I just learned something new about myself to day.

I know I only really get emotional when I am sick or on my period. I did not think it was that bad at all. But right now I have like the flu and on my period and I am just going crazy. 1 I am like in so so much pain it is crazy. and 2 I was just send a message to someone and I was crying and just sobbing while writing it. Then I lost everything I wrote to that person and had to start over again. And was so mad but went back to crying. And now I find myself wanting to tell that person my whole life and want to tell them how much I appreciate them and how much the made a difference in my life but I am trying not to freak her out. Also I am trying to keep the friend I got at the moment. and even now I am crying know that she is going to see this and think I am weird. hahaha I have problems. what I was trying to say is I love finding out little things about myself like just now. I have no one to point things out like that to me. So I am really amazed right now.


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Chirimasa #1
Awh xD I cry so much while talking to people too! And man i hate when you type thjngs and then lose ot. Omg id cry from anger too! And OMG period and flu?!? D: that's horrible oh my god get well soon <3 ;-;
tyn_can #2
I hope you feel better now. You can tell that to someone though. :)
hahahaha, having flu while on you period is absolutely THE WORST.
I don't think its weird you want to tell someone how much she means to you, its actually sweet ^^
And yeah, take some pills for the pain,okay? Period is a seriously