Glad to see AFF back

I was flipping my earlier over the site being gone. I would have been really sad to lose everything here.

On a personal note, I kind of wanted to say something. I know a lot of people saying the guy should have taken it up with his daughter, rather than the site. That's completely true. But even if he does, she may not stop. You can't control what your kids look at on the internet (to an extent).

Personally, just talk to your kids about these sorts of things or about maturity or whatever.

I personally have been "hiding" fanfics from my parents for almost 10 years. Partly because I was young and reading things I probably shouldn't and partly because "oh my god what the is wrong with me I like reading about guys in love with each other"

I started reading in 8th grade, when I was like 13 or 14. I'd been reading lemons (lord, that term is so old) for a year already. By highschool, I was reading some hardcore stuff. The thing to me though was I felt I was mature enough to read it and I didn't read what made me uncomfortable. Maturity is key in my opinion.

I had parents who respected my maturity. My mother, who knows of my love for , saw no problem in it. She even read one to check it out and okayed it for me. She personally didn't like it, but she thought I was mature enough to handle it.

I guess what I wanna say is, is if you're young, don't get ahead of youself. I think the only problem with me now is that I'm a huge ert xD

I felt like sharing a personal story due to this...I got really off track.

Anyways, I still hide because mostly my parents still see me as an innocent girl and, well, obviously they don't really like it, so I'm not gonna leave it out there for them to see it


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Lallun #1
Omg, could you tell me what happened to cause it to go down? I've been trying to find out but I haven't found anything yet. What happened with the guy and his daughter?
Loo ikr (thats what im going through rn lol. Im baaaaad tho)