is it that hard to be appreciated

purposely no question mark.


i guess some people are just born to not be appreciated no matter what they do or how hard they work for it or earn it...okay cool...appreciation, sometimes you want it so badly...sometimes you're scared to even be noticed? so it's your fault if you're not getting any? to appreciate though, is it that hard? i feel embarrassed if i go by something or be on the receiving end not showing appreciation. do so many others not feel so. hmm. humans, you/we fail me/everyone...made me think of this song(click the link). we're those people.


and another song i can dedicate to you...

^ just hear the last line for each chorus...though i'm not just dedicating it to


on a lighter n unrelated yt account total view finally passed 2,000,000 mark...with 823 vids n years of randomness eras n journey...oh the nostalgia...i know those popular ones could get that number with just like less than 10 vids do you mean this don't deserve to get a bragging sessionbe celebrated....of course it does....i earn all of it n i post stuffs that nobody post...not like i made a random comment n then get award for the replies/likes i get...haa. /runs/

seems like...ppl are all over park boram's vids in my channel...probly cuz she just debuted? eh...haven't watch it...but heard from a comment she got skinnier/slimmer(idk which one) now...n that commenter calling her fat back then like wtf,nasty she followed the generic beauty standard route afterall...well, never really into her anyway, she got powerful voice but nothing unique abt it to i like the unique sounding ones...

i feel like stopping doing anything n everything for anyone...maybe i'm too generous n that's what always happen. just like how in real world nice people always get bullied, while the not nice ones get you want people to be nice, but when they're nice, they're taken advantage

oh well, what can i say?

i'm just a little...


meow meow meow~~~~

ughffff.....these cool ladies...i can't get enough of 'em...

lately i've been thinking abt them a lot...fanfic wise...i think...i'm being 'called' to write 'em...even though obv these are characters nobody would want to read...just like most of the things i write...haa.

anyway, that's the version where everyone talks.

here's the version where everyone else talk n their main vocals sings.

actually i'm not sure if the title is kitty or stormy kitty cuz it's a remix n doesn't sound exactly like both.

stormy kitty is so much more badass...

^ i seriously don't get why they had so many (too many) versions xD...

i love my girls...n i just realize both rainbow n storm had 'jerry' in their

oh well, let's cheer myourselves up...

^ i know the songs posted here are redundant...but they don't fail me^^.


in the end this is like another vid promo

who cares, it's my blog...don't know what to click...



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