BTS Let Me Know Cover~

Guys.... Who haven't listened to pre-release song of BTS titled 'Let Me Know'?

It's composed by Suga and it's a bloody great song! For those who haven't listened it, you should! 

So, I can't stop myself not to cover this song and yeahaaa I made a cover of it!

I know my voice is terrible but uhm I don't care xD kkkkk

If you guys curious, check this and tell me what you think (even if it's a bad cover, it's okay just tell me you'd listened it lol)

I uploaded it on Souncloud and this is only a short cover. The chorus part and Rapmon's part.

Here's the link:

Thank you for taking your time on this ;) *throw bts member*


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Ohh unnie..I've listened to it..! :D Your cover unnie..! Woah! unnie.. Overall although it is just a short cover but it is a nice cover unnie.I like it! :DD