pointless empty words and golden pops?

your resident granma who lives in the past is back to haunt you...haa.

ok, that's a horrible intro line.

i think i like music more than human, people...they can disappoint you easily...but music...well, music can disappoint too...duh...especially when it makes you curse 'what is this crappy #@^&*'

okay...another fail in driving a point home...

there's no point in fact.

i just avoid from using superlatives when describing music unless when i'm being stupid idiot who's unaware of how childish she's sounding...saying one thing is 'the best' is kinda stupid when you really don't know the rest...rite? i won't say i never made such statement...have i ever say i'm not stupid?...not that i can remember.

and besides, in defining taste, it's merely a matter of personal preference...is this music superior than that music? by what standard? 

saying one is the best, is merely idiotic arrogance...not opinion....opinion is 'i like this the best', 'this is the best i've encountered so far'....not 'this is the best'....even though i find some music crappy as heck n unneccessarily overrated, i try not to say it as a fact, bcuz it's not. it's just my own (lack of) preference for it...sometimes it slips n i do make obnoxious statements too...but if you tell me that i just made a stupid statement calling my statement as a fact rather than personal opinion...i'll try to accept it with open heart n remember to word my opinions more carefully...

don't shelter your superiority complex and mask it as 'opinion' bcuz i know the difference...;)

i'm not trying to say i'm special or different...i'm just an average nobody...someone has told me before that there's nothing different about me and i'm just like everyone...even though as i try to find someone i can share interest with...since i'm so common and i'm the same as everyone...i still feel lonely and couldn't find anybody. i guess, people are just so good at keeping themselves in their layered personality cocoons and i have no such cocoon of coolness layers...now isn't that sad?...aaaaaahhh....

if someone has same music preference as mine...please do step forward and say it...we could be soulmates...lol. that's one of the reasons i openly share what i like...in hopes of finding someone...who won't be bored by what i like...

no, i'm not special/different/whatever at all...i just think it'd be nice if everyone can just be themselves without the feeling of needing to confirm to the society or sth, what's the point of being different if you pretend to be the same, or pretending to be different when you're just the same?......for example many people i've seen here claim they don't like exo...yet all fanfics they write are exo fics...many people i've seen claim they don't like idol for the music n they like "real" music...(what in the heck is that btw? so idol music is....'unreal' music? O_O?)....yet all they bother to spazz out loud is when idol oppar/unnir release music...as if it's embarrassing to like what they like that there's a need for different sets of what they like on the inside and on the outside. what they need to claim they like and what they need to show they like. why embarrassed of what you like or dislike? is there a need to feel this is superior n that is inferior when it's just a matter of who's the judge...?...what's superior to you might be inferior to someone else n what's inferior to you might be superior to someone else...how do we judge the real superior n inferior then? there's none. only human's stupidity. (and yes, i am aware that the more i call out on people's idiocy...the closer or the deeper i get myself into idiocy myself...cuz that's how the cookie crumbles, what goes around comes around...but at least when we're aware of it...there's a small chance of getting ourselves out of it than we're left thinking we're cool with nobody calling out on our idiot practices)...



how am i gonna believe any words when all words are merely contradictions that has no other meaning other than...empty words?


aha...! now that's a cool introduction rite?

acknowledging our arrogance might be the first step to humility...i guess? though i'm not sure how many of us are in search of such value.


here, have some music...or rather...the 'point...of this post?....haa


Golden Pops. their music style defined as indie/folk/rock, and as stated by daum, they have just one EP released in 2007 but i'm not sure if they release more songs unofficially or what......i think all/most their songs are in english n the english sound pretty attractive to me, tbh...please refrain those stupid 'Asian accent/engrish' comments...one thing you native speakers of english need to learn is...at least we who don't speak english as first language can still speak n understand english...regardless of accent/whatever crap....can you speak our language? (i'm obviously not Korean btw duh, but we can apply this to all n any random Asian languages since we're always the subject of engrish 'jokes').../smiles/....now shut your trap. no arguments invited. thanks. 

anywhoooo...just found them while i was doing my latest translation yesterday...(which might not be all that accurate since like i always say i'm just a blind translator, desperate enough to have songs i listen to, to get translated to the point of taking the challenges of translating blindly...)...and i simply click on the song arranger...who turned out to be the vocalist/guitarist of this band...curious, i tried the music...and boy am i glad i did that.

their music just strangely lures me in...and just...yeah...i like...><...

^ first vid i checked out xD...

^ love all those music performance street documentary vids...><...

^ those dead audience....-_-....are kinda...umm..disturbing?....

^ the ending...lol. i like this one a lot

^ pretty cool.

^ and of course...i like the empty words in me...><...xD...


credits: all original uploaders.


and as usual...if my blogposts annoy you....please remove me from your friendlist...it's very disturbing to have people who dislike what you say, but decide to keep you as some source of 'entertainment'...if i find out another person like that in my list...i'll just empty my entire friendlist without any notice...to be on the safe side of my mental health, sorry bout that in advance though i doubt it has any negative effect to anyone anyway...lol. dramatic much.




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