〈「50 Ways of No 」〉 ━ park, jinjoo

Park Jinjoo
clara ^_^ / activity rate (4)
             → Jin - what she tells everyone to call her because she's not particularly fond of her own name. 
             → JooJoo - Changsub calls her this because he knows it annoys the out of her and it amuses him
             → Jin-chan - her twin brother Junghan calls her this and only he is allowed to anyone one else who tries gets                  an abundance of graphic and descriptive death threats for the next several days after the incident. 


>> BIRTHDAY - March 13, 1992 
>> BIRTHPLACE - Tokyo Japan
>> HOMETOWN - Tokyo Japan

>> ETHNICITY - Korean-Japanese
>> NATIONALITY - Japanese
            → Japanese - Fluent - Jinjoo and her brother grew up with their mother in Japan so her Japanese is flawless 
            → Korean - Fluent - studied Korean hard after they had to go live back with their father and other siblings so                   there wasn't a communication barrier. 

>> FACE CLAIM - yura
>> BACK UP - sinbi

>> WEIGHT - 127 lbs & 58 kg
>> HEIGHT - 5'5 ft & 169 cm

She'll either keep her hair down or in a braid if she doesn't feel like dealing with it that day. Jinjoo has a lot of peircings in her ear going from the lobe all the way to the helix.


Jinjoo's style can be described in one word casual. It's not that she wears sweats all the time with baggy sweaters or loose shirts, but she doesn't try to dress up or anything like that. Not to mention make up is completely out of the questions since she has absolutely no idea how to use the stuff. Her closet is filled with jeans, comfortable tops and t-shirts, and flats. 
Profanities - yes but not very often
(+) calm, determined, modest
(-) detached, indecisive, secretive, untrustworthy

Calm - Jinjoo sat in the livingroom sipping her tea quietly as her siblings were once again arguing with one another. She leans against the couch not minding the fact that Minae was practically in her lap to attack someone else. She looks up at the tap on her shoulder and looks up at Peniel. "Don't you think you should move?" Jinjoo just blinks at him and tilts her head as if confused by the question. "Why should I? I was here first."

Determined - She sat in the middle of her bedroom books laid out everywhere along with papers and her laptop within typing distance. Junghan walks in and laughs shaking his head at the disaster zone that was once Jinjoo's room. "Another test huh Jin-chan?" She just quietly nods and continues to study completely forgetting everything and everyone else. He walks away leaving her be but not before grabbing Sungjoo and telling him to get her some food.

Modest - Jinjoo smiles to herself looking at her final grade online. After working so hard she had earned the grade that she wanted but jumps up in surprise as Changsub had not so gently plopped down on her bed looking at the screen. "What are you smiling about? That never happens." She slams her laptop shut huffing a little trying to hide her embarrassment. "Nothing. Shouldn't you be working ?" 

Detached - She watched as Junghan immediately became close to all their other siblings and sighed turning in the opposite direction glaring at Sungjae shutting him up before he could even open his mouth. Finding a quiet spot in the kitchen she sits on one of the counters and begins reading, totally planning on hiding out away from the others, and ignores or glares at anyone who tries to talk to her.

Indecisive - Jinjoo placed all the food on the counter and stared at everything reaching her hand out and then pulling it back several times. "Which one do I choose?" She asks to herself shuffling back and forth around the counter not able to make up her mind. "Just pick one! You're making the food spoil!" She pays no mind to the yells and groans and only blinks as something was shoved at her. "Here! Just eat it." She looks down at what was shoved at her and wrinkles her face shoving it back. "I don't want that. Don't bother me while I'm deciding what to eat." 

Untrustworthy - "How could you do that to me?" She smirks slightly at the person in front of her. "I warned you. You didn't listen, so now you have to face the music." "But it's not fair you can't just control people. "That's the beauty of blackmail sweetheart." And she walks away the small smirk still on her face. 

Secretive - Jinjoo blinks as she walks right into a fight and quietly backs up out of the line of fire but listens to them nodding here and there at some words and smiles to herself keeping notes. "This could be useful in the future." She murmurs quietly to herself as she walks back to her bedroom. 

>> LIKES - reading || astrology || cheesecake 
DISLIKES - being embarrassed || fish || roses
HOBBIES - people watching || writing 
HABITS - stares at menues and other buyable goods for hours trying to decide what to want || rubs the side of her eyes when tired or stressed || speaks to everyone in japanese to either confuse to them or get them to leave || will often curse in japanese as well. 
TRIVIA - she really likes to write though refuses to let anyone read it || can sleep about anywhere no matter how noisy and chaotic || of all the siblings she's only close to her twin brother || is actually a clean person except when studying or doing school work then her room looks like a war zone || she really does not like her name despite everything her mother said and corrects anyone who does use it. 
Jinjoo was born and grew up in Tokyo Japan with her twin brother and mother. It was a rather easy going life going to school having a few friends who she would hang out with, but she still liked staying home most of the time being more of a shy child. They stayed in Japan for 13 years before having to go to Korea to live with their father and other siblings. She had a hard time getting close to the siblings who she hand only known through pictures and what her mother told her of them. Jinjoo spent her time in the house the very same way that she did in Tokyo studying hard and holed up in her room. It wasn't until she starting finding out about her siblings and their secrets did she start coming out more only to blackmail them into doing whatever she wanted. Needless to say she wasn't the favorite sister of many. 

