattoos, her ears are pierced and she loves wearing small earings to keep the holes open for new ones. 


style » Yerin absolutely loves comfortable clothing. She thinks that it's best to be comfortable and simple than pretty and stiff. You'll mostly see her in oversized sweaters and leggings  along with her old pair of black converse on her feet. She is also very obsessed with snapback hats and beanies on her head. Beanies becase it keeps her head warm and it's easy to hide her hair in when it's a bad hair day for her. Snapbacks because they're just fashionable. She wears them almost every day of her life. 
There are also rare times when you would be able to see her in a pair of shorts or a dress even. She finds them useless honestly. The only exception for shorts is when it's extremely hot out and she isn't in the mood to wear a pair of jeans on her legs. Dresses are for extremely special occasions such as parties. From time to time she would even wear a dress for fun, but that's once in a blue moon. 
Everyday clothing - 1 2 3
Rare Dress/Skirt days - 1 2 3


" I'm trying to take a nap here... "


She's My lAdy.

plotline » Pastry Chef
BackUp PLOTLINE » Lifeguard

Description » This girl works behind everything. She is the chef of them all and despite what Kyungsoo says, she's a better pastry chef than he is. Yerin is always tired no matter what the situation is and is able to sleep through almost anything. She carries the same exact aura as Satansoo and isn't afraid to use it against others. From time to time though, she'll break out of her scary presense and become a hyper, always smiley girl. She absolutely loves to confuse people with her personality change but then again, it's what makes her so different from almost everybody else. 
Traits » 

( + ) Calm, Playful, Understanding

( -- ) Irritable, Slightly Sadistic, Lazy

personality » 
» Yerin is an understanding and calm person. She's always willing to listen to your problems no matter how tired she is from everything that's happening in the hotel. If you just call her up when she's not sleeping or working, she'll try to sort out your problems and help you find a solution to your situation. Adding to that, despite being younger than Sehun and Jongin, she's much more mature mentally than them. If you call Sehun and Jongin 5 year olds, she would be considered a 6 1/2 year old. That's a pretty big gap! Okay, now honestly, she's the one to calm everyone down from chaos  that's happening around her. She just carries that "You know I'll beat you  up" kind of aura with her that makes everyone fear her, just a bit more than they fear Satansoo. Despite that, she's also very playful. From time to time, mostly Friday's and Saturday's, she breaks out of her calm and collected state to become a child. She finds joy in everything and is always bringing smiles onto everybodies faces, even if they're having a bad day. On these days too, you'll find that she has more aegyo than ever. Bringing out all of the "Oppa~ Jebal~" sentences out instead of the "Yah! Hajima." sentences that she usually says to all of her oppas. She is just like a child and sometimes, her mental level drops down to a 5 year old too.
» Now, onto her negatives. These practically happen everyday except for Friday's and Saturday's. Even though she is mostly calm, collected, and understanding, she carries a powerful presense with her. She is more irritable, finding the negatives in everything and pointing it out bluntly to those around her. She gets mad easily so she usually takes it out  on a wall or a stuffed animal of some sort. This irritable side of her brings out her sadistic side too. So you know how sadistic means that she likes seeing people miserable. Well she's kind of like that. She brings out the misery to those around her, especially on Sundays. She just absolutely hate those days. Sunday is when she is even worse than Satansoo. She is absolutely in a bad mood and finds it hard to smile on those days. Now her laziness is something that comes naturally to her. This lazy part of her is everyday. She hates doing too much work in one day and is always trying to find an excuse not to do work but in the end, she always ends up doing her own work. On days she has off, she's always in bed, not wanting to do anything but lay there and sit on her ipod, watching dramas or even just random YouTube videos. Her most said line for her negatives is, "Don't you dare wake me up or you're going to get hit." Amazing right? 

trivias »

 — Sweets » They are what you would call her guilty pleasure. They're the reason she became a pastry chef, well along with the fact that she loves watching the reaction that people have once they taste her sweets. She just finds them absolutely delicious.
 — Macaroons » Now these are different from sweets. Sweets are something she likes, but macaroons are her favorite types of sweets. There's just something about the way they're made and how they taste. 
 — Foggy Days » To Yerin, foggy days are the best kinds of days. It's not too hot nor is it too cold. The sun isn't there and it leaves a nice mystery kind of feel to it. 
 — Running Man » Running man has always been her favorite tv show ever since it came out. She's always rewatching the episodes and always on time for those that are just coming out. Her favorite member? Kang Gary.
 — Piano » Ever since she was a child, the piano was always a beautiful instrument to her. It was big, elegant, and had the most beautiful sound that she's ever heard of. She know how to play the piano and has learned almost every song that Yiruma has played. 



