❀ Cherry Blossom ❀ --- { Alisha Kang } --- { Main Vocalist and dancer }

Alisha Lila Kang
Jewel_ELF || Krissy || 10

other names: Kang Gi Hyun. This is what fans know her as She always uses this name

— n/a
birthday & age: April 19, 1994 20
birthplace & hometown: Chicago Illinois, USA
height & weight:169 centimetres and 44 kilograms
blood type: ab

— English ( fluent - Mother language )
— ​Korean ( High conversational - She is a trainee in South Korea, but didnt grow up there )
faceclaim: Lee Hae In
back-up face claim: Shim Sungmin

Alisha is either a bright spunky person who talks fast and excitedly or she is a quiet person who will do nothing and talk very little. There is almost no inbetween. When she is happy everyone around her is happy. She is like a virus when she is like that. She can talk to anyone, she is very adaptable and she almost always has a cool head. 
When she isnt happy, she still can talk to anyone, but she wont want to. When she gets like that, she usually locks herself away from people for a few days and is good. 

Alisha is a bit forgetful. Its never important things like dates or birthdays that she will forget. Its little, odd things. Things like doing laundry, eating, tying her shoes. Small things. When its about her, she isnt very responisible. However when it has to do with her group she is very responsible. She would do anything to help them.

She loves to be able to play around and have fun. When the other members are happy and ok than she is happy and ok. She can get a bit protective about the other members. She is usually checking up on them and making sure they are alright. 

— Music ( Music is her life )
— Cheeseburgers ( They are her favorite food )
— ​Hockey ( Its her favorite sport )
— ​Red ( Its a good color )
— Pigs ( They are her favorite animal and she wont eat them )
— Strawberries ( They are yummy )
— Coffee ( Again, yummy )
— ​Spring time ( Its warming up, things are becoing alive again, its just nice out )

— Chocolate ( She just doesnt like it )
— Hotdogs ( She doesnt know what is in them, she wont eat them )
— ​Pineapple ( Is it pine or is it an apple? )
— Romance movies ( They just bother her )
— Mornigs ( They need to stop existing )


— Cooking
— Watching sports
— Reading
— Taking baths or sitting in a hot tub
— Sleeping
— Watching movies

— She showers every day, but doesnt wash her hair everytime
— Whenever someone tries to cut her hair she wont let them
— She kicks in her sleep
— Without a cup of coffee she isnt awake in the morning
— She sings in the shower


— She is left handed
— She has a scar on her foot
— The family pet sleeps with her
— Her name is Tomato
— She doesnt like chop sticks
— She loves horror movies
— She almost always has music playing around her
— She would care about another member before herself
— She hates desaster movies
— She is alergic to shell fish

Alisha grew up in a very American family. They did all they could to point out that they were not Korean, but American. Alisha was the only one who liked that she was Korean. She would celebrate Korean holidays by herself, and she tried to teach herself Korean. It didnt work out as well as she thought. One thing that she and her family agreed on was dancing. Her parents started her dancing from a young age, so that she would be able to get into college with it. 
She danced ballet for years, but once she got into her teens she started dancing more 'edgy' styles. She attended a dance school and she was informed that if she didnt stop she was going to be removed from the school. She didnt stop and was removed. Her parents all but disowned her. She lived in the house with them, but that was as far as things went between them. She still danced, but it was in an afterschool slub or sorts
She started attending a public high school and fell into the outsider crowd. It didnt take long for her to meet up with the exchange students though. She bonded with the Korean students and spent most of her time with them. When she was in 8th grade, she talked to the Principal and convinced her to let Alisha be an exchange student the spring semester of her freshman year. She got a scholarship via her dance group and left soon after Christmas, 2008. 
She was at the same school as her friends, so she adjusted quickly. Her host family was great with her(they ended up being her host family while she was a trainee too) and she did well in school too. Around her birthday, she and two of her friends decided they wanted to audition for an entertainment. Alisha was well talented enough dancing wise and she could sing too. The three of them went in together and all were accepted.
Because she was an underage foreigner, Alisha had to get her parents permission to be a trainee. She was posive they would say no, but they agreed with almost no hesitation. Not that it bother her much. She felt astranged from them for a long time. 
She trained and went to school for the next three years until she graduated from school then she spent her time training only. She still talked to her parents some times, but not often. She had a little brother, but never met him. She hasnt been home since the Christmas she left. Her host family was like her family now. 
After five years, she was ready to stop being a trainee. She had a job, but she felt like she wasnt doing anything with her life. She didnt want to stop being a trainee bacuse there was always the chance she would debut, but she wanted to start her life because she wasnt doing anything. 
Rumors started floting around that there was going to be a new girl group and Alisha decided she was going to stick it out until after this group debut. If she wasnt with them then she was going to be done. When her name was annouced, her host family was more excited than her parents. 
She called her parents to tell them, but they were too destracted with her brother to be excited for her. They just told her good job and that they would talk to her later. 

