Pure Melody


 Personal Information ;

Aff username & link : Yeolliebunny

What should I call you? : Jennifer

Wanna be friends? : Yes! :D


♥ lecharacter ;

Name :  Lee Su Ji

Nickname(s) :  *

Age : 17

Birthplace : Yeouido, South Korea

Hometown : Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity : Korean

Languages :  Japanese, Korean, and English

Blood Type : A


 your true self ;

Personality : 

Lee Su Ji has a bit of OCD. Whatever she has to do, she must make it her way for it to work. She is a unique person that only her brother understands. Family and friends is the one thing she loves the most. She isn't perfect at all, sometimes doing things in her way will end up being messy, which makes her clumsy at times. If a friend or someone that is closes to her is in a depress state, she'll try to help them. She knows how to cheer up people and put a smile on their face. Sometimes by making people smile, she'll troll people, but only a little bit.

Whenever Lee Su Ji is bored and has nothing to do she'll be 4D at times, like thinking or even saying, "What if we're all dreaming and we're not actually living? Anyone could be dead and no one would actually know." You'll get use to her being weird because without her being weird, it won't feel right. Since Su Ji is shy in front of people she just met, she'll often blush, but that doesn't mean anything. She is lively with people she knows the most and end up talking a lot, to the point where she's talking to herself at times.

She doesn't judge very much, but if she heard rumors about you, she'll judge you. If you lock her up in a small space, she'll freak out and be scared because she's calustrophobic. She's the type that can't stay still in a single place and ends up having to move around a lot. She's also easy to be friends with, but doesn't like skinship.

Backround :  Suji doesn't like skinship because of how she was bully back then when the modeling company rejected her. Models from that company pushes her, slap her, beaten her up, or even lock her inside the dressing room. The models threatens her that she shouldn't even be an assistant either cause she not 'pretty' for them. Eversince she looked down on herself even more.  Therefore she doesn't like skinship nor small spaces. Her brother was in the modeling buisness and that's how she became an assistant. 

Likes : Shopping, modeling, origami, friends, family, smiling, laughing, cameras.

Dislikes : Fruits that has seeds, liars, tan, pollution, skinship.

Hobbies : Ice skating, modeling, texting, origami, playing piano.

Habits : Biting lips, fiddling with pens, saying umm alot, playing with her rings thats on her finger, streching.

Fears : Natural diaster (earthquake etc), small space, loosing her love ones, rapists, drowning.

Trivia : 

  1. Has 2 ears pierce on both of her ears.
  2. One time she laughs a lot and end up choking on ice cream.
  3. Loves her brother a lot.
  4. Like the fact she has light brown eyes.
  5. Has a little bit of a lisp.
  6. Loves milk.
  7. Has one mole on her shoulder.
  8. Wears contact lenses.


♥ Oh heey, you look like her ;

Ulzzang Name : Do Hwe Ji

Photos of Ulzzang : Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5


Back Up Ulzzang Name : Jo Min Young

Photos of Ulzzang : Link 1, Link 2


Style : Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4

Height: 173 cm

Weight : 45 kg


 These people ;

Family Members:  

  1. Lee Hyun Bae | 48 | Restaurant owner | Father
  2. Lee Sun Ae | 44 | Interior Designer | Mother
  3. Lee Chi Hoon | 21 | Model | Older Brother

Best Friends : 

  1. Hwang Mi Soo | 17 | Doesn't work yet | 9 
  2. Byun Baekhyun | 20 | Exo-K Singer | 7
  3. Oh Se Hun | 18 | Exo-K Maknae | 10
  4. Jung Eun Ji | 19 | A Pink Main vocalist | 9

Rivals : (Name | Age | Occupation |Reason why you two don't get along ; This is a must. Not everyone likes you in this world )

  1. Krystal | 17 | f(x) lead vocalist | She use to like Lee Su Ji's brother, Lee Chi Hoon, but since she threatens you because you hang around Chi Hoon too much, Chi Hoon told her off and lost respect for her. Now she hates Lee Su Ji because of her, Chi Hoon can never like Krystal no more.


 Your Prince Charming ;

Name: Lee Sungjong

Age: 18

Personality: Sungjong is sweets and caring towards everyone. He usually punches his stuff bear to release anger, whenever his hyungs order him around a lot. Sometimes he dances girl dances to cheer people up or to just make them laugh. His obessions is lemon cany and eats them everyday. Sungjong's taste in fashion is amazing, from pretty legs to good clothes, he's the group's  diva.

Relationship with character : Admirers

How you act around each other: Being himself and yourself, goofying off, shopping online together. He helps you choose all the good clothes. Whenever he calls you, he calls you Suji yeobo or jaigya instead of just Suji. Suji doesn't make fun of him on how he's like a diva, or girly because he's gets down whenever he heard people talking about him like that. But for the past years he grown, he turned into a man. The trust between Suji and Sungjong grew a lot to the point where Suji have a skinship relationship. Back then he thinks he's prettier than other girl group, but now he realize that you're prettier than him, so he compliments you every single day. 

How you met : Back then, Suji looked down on herself because she wasn't hired as a model like her brother did. She got rejected and became the assistant instead. Every model started bullying on her on how she wasn't tall enough or didn't have pretty features. When Suji was running errands for her brother modeling buisness, they ran out of clothing instocks from that shop. So she has to go get the clothes from the mall, when she finish getting the clothes for her brother, she saw this girl shop that just open, and out by the window was pretty clothes that hang up. As she was walking while looking at it, she bump into Sungjong. Sungjong then look where she was staring and he shook his head and pointed to the other outfit that was next to it, "That one will look good on you." He smiled and walked away. Suji return to your brother modeling location and handed the clothes to him. While Suji were watching her brother photoshoot a finger tapped her shoulder. "Excuse me is this the photoshoot for Aboki," Suji turn around to see Sungjong and nodded. "Oh it's you again," Sungjong said and she nodded. "Wait, so you're a model?" he asked and Suji shook her head. "Well you should be because you're pretty than I am, my name is Sungjong sorry for the late introduction," he smiled and Suji started to introduce herself too. After hearing that she was pretty, they got close due to fashion and Suji end up opening up to Sungjong, while Sungjong did the same. 


Back up lover: Minwoo

Age: 17

Personality: Minwoo has a cute image instead of a handsome image. He sweats a lot when he practices. Having the cute image he likes Mickey Mouse a lot, but don't let the cute image fool you because on days, he'll easily have bad moods.


 Swag ;

Position: Visual | Main rapper

Singing links : Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

Dancing links : Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

Rapping links : Link 1

Back up position: Main Dancer | Lead Rapper

Stage name: Suji

Persona : Beauty Harmony

Individual fan club: Beauty notes

Individual fan color: (pick one)

[x] thiscolor

[] thiscolor

[] thiscolor

[] thiscolor

Trainee years : 3 years


 Other Thingys

Questions?: Nope

Comments: Hope the stories will go out will! ^^

Requests: Nope

Do you know how to put a video on a post? LOL i'm a noob and doesn't know how -.- I don't know either LOL


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