〈 the love of my life 〉— ♡ Nguyen Mai

  Nguyen Mai。
   Cortney  Hellokitty10755) 4.5
— Hanami (Flower in Japanese) / Kiseop likes to call Mai his flower. He'll sometimes greet her by saying, "My hanami. How are you today?" or "My hanami looks so pretty."
— Kugoma (Baby bear in Japanese) 
/ It compliments Kiseop's nickname of Kuma.

AGE 21
BIRTHDAY March 14, 1993

BIRTH PLACE Quang Ninh, Vietnam
HOMETOWN Seoul, South Korea

ETHNICITY  Vietnamese-Korean
— Vietnamese / Fluent / her mother tounge
— Korean / Semi-fluent / taught to her when she was younger
— Japanese 
/ Basic / Kiseop teaches her
— English 
/ Basic / Taking classes so she can talk to her international fans.
Love is like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it.

  mirror, mirror on the wall。
BACK UP FACE CLAIM  Chen Yue/ King Boo

APPEARANCE Her height is 168 cm and her weight is 54 kg. Her natural hair color is black but she does have brown highlights here and there. One of her is double-lidded while the other eye isn't.



PERSONA  Withdrawn Wallflower
— When she was younger, she was always shy and quiet, thus staying in the background or having her nose stuck in a book. She's not the type of person to trust people that easily. Plus, no one really noticed her whenever she was around.
  but looks aren't everything。
— trustworthy, caring, quiet, intelligent, shy, forgetful, mysterious, stubborn, quick-tempered.

Mai is usually described as a very quiet girl who always spends her time with her nose stuck in a book or writing stories. She prefers quiet places where she can relax and drift off into her own little world. She's very shy, always prefering to keep to herself, rather than going up to someone to introduce herself. Her stubborness could be one of her good traits at times, while other times, it may be a bad trait. Anytime she makes a decision, she has to go through with it. Which may result in her forgeting a lot of her things.

Mysterious may be a good word to describe this girl. Nobody knows much about her because she doesn't like talking and always stayed in the background. Despite being shy though, she's very quick-tempered. If you do something that she doesn't like, be prepared to face her anger. Even through all that, she's still very caring about other people and she's very trustworthy to her friends.
  dig a little deeper。
PAST Mai was born in Quang Ninh, Vietnam to Nguyen Hung and Kwon Hyun-Jae. Like average Asian parents, she started learning how to play the piano and the violin at a young age, hopefully having some kind of muscial talent. She did, but not enough to make her succeed in life and Mi never really wanted to play musical instruments as a career. Her parents moved to Korea when Mai was 13, due to her father's company. When she was in highschool, she tried to focus more on studying and some kids called her names or made fun of her because she was always studying and because she couldn't speak Korean that well. So she became more quiet and mysterious to other kids. However, singing brought her comfort and she always sang when she felt lonely.

When she was 15, she was at Lotte World with her friends when she spotted TOP Media having auditions. Pushed by her friends, she sang BoA's song, "Number One" in front of the judges and was told she would get a call in a few days. Waiting over a month, she was called back to audition one more time and was accepted into the company. Telling her parents about company was hard because she knew her parents weren't keen on her doing anything in the showbiz field. However, when she told them,. she didn't expect them to be so supportive. Sure, they were disappointed but they told her that what's done is done and that she should have fun with it.

PRESENT Mai is a solo singer at TOP Media and currently lives in a dorm that's next to Teen Top's dorm and she's often invited over to play games or just to eat. Since she just debuted not too long ago, she's pretty busy. Going from one place to another, practicing her dance routines till early morning, etc, etc. During the weekends when she doesn't have any schedules, Mai likes to hang around her dorm and sleep in or watch other idols online, or just cook a new dish. When both Teen Top and 100% don't have schedules during the weekend, all of them will either go to an amusement park or go to the practice rooms and dance together.

♡ Flowers
♡ Plushies
♡ Cameras
♡ Pastel Colors
♡ Classical Music
♡ Mystical Things
♡ Daydreaming
♡ Writing
♡ Books
♡ Rain
♡ Spring

♡ Humid Weather
♡ Math
♡ Loud Noises
♡ Winter
♡ Bugs
♡ Getting up early

♡ Daydreaming
♡ Nail Art
♡ Reading
♡ Photography
♡ Writing
♡ Composing

♡ Staring off to space when she's bored
♡ Crossing her legs when she sits in a chair
♡ Covering when she laughs
♡ Biting her lips when she's nervous
♡ Carrying around a notebook and pencil so she can write down her ideas when she gets them
♡ Carrying around a camera so she can take pictures

