Love Your Work

so earlier i pulled a book from our shelf and i found a bookmark with this poem. i've read this poem a long time ago, and it's a pleasure to read it again. i just want to share it here coz it's inspiring :)


Love Your Work


If you don't like your work,

You'll need three times the energy:

To force yourself to work,

To resist the force,

And finally to work.


If you love your work,

Your desire to do it

Will be like a wind

To propel your ship

With much less fuel.


If you like your work,

You work no more--

For work, when you like it,

Is work no longer,

But sheer enjoyment!


If you enjoy your work,

You'll work and work

Without counting the hours--

And you'll reap and enjoy

More earnings as well.


-- HL Neri



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Wow. It's an wonderful poem.
PearLee #2
Nice poem :)