ultimate tattoo artist
full name
joo kyoungjae
date of birth
10/27, 19
vav's st.van
     (+) honest, level-headed, creative
(-) coy, envious, lazy
a man of few words, kyo is much more a cunning, quiet type. he often gets lost in his own thoughts, but don't be fooled. that does not mean he is a smart guy. more on the creative side, kyo tends to think outside the box, which often leads others to believe he is a strange person. 

when not working on his next project, kyo keeps to himself and tends to be lazy. work hard, play hard, he isnt the type to work unless it is something he is passionate about - which is tattooing, and... well, that's about it. true, he loves all forms of art, but tattooing has captured his heart. 

very picky, this also leads kyo to be very indecisive. it is hard for him to make choices and this is often how he trails off into many different paths at once. he has many open projects that he hardly ever gets around to finishing both because he is lazy with no motivation, or it ends up turning into something completely different due to his indecisiveness. 
at a young age, kyo's talent budded as an artist. he won many painting and sculpting awards, however, he only kept entering these competitions because his parents kept urging him. why should he stop when he was so obviously good at something? however, kyo felt so bored of the same results over and over for something he hardly found fun.

he found tattooing at the young age of 10 and asked to be an apprentice at a shop. the artists were skeptical because he was so young, but accepted him when his parents supported him. after all, he always went along with what they asked, why not allow him to choose his own path? he fell in love with tattooing, the feel and difference of putting ink into skin is so much different than any form of art he has done before. 

kyo became well known as the youngest tattoo artist at the age of 14, when his appenticeship ended. not only did his art impress so many, the attention to detail based on skin types he showed, earned much respect around the world. he had a ton of clients fly to korea just to be tattoo'd by him. he finally found a passion and enjoyed the work he did for many different clients.
▶ formerly known as the ultimate artist, that changed when he became invested in tattooing and only tattooing as a form of art.
▶ kyo stands at 187cm (6'1")
▶ nickname of kyo due to it sounding 'cooler' like a pen name for his art, plus it's pretty universal.
▶ kyo has always specialized in black work both in art and tattooing. 
▶ kyo tends to nap in the most uncomfortable positions and places.
▶ of course kyo has tattoos all through his body. most notably to his his left arm sleeve. the only part of himselve not tattoo'd is his right arm.
▶ style is all black. that's it. 
▶ a smoker, but he mostly picked it up because he felt it fit with his tattoo artist aesthetic
▶  please keep in mind this boy tends to go with the flow and is a total follower.
▶  while kyo loves his parents, his number one most important person to him is - not a person - but his 2 year old black lab : molly
▶ dislikes people who are full of themsleves.
▶ although he is quiet in nature, people find it charming and thus he is approached plenty by people who want to date although his relationships always end because they claims he is a bit too boring
▶ has a fear of being being forgotten or being called 'boring'
key information
true self
seriously? a tattoo artist surrounded by others with real talents? kyo does not believe he was meant to be kidnapped. surely he gained fame from his art, but the others in the game were famous for real contributions to the world. kyo is very self-conscious about his talent vs everyone else. sure, he excelled in all forms of art, but tattooing is the only art he performs now. due to feeling a bit inferior towards the other ultimates, kyo keeps to himself and is rather quiet during games and trials. sure, he will help out here and there, but he will put in the very bare minimum. surely he isn't needed, let those with real talents figure this game out.
mastermind: 0 
accomplice: 1 & maybe he was enlisted or blackmailed by the mastermind or maybe he was jealous of the other ultimates but was too lazy to do anything about it
survivor: 2

the game
▶  kyo is biual so anyone can shoot their shot, but just know he is a lazy boy.
if anyone wants to use kyo as a love interest, i'd be down for it! as long as someone can bring him out of his inferiority and maybe someone can get him to actually help the group bc right now, he is dead weight. 
love interest
thank you for reading! this is a rough draft my boy, but i'll add more as i think about it.
scene suggestions
i am indifferent to whether kyo lives or dies but if he dies, i want him to have a meaningful death.
final thoughts


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cant wait to see him in the story ~ v ~
Oh MG! (Lol) That’s fair. I’ll start working on mine now :)