[Rainbow Rambling] #28 Each member's random twitter update

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so i just saw this article that made me happy that it made me want to update this lol. despite knowing there are almost no Rainbow fans here...why do i still post their stuffs n make series for them? why do you think? what's the point of posting stuffs that anyone else would? and so what if they have no fans? at least if i post their stuffs...some curious people might get interested in them. i could get them a fan or two. i wish other hardcore fans of unpopular groups would adopt this kinda mindset(not saying mine is ideal but...mine is ideal no...i mean....idk.../runs/)  rather than just succumbing to posting what people wants or not posting at all since nobody's interested(assumption) while hoping their fate would get better. it's not like we're getting money anyway...so for me, business rules don't apply here. haa. passion n interest does. besides, i'm sick whenever everyone gets in a bandwagon posting about the same exact thing that had been done by a thousand peeps before...when you could just go comment in one of the other posts...eh...i'm such a complainer...

okay then...

here's the article: http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2014/09/rainbow-marks-their-6th-anniversary.html

Waaahh,....knetz are winning my love...thank you for not being nasty to Rainbow...even showing love for them instead of calling them nugus....the amount of upvotes...whoaa....well, at least they're recognizing/acknowledging Rainbow....(there's even mention of ZE:A haa...) (n tbh they sound so much better than those pretentious netbuzz commenters/and even many international netz-yes u n me buddy, no running away- who only ever trashtalk knetz without looking into the mirror themselves...haa, yes...me hating netbuzz commenters netz again yay...well, they're about more or less like akp commenters...just slightly worse for the fact that they think they're better)

Although Jaekyung's not the only worth in Rainbow...but since that article is about Jaekyung interview...it's acceptable for everyone to just talk about her...and there's definitely no denying that Jaekyung IS amazing. n she does work damn hard at everything n not afraid to take up any challenges with bright attitude. whenever i see hate for her, i just have this.....nasty disgusted expression...

Rainbow is sucha strong group...for a girlgroup especially...never won number one...six years into debut...they're still together...with their bright energy...this positive attitude will take them somewhere good...i hope. and i hope none of the members would give up before they got there together since they've been together from the start.


i'm always rambling the same thing over and over but hey this is rainbow 'rambling'....so...


have some new-ish(from the past recent months) pics from the girls' twitters...







^ she just posted this today...some Rainbow n A-JAX members detected. xD





^ aww, the girls celebrating Seunga's b'day yesterday...n she tweeted various image/pics sent by fans to wish her bday with thank you messages....Happy Birthday SeungA...i missed it even though i went to twitter yesterday cuz i'm just too worn out n lazy lately...T^T...i read somewhere that this was originally posted by yoonhye on her instagram...





^ cooking lunch. posted on 11th. as expected from jisookie...the cooking master...she's an idol n she can cook stuffs that look so good...i'm a....what...and i...aahhhh....way to make me feel like  a loser...





^ Jaekyung always post pics of her dates with her mom (well, she posts all interesting stuffs...i adore her step by step to creating stuffs posts the most but i just want to choose one pic so this...) this time...there's her mom and grandma...and of course macaron/macaroon...(she seems like such a fangirl of her pet tbh...always ever spazzing abt the dog...)





^ posted on 8th...with her drama/sitcom co-star i guess...has it aired already? i want to watch...i'm just dreading if her character is made a one dimentional biatch....-_-...





^ not the most recent from Noeul..this was from 31st august or sth...just looking for interesting ones...this is from her ladies outing...from...'Woohyuk oppa DJing charity album showcase'?....wait...is this...hot's jang woohyuk or what? i think it is...





^ posted 17 august. i think she probly post more pics on her instagram...n i'm just lazy to stalk their instagrams lol...



so as you can see...i post the pics according to newest posted to oldest post...nothing to do with my favoritism or their age or whatnot...lol.

i don't think it's their anniversary yet since they debuted in year end-ish if i remember correctly...

DSP, i'm warning 'ya...no more cutesy songs like Tell Me Tell Me or Sunshine...enough of that. get on the real buzinezz. not saying they need to do y concept...just....a good,solid,strong song will do...



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