究極の大学 ► THE ROMANCE CLUB :// 송하은。

can you be my pillow?
i'm known as the quiet girl in the back of the room, headphones on my head and my eyes closed because i am sleeping. i really don't talk much but when ido, people stare at me in amazement as if it's the first time they've heard me talk... Uhm... i guess i do tend to ask people to be my pillow, especially when i'm standing up because people are the best pillows ever. what do i do for the club? i guess i'm the advice giver. i don't know a lot about love but for some odd reason, i tend to have the best love advice ever... don't ask how. 
dreamx-- ✕ lina ✕ 9 ✕ english
► きみの名前は何ですか // haeun
birth name : song haeun (송하은)
nicknames : name + why they're called this + who calls them this
— sleepy; called this by most people but mostly jaejung
— eun; just a shorter version of her name that she likes to call herself when she talks in third person. 
date of birth : 1 april (20)
birthplace : busan, south korea
hometown : incheon, south korea
ethnicity : korean
blood type : b-
— korean; native language.....
— english; she honestly only knows the cuss words in english and likes to use it against people... 
► 短い髪 //
face claim : Park Chorong
backup face : Ji Hye Un
appearance : Her hair reaches down to the middle of her back and is usually down, letting it cover her face so that she can sleep peacefully during the day. She also has this little birthmark in the shape of a crown near her left collarbone. 
sense of style : no dresses, just simply comfortable
stature : 164 cm & 52 kg. 
► 私にあなたの夢を教えて //
persona : that one kid that's always sleeping
first impression : "people see me as a kid that sleeps no matter where i am even though i think i'm just tired of them when i'm really sleepy."
personality traits :
(+) understanding, easy-going, observant, playful
(-) quiet, lazy, extremely sarcastic, easily distracted
personality : 
       Haeun is a very understanding girl despite her habit of falling asleep wherever she is. She is able to analyze and process the event happening right before her eyes very quickly and somehow saves the day. Even though she doesn't look like it, she scares people very easily and uses that against her when there is a fight going on during her naptime. When she uses this, she tends to have a little fun with it. She loves to mess with peoples head and she calls it herself being playful. During her playful moments, she talks in third person, calling herself, "Eun". It's kind of odd but you'll get used to it. Adding to everything else, she's actually pretty easy going. She follows the flow of the world and rarely steps out of it. She lets things happen naturally and thinks nothing else about it. She rarely argues with people and goes on with the mindset that everything is happening for a reason so she doesn't let it bother her. 
      Now, since that you know that Haeun is a big oddball, this will make her weirder than ever. She's the type of person to get easily distracted then make comments about it in her head. Sometimes, she even says it outloud without knowing. Once you snap her back into reality, you'll notice how lazy and extremely sarcastic she is. She makes sarcastic comments everytime something comes out of , be it in a whisper or not. She tends to make sarcastic jokes out of everything without knowing it. Her laziness shows up immediately as you can see. She sleeps in almost every single class she has and nobody knows how she passes so easily when she's asleep, she doesn't know either, but it's a gift. Another fact about her, she knows almost every single cuss word in the english language and she loves to use it for her advantage. She finds it amusing when people don't understand what she's saying so you can call her mischevious instead of playfull. 
background : April Fool's day was the day when this little ball of joy came into the world at exactly 12:12. Don't ask how that is possible but she made it possible. She grew up in a family full of lazy men who rarely did the work and obviously, that trait passed down toher. She is the youngest of 4 and has lived with her father for her entire life. Her mother had passed away giving birth to her so she was in the care of one middle aged man and 3 children. She lived a fairly fun life, watching her older brothers protect her from boys with cooties and her father working his off just to make sure they lived a perfectly normal life. As she grew up, she helped her father along with her brothers to earn money and make a living. Of course, they all had their fun while doing it but it was most memorable when all 5 of them were fooling around on payday, doing whatever they wanted. Once she started growing up, she was realizing what her dreams were. She actually wanted to become a chocolatier. She spent most of her time at home making chocolates for her brothers to taste that she rarely sleeps at all, which makes sense about why she's sleeping in class every day. So, she entered college with the thought of becoming a chocolatier and sleepiness. 
future plans : After college she plans to make a little chocolate shop. She also has plans of making it into something like a little cafe too. She'll have coffee and chocolate to serve to people. A bad plan but then again, who is able to resist the warmth of coffee and the deliciousness of chocolate? 
family :
        (3rd child)                             (2nd Child)                                 (Oldest)
Brother — Song Hyunwoo (24) + Kindergarten Teacher // playful, talkative, cute, clumsy // Since he is the one closest to Haeun's age, he likes to mess with her. He's always trying a new prank on her and is always trying to make her smile. Even though he doesn't look like it, out of her three brothers, he's the one that is the most over-protective of her. He doesn't like guys looking at her and will call her his girlfriend despite Haeun's dissaprovement. // 10/10 (fc: Lee Hyunwoo)
Brother — Song Hyunbin (25) + Model // egotistical, clumsy, the black hole // Out of all her brothers, he's the one that she likes to mess with. Because he has the name Hyunbin, he likes to act as if he is Hyunbin.They argue the most about the littlest things but then again, he's the one with the most muscle. He taught Haeun how to punch one time and now, she uses it against him. // 10/10 (fc: Lee Kwangsoo)
Brother — Song Hyunki (26) + Lawyer // slow, playful, the jokester // Even though he is the oldest, he is the child out of all four of them. He loves to joke around and is always the last to get the jokes. Just like the other two, he is very over-protective of Haeun and will sue any guy who breaks her heart. Literally. He uses his position as a lawyer to do many things and it usually involves Haeun. They're the two that talk to each other the most about anything and everything. // 10/10 (fc: Andy Lee)

