[ BLOG ] J-Hope

So J-Hope has red hair now. You may or may not know but J-Hope is my ultimate bias (finally dethroning VIXX's Ken after the cutie main vocal was my UB for the past 2 years).

Anywho, J-Hope's red hair has me. Everyone, I seriously can't right now. In my last blog, I wrote I have a huge weakness for red hair and just-- My friend sent me a photo of red hair Hobi and I thought it was a joke, so I disregarded that, but I saw he updated their twitter with a photo of him and his rED HAIR AND THAT'S TOTALLY NOT OKAY OMFG PLEASE HELP ME. LET ME HAVE PEACE.

Needless to say, I cried and got way too excited and randomly burst out into fangirling at the thought of his red hair and I just now squealed again just writing about omfg. J-Hope, have mercy on my hEART/!1!!!





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my heart oh my god