

the real you

aff username: Yeolliebunny

aff profile link: Click~


name: Song Nam Eun


stage name: Nameun

birthdate: 17/05/1994

age: 18

height/weight: 170 cm / 45 kg

hometown: Seoul, South Korea

birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

ethnicity: Korean

languages: Korean, Japanese, English

bloodtype: O

fashion. style. looks

ulzzang name: Song Ah Ri
pictures of the ulzzang: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

back-up ulzzang's name: Kim Shin Yeong
pictures of the ulzzang: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3


when icomes tpersonality looks dnot matter

personality: Song Nam Eun is a quiet person when you first meet her, but once she becomes comortable around you she becomes lively. She is picky with everything and chooses everything carefully with a lot of thoughts. She'll work hard to everything she lacks in and tries to achieve it. Nameun has a spot where she respects everyone and uses terms correctly in a situation. Don't let looks fool you, there's time where she is mischievous and ends up getting in trouble. In a serious situation she will be serious, but in other times she likes to be chill, playful, and lively. She isn't perfect like everyone, she has flaws too like burping out loud and can't stop listening to music every day and being weird at times. Nameun would take problems by herself, and sometimes that isn't a good thing until someone helps her out, but other then that, she'll try to solve it. Her sense of fashion isn't the best either.

backround: Eversince she was young she was kinda use to be alone. Being alone let her think, but being too lonely pressure her even more, so this is the reasons why she is a bit weird. She always dream of being a singer back then. When she was little she was bullied because of the disease she had back then which was tuberculosis. She caught it in Japan when she was visiting and came back to Seoul with it. Every kid made fun of her how she can't accomplish her dreams cause of the tuberculosis. Tuberculosis makes a person non stop coughing up blood, so it was hard for her to talk most of the time.  A miracle happen and she only had latent tuberculosis which is unactive tuberculosis. Even though its unactive the kid would still bully her by saying no one should hang out with her or else they'll get the disease too. One would try to kill her because of the disease she contains.  After two years she was cure and decided to go back on track chasing her dreams. 


  1. Daffodils
  2. Sunsets
  3. Amusement Park


  1. Bullies
  2. Less sleep time
  3. Video games


  1. Archery
  2. Singing
  3. Ice Skating


  1. Burping out loud
  2. Sleeping late
  3. Fiddling with a pen
  4. Biting her lips


  1. Has to listen to music everyday
  2. Types really fast
  3. Has a mole on her left shoulder
  4. Always wear a necklace that her lover gave.

you are imheart


1) Shin Dongho

  1. The bullies were pushing Nameun  around the lockers. Two of them pinned her to the locker by her arms, while the other one was raising a baseball bat and raise it against their head ready to hit her with it. Dongho forgot his notes in the locker and came in time to see what was happening. He quickly went behind the bully with the baseball bat and stole it from her fingers. After he scared the bullies off he helped Nameun and decided to stay by her side.

2) Lee Hyeri

  1. Lee Hyeri was running around in the park and saw a girl crying on the bench. She decided to go see who and why was the girl crying. Turn out the girl was Nameun and Hyeri asked her why she was crying. Nameun responded with "You might want to go away from me, after all I have a disease and you don't want to have it." Hyeri was shock and confused but she decided to stay next to Nameun. "Everyone's life is tough, but you have a disease meaning you're stronger than a lot of people. Fight it off and prove to everyone that you're strong, just cause you have a disease doesn't mean I can't be your friend," Hyeri advises Nameun. Nameun heard her and looked up, and both of them quickly became friends.

how did you guys act around each other?: Sometimes they would tease Nameun by her 4D personality, but they always encourage each other. There was a time where they all told each other embarassing moments and use it against each other. From being like brothers and sisters was their relationship.


  1. Oh Se Hun (Exo)
  2. Chaejin (MYNAME)
  3. Jo Kwangmin (Boyfriend)
  4. Lee Kaeun (Afterschool)

crush or lover?:

Kang Joon Kyu (JunQ from MYNAME) - lover

what caused you guys to meet?: Chaejin left his wallet in Nameun's house when her friends were having a hangout. Nameun called Chaejin and he told her to drop it off in Chaejin's dorm. She quickly ran out to Chaejin's dorm. On accident, she bump into someones back and fell flat on her . The person turn around and reached his hand out to help Nameun up. "Chaejin, next time you shouldn't forget your wallet," she mumbled and the guy happen to heard it. "I'm JunQ, Chaejin's hyung," he introduced. She introduced herself back. "If you were going to drop it off do you want me to help you walk there," he asked and she nodded. After five minutes of walking JunQ decided to go to a coffee shop, "Let's have a date, how about that coffee shop?" Nameun agreed and followed behind JunQ. She told him that she had to go and return the wallet, he shook his hand and told her that he can give it back afterall he is Chaejin's hyung and they live in the dorm together and that this is their date. Nameun shyly  agrees and enjoyed her drink and their relationship became closer. 

family backround: Song Nam Eun's parents both work in the richest business company so they were always busy and doesn't have  time to hang with their only daughter. Nor did they talk to her a lot, so whenever they say they love her, she doubted their love. On mothers day, fathers day, and even on her birthday, they can never hang out with Nam Eun. 

family members: 

  1. Song Bae Choo | Father
  2. Song Eun Ki | Mother


  1. Krystal f(x)
  2. Tyme Sun Ah

dyou have enough talent

position: Lead Vocalist, Visual

singing: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
dancing: Link 1, Link 2
rapping: Link 1, Link 2

back-up position: Lead Dancer, Vocalist

singing: ​Link 1, Link 2
dancing: Link 1, Link 2 (girl in yellow pants), Link 3 (Vynii)
rapping: Link 1, Link 2

persona: Level high beauty

personal fanclub: Beauty levels

trainee years: 2 Years

how you got discovered: Singing contest in Seoul.

password and anything else you'd like tadd

debut song suggestions: How high can it get?

comments: Hope the stories goes well ^^

password:  your first kpop love, Big bang ( I loved all of them, so couldn't choose back then XD )


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Thank you ! :D <3
I really do like how you were detailed.
& the part about tuberculosis.
I just love drama:3.
After finishing reviewing your app, I was grinning like an idiot. :P. Anyways, thank you for applying!