friends : 
Best Friend/Roommate — Park Jimin (20) + College Student // cute, egotistical at times, lazy // They've known each other since the day of their births. Okay, that's over exaggerating it, they only know each other because they were neighbors back in Busan. Ever since they were little kids, they would play with each other and everything, developing a great friendship. They even go to the same school as each other but then again, they argue about who should get up first and everything. // 10/10
Cuddle Buddies — Moon Jaejung (22) + student // lazy, understanding, lame // It all started on the day when Haeun asked him to become her pillow. Amazingly, he had agreed and they ended up becoming cuddle buddies. Nothing more nothing less. He had took her into his club and let her sleep there as long as she did work and so Haeun did do work. They sometimes take naps with each other, mostly Haeun on his lap while he's doing work, but that's it.  // 9/10
► あなたは誰 (笑) // jaejung's interview!!
hello sir ma'am person um so who are you again??? :
— *yawns loudly and stretches* Hmm? Oh, I'm Song Haeun. You know, the person who sleeps on your lap?
why did you join the romance club because i thought this whole club thing would crash & burn quickly tbh :
— *lays down* You promised me that I could sleep here as long as I do work, so that's what I'm doing. You dragged me here anyways. 
how will you help out the lost souls who can not find love? :
— By giving them advice. *nods, closing my eyes*
tell me what your ideal type is and if you say me i'll be flattered but haha planning to stay single :
— I don't know, what is my ideal type? That's too much work and too much thinking. 
what is your opinion on me btw i'm just wondering :
— You're my pillow. 
any ideas on outside events? i'm just asking this bc i just wanna hang out with you guys otl :
— Nope, unless napping counts.
what would your role in the club be, exactly? any individual skills to boast or whatever?? :
— The advice giver I guess?
ok thanks for letting me waste your time ma'am or man haha byE :
— Yeah yeah yeah.. Just let me nap now. 
► トリビアの挑戦 //
trivia : 
— She's absolutely terrified of spiders, but don't tell anyone that.

— She can sleep through the loudest events ever, it amazes everybody.

— She can use both hands when writing. 

— Hyunbin taught her how to throw a mean punch and now, she won't stop using it against him.

— She is addicted to plaid clothing, especially plaid button up shirts, there's just something about them that make her love it so much.

— She makes Valentines chocolates for everyone in her first class on Valentines day but nobody knows its her. 

— She carries her ipod everywhere she goes, there isn't a single minute when it isn't with her.

— She won't admit it but she's addicted to BTS and thinks Jaejung looks exactly like Suga. 

— She always smirks whenever she sees or hears something that amuses her.

— Even without eating candy, she is able to be hyper for at least 10 minutes and will do anything to get it out of her.

— She's terrified of clowns. Just can't handle them.

► なぜ私は恋をしていませんか? //
idol ideal type : Kim Taehyung
ideal type : Someone who will be able to deal with my brothers and my own laziness. It's best if they're interesting too. 
how they'd interact : She would act normally around him, maybe pay slightly more attention to him, try just a little bit harder from time to time just to impress him. She'll slowly start being effectionate around him. 
closeness : 5 out of 10; 
type of relationship : Since it'll be Haeun's very first relationship, expect it to be awkward and full of red faces. Of course with friends she's able to act perfectly fine around him but once it's just the two of them, silence falls over and nothing else happens. 
ending : Have fun with it ^^
♥ バイバイ
comments : At first before I actually finished this I was like "Yes I finished!" Then I saw the trivia section... But now, I'm officially done!
questions : Nope.
concerns : Nothing
scene suggestions : Sleep!
entry key : "Let me sleep..."
don't do anything with this pls lmao


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