Learning Korean?

 It may sound ridiculous but would any of you like to learn Korean with me? Not personally but I'm learning Korean on a really basic level (beginning at the start really but it's really accurate) and learn some of the alphabet and the stuff I learn each week with my tutor? I've found I don't really go out of my way to learn stuff so I'd be easier to just learn something each week? 

Anyways if any of you guys so request it I'll just post some quick things up each week for you guys to take a look at XP


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Sure~Actually I'm in the process of learning as well ^^
I think what's gonna happen is I'll start to try, then , then give up
I would love it! I sorta tried to teach myself, and I can kinda sound out words and I know a load of random words and stuff, so it would be great to learn more ^_^