Altair Academy


Username: Yeolliebunny

Profile Link: Link

Activeness: Mostly 6 hours every day
~ Character’s Information ~

Name: Park Hwe Ri

Nickname: Rinnie

Age: 17

Birthday: October 15, 1994

Ethnicity: Korean

Blood Type: A

Birthplace: Beijing, China

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Korea and English
~ Appearance ~

Ulzzang's Name: Do Hwe Ji

Link: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

Backup Ulzzang's Name: Seo Ji Hye

Link: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

Height & Weight: 167 cm & 43 kg

Clothing Style: 

Others: One ears pierce

~ About Me ~

Personality: Park Hwe Ri is a quiet person, yet a bit weird. She does have OCD, but it's only a little bit. When people first approach her she'll be shy, but once you get to know her, she'll open up. Even though she's quiet, she can't stay still in one place and must move around. She's perseverance and ends up working overly hard until she achieves it. Just because she has a cute look on the outside doesn't mean she can't have bad moods. Those bad moods are caused by what happen to her in the past and this is why she's working hard. Overly putting herself in much work, thoughts, and it all crashes down on her. 


- Ice skating

- Music

- Winter

- Ice cream

- Daffodils


- Liars

- Not enough sleep

- Pickles

- Spicy Food

- Natural Diaster (Earthquake, etc)


- Singing

- Ice skating

- Modeling

- Archery


- Doesn't sing in public.

- Has a bad habit of biting her lips.

- Doesn't have a favorite color, likes every color.

- Sometimes talks to herself whenever she's alone.

Power Information ~

Abilities: Nullification - Nullify other powers and attacks couldn't harm the user as the user can surround himself/herself around a force-field.

When did you discovered your powers?: When she nearly got shot by a bullet when a robber tried to kill her.

Back-up Abilities: Mind Reading

Character's Family ~

Family's Background: Park Hwe Ri's family works at a high rated restaurant. Since her parents works at the restaurant, the restaurant closes late at night. Her parents were wealthy from the money they were making since they own the restaurant. They both love Park Hwe Ri dearly and so did her brother Park Hyung Seok.

Father's Name: Park Nam Jae
Age: 48
Occupation: Manager & Owner of the restaurant

Mother's Name: Park Ji Seo
Age: 47
Occupation: Cashier & Owner

Sibling's Name: Park Hyung Seok
Age: 20
Occupation: Model


Character's Friends/Rivals ~

Best Friend's Name: Song Chan Ho

Age: 20

How did you guys meet?: Park Hwe Ri decided to go visit her brother and bring him his lunch at the modeling location, but got lost on the way. She met Song Chan Ho and asked him for directions. Luckily he was also going to the modeling location.

Friend's Name: Park Soo Bin (Subin from Dal Shabet)

Age: 18

How did you guys meet?: You and Park Soo Bin were childhood friends because of your parents and hers knowing each other.

Rival's Name: Son Naeun (Naeun from A Pink)

Age:  18

Why do you hate each other?: You and Son Naeun never liked each other, especially when you first met her. She was rude, disrespectful and always trying to put you down. One day she decided to cross the line and embarrass you by dumping spoil milk on your hair in middle school.
Love of Your Life ~

Lover's Name: Lee Sungjong

Age: 18

Birthday: September 3, 1993

Personality: Sungjong is nice, sweet, and caring. He is quiet, but will open up to the people he trusts. It's hard for him to make friends therefore it's harder to also gain his trust. Sungjong has a nice sense of fashion .He likes to do girl group dances and everyone called him a diva before. To release his anger he punches his stuff bear because of what his hyungs told him to do. Now since he grown up, he's becoming more like a man. 

Abilities: Empathy - ability to read/sense the emotions of other, or even controlling emotions.

Back-up Lover's Name: JunQ

Age: 18

Birthday: August 9, 1993

Personality: JunQ is quiet, but becomes lively when he's around people he knows. He can make anyone laugh and smile. Also he's respectful and responsible with anything and anyone. JunQ tries to understand and learns about you more because he cares for you. He's mature for his age and knows when to be serious and when to joke around. 

Abilities: Darkness Manipulation - Ability to create or manipulate darkness.
Others ~

Dormitory: Link 1

Password: lost dreams

Extra: Hwe Ri's past was that when her and her friend (other friend) were having a sleep over. They walked out of the restaurant to throw some trash away, but a robber approached them. He shot Hwe Ri's friends first and then try to shoot Hwe Ri, but due to her nullification power, she made it alive. 


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