Quiz #121 What Sign Do You Look Like?

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          You Look Like an Aries



        It's likely that you have a lean and strong body.

Your facial features are uniquely beautiful, and you may have a scar or beauty mark.

You have good posture, and you carry yourself with an air of confidence.

You have a strong, steady gaze. You eyes are often issuing a challenge.

Like most Aries people, you probably very energetic and enjoy it when someone challenges you.

You expect the best from people, and you believe in them. You are willing to take a risk on someone.



noooo T^T...




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I got a libra...
Idk even what to check... Idk even myself what T.T

Anyway here
It's likely that everyone considers you beautiful or handsome.
You are exceptionally attractive, and there's no disputing it.

Your facial features are very well balanced. Nothing is out of proportion.
You have a friendly face with a charming smile... even when you're angry.

Like most Libra people, you are probably cooperative, easy going, and fun to be around.
You have a good sense of fairness and justice. You are an excellent peacemaker.

Idk if its true or not but meeeh
Heh, I got Aquarius...

My birthday is also in the Aquarius range....