 — Perfume » There's just something about the smell of perfume that throws her off everytime. Of course it does smell nice but it's extremely strong to her nose if there's a lot of it on just one person. 
 — Avacados » They aren't her favorite thing to eat. Maybe it's the shape or the color of the fruit that makes her hate it so much. 
Mashed Potatoes » Once again with the food, she just doesn't fancy mashed potatoes. She can eat it if it isn't mashed but once it's mashed and full of gravy, she won't even touch it.  
Horror » Anything that has to do with horror, keep Yerin away from it. When she was little, she just sneaked a peek of Chucky playing on tv during Halloween and immediately she was freaked out. Since then, horror was never her thing.
Overly Naggy People » Yerin hates being told to do something more than once. She understands what is going to happen and she knows she's going to do it but it just gets her mad when the person telling her to do something repeats themself then says, "I shouldn't have to tell you more than once." Just makes her want to punch them, and sometimes, she does. 

 — Biting her nails, lips and tongue. 

 — Sticking out her tongue whenever she's focusing on details

 — Stretching out her back whenever she sits on a chair
 — her lips 


 — Taking walks on foggy days » It has to do with her love for foggy days, she dresses up warmly and goes out for a walk when she's not busy to clear her mind or to think of new designs for pastries 
 — MapleStory » She plays this mmorpg game with her brother whenever she has time, it's how they keep up with each other. 
Boxing » Believe it or not, Yerin used to box. She uses this training and skill to take out her anger. Of course it isn't on people, it's on a punching bag... Most of the time. 


Random facts

 — When she's in a good mood, she craves for macaroons 
— She smacks everybody on the back of the head for whenever they mess up, sometimes for fun
 — She brings a slinky with her so that she's entertained
 — She loves to take naps in the middle of her baking time, but shh, it's a secret.

 — She has her own punching bag in the back of the kitchen...
 — Currently, she is level 93 in MapleStory


The History that i make.

background » Born on October 1, 1994 in Busan, South Korea was this young lady named Han Yerin. Of course, she had lived there for most of her life as she grew up. But not even a week after her birth, her mother was once again pregnant, this time with a little boy. Yerin was able to watch her little brother be born in her fathers arms as the baby popped out of her mother. Her official first word was amazingly the name, Sanghyuk, well more like "Shangkyuk" From there on, she had a little brother to take care of. Being the oldest of the two, she knew she had more responsiblity than wanted but she toughed it out and helped her little brother through the tough times of being a child. The two stuck like glue and was always devestated when they had to seperate from each other.
As they grew up they knew what they were going to be. Sanghyuk was to become an idol and Yerin was to become a chef. She was proud of her little brother and the day that he had gotten accpeted into Jellyfish Entertainment to become an idol, she bought him a necklace for him to remember her by. Time slowly passed by and every month she would send her little brother a box of sweets for him and s to enjoy. During that time, she had decided to be a pastry chef, seeing as she had enjoyed baking sweets for those around her she had done what she wanted the most. Now came the hard part, looking for a place that needed a pastry chef. She had looked everywhere, from cafe's to bakery's to hotels. Then finally came the day she stood in front of Hotel El Dorado. She had walked inside with only one thing in mind, get a job.    



» Han Sanghyuk | Brother | 20 | Playful, Fearless, Cute | Idol
Ever since the day they saw each other, there was just something that clicked. For Yerin, she had the thought to protect her little brother no matter what happens and it was the same for Hyuk. They helped each other grow and realize what they wanted to be as an adult. Together they're geeks and when they have time, they'll play MapleStory together so that they are together even though they aren't in the same place. Of course, once every month, Yerin would go over to Jellyfish and visit her little brother and VIXX to bring them sweets and to celebrate their hard work. 



» VIXX | Close Friends  | 20-24 | Geeky, Playful, Hardworking |Idols
They've known each other for 3 years now thanks to her little brother Hyuk and they're very close friends. Every month she goes and visits them with her pastries, they have a lot of fun. Many games are played, teasing happens, and of course, sweets are being eaten. VIXX tries to teach Yerin how to dance to their songs but it usually ends up in failure as to she has two left feet but in the end, everything is full of fun and games. 




