Guys, im not being able to access this account for quite some time and its soooo annoying. Not being able means I can log in to this account, BUT i cant leave any comment, i cant post any wall to other, i cant even update or edit my story (maybe you're one of my reader and you're wondering why i dont make any update for ages, im so sorry). 

So, a few days ago i made new account! Would you mind to add my new account guys, please? x) no, im not forcing you, im telling just for those who want and im going to add some of you too after i post this blog. This is my new account:

amyhumayra (just click it)

I made a plan to move my story there as well, but im still confused since there are so many precious comments in here, in my story in this account, and it means the comments will be deleted if i deleted it too :'''''''''' /CRIES/

If im not replying your comment, it means im not being able to do anything again with this freakin account.

Thankyou guys! /cuber hugs/

P.S: I missed you all guys, really :''''''' i mean it x'''')


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