Fun Facts:
♡ She was born in Vietnam
♡ Favorite jewel is the rose quartz
♡ Favorite flower is jasmine
♡ Believes in love at first sight and happily ever after
♡ She owns a lot of camera necklaces
♡ Favorite camera is her Nixon Nikkkor DLSR
♡ Hasn't gotten a first kiss yet
♡ Knows how to make paper stars
♡ Her Korean name is Kwon Kyung Mi
♡ Likes her Vietnamese name better than her Korean name
♡ She likes learning SNSD dances because they're fun to learn.
♡ Her Vietnamese name means cherry blossom
♡ Her Korean name means honored and beauty
♡ Jonghwan taught her a bit of guitar
♡ She knows how to play the piano and the violin
♡ Her fanclub name is Mystic
♡ Her fanclub colors are #BC8DBF and #F6989D
♡ She appeared in Mr.Mr's Do You Feel Me Music Video as the lead
♡ If she didn't become a singer, she would've studied photography or journalism instead

  never forget。
Father/ Nguyen Hung / 56
— Mother/ Kwon Hyun Jae / 54

Best Friend / Seo Joo-Hyun / 23
— Best Friend / Choi Mihyun / 21
— Friend / Jung Jaemi / 20
— Friend / L.Joe (Lee Byunghun) / 23
— Friend / Chunji (Lee Chanhee) / 23
— Friend / Jo Jonghwan / 21
— Friend / Kevin Woo / 22
— Friend / Eli Kim / 23

Dance Instructor / Kim Soohyun / 30 
  lee kiseop。
   Jung Jiyoung, Jang dongwoo
— Babo Chunsa (Foolish Angel) / According to member, Kevin, Kiseop has a pure heart, so he'd smile even if he's angry
— Kuma (Bear in Japanese) / Is a huge fan of Rikkuma, and so gave himself the nickname
— Shikdae (Food Expense) 
/ Very stingy about food prices and will check to see if he's overcharged.
— Kiseoppie/Seoppie 
/ A cute nickname that Mai likes to call him.

His blood type is Type A so naturally he wants everything to be perfect since he is a perfectionist and likes to be organized. Books must be in perfect order, picture frames must be lined up exactly, dance moves must be correct, no mistkaes, etc, etc. He suffers from OCD (Obsessive Compulsion Disorder) and the only way to get that pit in his stomach to go away is if everything is in order. He's very honest and hates people who are liars. He's very caring and has a good relationship with his family. He hates boneless creatures because they look creepy to him. 
Never stop believing. Dreams do come true, so aim high! ♡

  soul(mate) searching。
FIRST MEETING  My plotline is plotline four: first love. Mai was outside taking pictures of the cherry blossoms that were blooming in front of her company when all of a sudden, she heard a shutter click to the side. Turning her head, she saw Kiseop with a camera in his hands as he just took a picture of her. Getting angry, she chased him around until he snatched her camera, took a picture of himself and then walked off with a wink. They met again at a music program when Mai was going around introducing herself to her seniors. Being cheeky, Kiseop said hello and then quickly took a picture together with his phone before walking away again.

RELATIONSHIP They treat each other as brother and sister, always bickering over the smallest things, But they also understand each other really well. If one of us doesn't feel well, the other will always find ways to help either of of us to cheer up. Others see them as brother and sister, but when those two bicker, they always shake their heads because they think Mai and Kiseop's bickering is childish.

CONCLUSION Mai writes a very detailed letter to Kiseop about how she likes him and all that, but when Kiseop receives it, he says he only likes Mai as a little sister and carelessly throws the letter over his shoulder. Mai, believing him, ignores him for the rest of the show and doesn't talk to him after filming ends. But when she goes outside to see the cherry blossoms, she finds a note stuck to a trunk. Curious, she takes the note and reads it. It's a detailed letter from Kiseop saying that she's sorry and that he likes her the same way but he was scared about what the fans would think and would she like to be his girlfriend?
  last call。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS I hope Mai is up to your expectations. ^^ How many episodes/chapters were you planning on doing? Just wondering.

♡ Kiseop taking pictures of Mai when she isn't looking
♡ Mai suddenly having an inspiration when she's with Kiseop and turns out that the inspiration is Kiseop himself
♡ The girls talking about their love interests in one room while the guys are talking about the girls in another room
♡ The girls answering questions the guys asked and the guys answering questions the girls asked
♡ Mai composing a song throughout the program and playing it to everyone during the finale (or whenever)
♡ One of the girls thinking that her love interest likes another girl or some thing like that. Drama would be intersting.



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