Host father | Lee Jin Hyeon | 31 | Bus driver | He is very soft and warm. There is always a smile on his face 

Host mother | Lee Yong Hye | 32 | Seamstress | She is welcoming and sweet | Alisha can go to her for anything
Host sister | Lee Yeong Seung | 18 | Student | She is a spit fire and has the tendancy to think she is always right | She sees Alisha as her older sister

Father | Harrison Neil Kang | 52 | Night guard | Very high expectatins, but still kind 
Mother | Marion Horne Kang | 49 | Teacher | Hard a** | She wears the pants in the family
Sister | Sage Phoenix Kang| 23 | Pastry cheif | Typical cheerleader

Brother | Charles Jephson Kang | 5 | Child 

best friend | Kang Tae Joon | 20 | Studnet | He seems distant at first, but really is nice. He just doesnt want to get close to people

friend | Kim Dong Hyun | 21 | Ramen shop operator | He is a pabo and a klutz, but a sweetie
best friend | Hwangbo Kang Jin | 21 | Book shop owner | She is the kind of person to get things done, but can you could talk to for anything | When Alisha needs to, she will go to Kang Jin


stage name: Red
persona: Fun loving umma
position: Main vocalist and dancer
back-up position: Lead dancer and vocalist
fanclub name: Rubies
fanclub colour:
singing twin: T-ara Eunjung
dancing twin: SNSD Sunny
rapping twin:  
talking twin: Gangkiz Haerin

trainee years

— JYP ( 5 years )

trainee life: She was a student when she was a trainee, but it was fun. Her frends didnt stay around, but she made new ones. It got to be really hard her senior year and she almost quit. Thankfull she didnt. 

pre-debut experiences
— Extra in Boys with flowers
— Cameo in Got7 Girlsgirlsgirls and 15& Sugar

— She MCs often

love interest: Lee Seong Yeol, Seongyeol
back-up love interest: Lee Ho Won, Hoya
group: Infinite
birthday & age: August 27, 1991
personality: Seongyeol is a kind, sweet dork who loves joking around and making people happy. He is a hard worker who doesnt like quitting before its done. He would do anything for s and is very dedicated to helping his group. He usually has a smile on his face. If he were to see someone who was upset he would help if he could.
interactions: Seongyeol and Gihyun(He even knows her by that name) watch movies together all the time. When they are the horror movies that she likes, he will often hide behind his hands or her at the scary parts. She tihnks its sweet. 
They 'accidently' end up MCing together often
More than once they have been listening to a song and ended up belting it out, trying to over power the other. It ends up being a screeching battle. 
When they are together and not in public, they will hold hands. 
how you meet/met: They were both MCs and it was for the first time. Alisha was worried and nervous, but Seongyeol got her to relax
relationship: dating
scene requests

— Sometime when the girls are talking about their moms and Alisha just doesnt say anything
password: Got7


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