» Jung Taekwoon/Leo | Twin-ish | 24 | Quiet, Abusive, Father-like |Idol
VIXX considers these two to be twins of some sort. They both run on the same mindtrack, always quiet but carries a violent presense when they see something they don't like. The only difference is that Taekwoon acts more like a father to Yerin even though she doesn't like it, and believe it or not but Taekwoon smiles more with Yerin. 
» Kim Jongdae
 | Singer and Sleeper | 22 | Honest, Self-Supportive, Passionate | HED Entertainer
Yerin likes to consider Jongdae to be her lullaby singer. She practically forces this entertainer to sing her to sleep whenever she wants a nap time within the hotel and is always looking to hear a new song. From time to time, these two will collab on a cover with Yerin on the piano and Jongdae singing. 



Call Me Baby.

love interest » Do Kyungsoo

backup love interest » Kim Jongdae


Interaction » Leaving these two alone in a room would be a big mistake. With their matching satansoo personalities, it would be possible that they could start a World War 500. The biggest difference between the two of them is that Kyungsoo can't pull off aegyo when trying and Yerin can. But they debate over that too. When they're actually working together and there's complete silence, they work fairly well with each other. Despite all of this, when they're actually together and they're both in a good mood, they make the cutest shy couple ever. Kyungsoo never hesitates to be a pillow for Yerin and if Jongdae is never there, he'll be the one to sing her to sleep. But in front of everyone else, they're extremely shy and always trying to pick a fight with everybody. They also can't stop themselves from having a baking contest to see who wins each time, and so far, Yerin is on a winning streak. 


love story » It all began on Yerin's first day of work. She came prepared in her work clothes and her short hair up in a low ponytail to keep it out of her face. Everyone greeted her polietely with smiles on their faces, some even went up and hugged her. But the moment she reached the kitchen, she had things to do. She wanted to be a good sport since it was a Friday morning so she decided to make some of her favorite macaroons for everybody. All a different flavor. Everything was prepared, the filling was already made and all that was left to do was to make the cookies to hold the filling in. The moment she put the cookies into the oven, she took a seat in front of the oven to watch but slowly she fell asleep. 
Just as she fell asleep Kyungsoo came through to doors, ready to make lunch for all of the clients in the hotel. Today was just as busy as all the other days he has been there. Though, the first thing he saw was a sleeping girl. He remembered her face as being the new pastry chef. A small scowl showed on his face as he began to mumble about how he was already a good baker but once her reached her sleeping figure he watched curiously. He never thought that she would be sleeping already. He peered into the oven and took out her cookies the moment they were ready. Quickly he woke her up and told her to start filling her sweets. 

The moment Yerin woke up, she was hyper and excited to start filling her macaroons when she noticed Kyunsoo. She watched as he prepared lunch and slowly she gave him her favorite chocolate macaroon, telling him to eat it. From there on, they had slowly built up their relationship. 
Of course they had their fights and competitions but they slowly developed feelings for each other. Of course, both were too shy to say something about it and continued working normally but almost everybody could sense that they liked each other. The thing that made it obvious to everybody was when Yerin would ask Jongdae for a lullaby so that she could take a nap and Kyunsoo would end up getting extremely jealous over it and made up an excuse for her not to take a nap while listening to Jongdae's voice. Jealousy is key to noticing when somebody likes you. The very first person to say "I like you." was the one and only satansoo. Slowly but surely, they went on dates when they were free, napped with each other when they weren't baking, and became a well known couple within the hotel. 



» It was honestly the only place that needed a pastry chef... Are you sure it wasn't for the guys working here? *raises an eyebrow* Why would I work here for the guys? It's a waste of time to look at handsome men when you could be earning money. 

What can you contribute after getting accepted? 
» Depends on what you people need really.... If I'm feeling up forit, free sweets might be there from time to time. But just as a snack, nothing more nothing less. 


Who do you think will you work well with? and not work well with?
» Ehh, I should be able to work well with everybody, as long as they aren't disturbing my nap time, I'll be nice and work well with everyone. 

» The most handsome? *scans everybody* Uhm.... Yifan? Sure, why not. Yifan is the most handsome. 

» Jongdae. He sings me to sleep sometimes. 

» SleepyRinChef or or or BetterThanKyungsoo (You can choose >u<)


Run, don't let go of this hand.

comments/suggestions » Because I love both of you... there are two gifs, one of y kai and one of y sehun in the password ^^ Hehe dun die.

scene requests » 
» There shall be chaos and Yerin shall be sleeping through it all
     » A bake off between Yerin and Kyungsoo
     » Jihye distrupting Yerin's nap just to eat sweets
     » Yerin asking Jongdae to sing her to sleep but Kyungsoo stopping it. 

Desired CLients » 
     » Wang Jackson, jk everybody from GOT7
     » VIXX 

     » Running Man

password »  love me like you do


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