Jinjoo is now going to school for libral arts focusing mainly on fictional writing. She hopes to become a writer and help others escape into the magical worlds of books, and hope they will help them to forget their issues for a few hours like how she feels everytime she picks up a book. Of course she still blackmails her siblings to try and calm down their rowdiness but for the most part sticks to herself only to be dragged around by either Junghan or Changsub. 

 - Park Junggeun - Jinjoo doesn't talk to her father much only because the first time she met him was when she had to move to Korea. If she can she avoids being alone with him not wanting to hear him talk or lecture her. 


 - Park Junghan - He's the one always dragging her out of her room and around the city pointing at things acting like a complete tourist at times. Despite them having the complete opposite personality because of their close bond Jinjoo can tolerate and at often times calm him down from rampaging or making stupid decisions. 


 - Yook Sungjae - Sungjae confuses Jinjoo on a variety of levesl. There are a lot of times where she'll just sit there and stare and him trying hard to figure out what the hell makes up this human being only to scoff and turn away when Sungjae flashes her a grin and confuses her more. She'll often just shake her head walking away muttering something like "are you even human" or "what the hell is wrong with your brain". 


 - Zhou Yixuan - The few of the bulters who Jinjoo actually feels some pity and admiration for. Always willing to help and not minding all the stuff everyone forces him to get and do because he's one of the few who will say yes without complaint. She'll sometimes offer a quiet thank you actually feeling something of a guilty conscious for forcing him into the contract. 


 - Emi - Emi is Jinjoo's pet cat and the only one who she trusts completely and totally. Much like the park siblings Emi is about as spoiled as a cat can get with her owner sparing no expense to make sure she's happy and comfortable. 
Yes. She was the one who collected all the dirt she could find and then used it to force the guys into signing the contract or risk having their secrets exposed all over the internet for everyone to see. 

INTERACTIONS - The interactions between the two of them is much like they were a cat and dog rather than master and butler. She cannot control him no matter how much she threatens and curses even screaming in Japanese he'll still just grin and sit there. It wasn't her idea to have a personal butler so it was surprising and annoying to see Changsub's grinning face with a stereo in hand blasting obnoxious rap music and even more annoying to see her brother standing next to him with the same grin and screams happy birhtday saying Changsub was her present. Ever since then she's been stuck with him following her and driving her insane 24/7. Jinjoo has been known to throw books at Changsub's face when he crossed the line, which is often. The two are in a never ending game of hide and seek with Changsub yelling in happiness when he finds her followed by a scream of pain from a book smashing into his face.
PERSONALITY - Changsub is fun, and easy going able to make just about anyone laugh with his funny faces or just overall weird behavior. He is the one that you can't take too seriously or your head will probably explode trying to do so. However he can also be completely and totally obnoxious and his constantly joking self can rub people the wrong way causing them to yell at him to shut up or just walk away unable to take anymore of his talking. Depending on the person he is either the life of the party or someone who needs a swift kick to the head to start thinking straight.  
FIRST MEETING - Even though it was Jinjoo's job to dig up as much dirt on the guys as possible she never actually met anyone of them and had already mead that she didn't want a personal butler. However Junghan saw it as perfect opportunity for his sister to come out of her shell and so for their joint birthday he got his sister her own personal butler, one who he thought would be perfect since he got along with Changsub so well. So one night right at 3:09 am the time she was born he had them sneak into her bedroom and blasted rap music through a stereo waking Jinjoo and everyone else in the house, saying that Changsub here was her birthday present of course both of them had books thrown at their face and were warned if they walked into her bedroom again at a time that wasn't after 10:30 thye would have an injury more serious than a bruised face. 
INTERACTIONS - Besides the usual interactions between the two there are some times that they actually get along thoug they are indeed extremely rare and an amazing site that are usually captured by the siblings so they have finally have something on Jinjoo so she gets a taste of her own medicine. The two of them can sometimes be seen in the backyard or the dining room table with Jinjoo trying to teach Changsub to speak Japanese after months of him constantly begging and pleading follwering her around and waking her up at odd hours of the morning asking for her to do it. However when it seems like the two are finally getting over their differences Jinjoo will clam up again and immediately go hide due to her embarrassement and her running away from the feelings she knows are there but refuses to admit to.
ENDING - anything is good haha 
COMMENT - Well here is one of the park twins hope you like her. When it comes to her interactions with Changsub she'd be a bit like a tsundere though I didn't describe it that well sorry ;_;
→ One of the siblings finds Jinjoo's writing and gives it out to everyone in the house in revenge 
→ She realizes how she feels about Changsub and goes into complete shut down mode embarrassed and ashamed of how she's feeling, and has an internal struggle with herself. 
→ Her blackmailing just about everyone 



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