Irresponsible readers


Is it wrong to wish blacklisting on readers who plagiarize? Because it is very tempting right now to want to ask the site moderator to block users who have records of plagiarism. Or at least blacklist them, like, put a warning sign beside their name so that other users are aware if their subscribers or friend requests have records so as to be more cautious.

I now understand why some writers put their stories as sub-only or friends-only. It's frustrating for readers like me who like to read fics freely and not sub just to read. If I eventually do not like the story I will unsubscribe, and that is not very nice.

But seeing how 2 of my favourite stories have been plagiarized, twice (EACH!), and one of the writers I look up to also fell victim to plagiarism, I have to say, frustrating as it is, I guess I see your wariness.

I, myself, have yet to have any of my stories plagiarized. I hope. At least, I haven't heard that any of them was plagiarised, and I hope I never have to, because although it is quite flattering, I guess, it can also be very demoralising. And the fact that I write songs as well makes me even more cautious. (To my readers, please inform me if you see any copies of my work, especially my songs because I really take pride in my songs)

Readers, I beg of you, please, on behalf of everyone here, be responsible and original instead of plagiarising and spoiling the fun for everyone. It is really not fair for us readers when writers close down their stories because of one or two irresponsible ones who think it's alright to copy another person's hardwork.

Do you know how depressing it is when we see a story we have been waiting for updates for being 'updated' only to find out the writer closed it down with an A/N stating that the story is closed for an indefinite duration because it was plagiarised?

Do you even understand that these writers, with actual lives outside of this site, with school and work and some even both, taking time off to write, and even though they could have kept it for themselves or actually publish the stories (I have read some very good stories that I believe can really be published into a book) they choose to post it here and all us readers for free? Why can't you just enjoy the stories instead of taking advantage of these writers?

I won't be surprised if the moderator chooses to shut down this website completely because the number of plagiarism in such a short amount of time is ridiculous. I've read of 5-6 cases of plagiarism in less than half a year. Can you believe it? And I'm pretty sure there's more. This is ridiculous, honestly.

Please, readers, be responsible. If you really can't come up with any original stories, at least seek permission or opinions from these writers. Not blindly copy them.

I'm not a victim of plagiarism and I'm already quite frustrated. Imagine these writers who unfortunately are. I honestly wonder if it is still safe to put my ideas here on this site, when there are so many irresponsible people. I'm not blaming the mods. In fact I'm really thankful this site even existed. I just dislike (with a passion) freeloaders and people who take credit for others' hardwork.

So please, don't spoil this experience for us. Don't because of a minority, people who actually have a talent for writing decide not to pursue due to fear.



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Icepeach #1
I understand how u feel . I hear of this things happening and wish it doesn't happen to me.. Coz my stories are from my head and trust me its hard
Sigh. It's a horribly constant issue, and well, you know me, and that I am all talked out about it. I just popped in to say that I agree with you: I'm glad that this site exists, even with all the dangers involved, I also made a lot of nice friends. Like you. :D