


No. 01289




Wabi Sabi Roleplay

The roleplay was established on ____. Are you looking for friendship or love? Come and join our family! We promise to bring joy into your world.


Activity: Active
Age: New
Current events: None
Sister roleplay: Crazy World

The Baes


wabi-sabi ( 侘寂 ) (n.) a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay. This roleplay is established to create friends, fall in love, fall out of love, hav a family, and achieve what most people really desire; to be loved. With the help of the admins, it aims to captivate your heart and enjoy your stay in our family-like roleplay. You can expect an amazing world where even the slightest of dreams are possible to create. Here in wabi-sabi, we'll rest assure to have a wonderful time and would never leave anyone behind, for we want love and unity as one family.


01. Read the rules carefully, you'll see why.

02. Subscribing is a must, and yes we do check.

03. One account per person. This is strictly implied.

04. 3 days dating ban. Marriages and pregnancy are allowed.

05. This is a non- AU roleplay. Feel free to express your character.

06. Yuri and allowed, but it is limited. Remember, there are people who are straight.

07. Drama is limited, definitely no ooc drama.

08. Use brackets when talking OOC.

09. Inform an admin whether you're taking a hiatus, leaving, or changing characters.

10. Password is favorite drink.

11. Be friendly and welcome others, don't just drop a hi and never reply.

12. Be active.

13. Actually, the real password is your favorite word.

14. Absolutely no face chasing or being biased.

15. This is a closed roleplay, do not add someone outside of the roleplay.

16. Your asianfanfic account must be friends with us (wabisabirp) account. Failure to send a friend request, will have a denied application.

17. Respect the admins. This without said, does not need an explanation.

Thank you for reading/And all of these rules must be followed.

How to Join?
1. Check the masterlist and wishlist before you comment, if your desired idol is available.

2. Comment down by using our form

3. Wait for an admin's approval. You have 48 hours (2 days) to make your account and private message the account link the roleplay's account. Aff: -wabisabi

4. Remember to add all the admins and after the admin introduce you, you can add the others.

5. Put your favorite flavour of ice cream + your character's name in your alternative name. Ex: "Vanilla Krystal"

6. Use this form




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