you make me (prompts)



You make me

As much as you make me so happy,

you make me so sad.

You make me question 

why can’t I love two?

Why should I love only one?

Why am I not two?

You make me cry.

And you make me bad.

You make me want to sin.



You are the reason why I smile, but he is the reason why I am able to smile.





When we hug so earnestly

with our love bursting from our hearts, 

you will suddenly appear in my head

and I will begin to cry. 

I will begin to question, 

why can’t I hug you like this? 

I know you want me too. 

I know you love me too. 

So how about you? 


I’m having a hard time 

thinking that you’re weeping alone. 

I weep too

because it hurts me. 

It hurts me a lot.


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