
     -Remeber to erase the things that are need to be erased, like words that are inside '(())' this. Don't forget to keep things neat and the picture's should NOT be resized unless you are sure that it looks better. The title should be the same as the one in this Turn in post. Have fun by the way! If not sure about anything just ask questions, and don't forget to erase this!
     -Also, things about runes and other detailed things would be asked once you are chosen



username — unwanted--
nickname — ara

activity rate —  9


name — Song Ara
English name Aria Nightray

nickname — 
     #Princess - Her older brothers have been calling her this ever since she was young because Ara was their only sister 

birthdate — MM/DD/YYYY ((Remember the age limit))


hometown — ((Where you are right now, be specific))

ethnicity — ((Asian ethnicity only))

language — 
     #Language - ?/10
     #Language - ?/10 ((Maximum or 4 and state fluency (10 being the best), Korean and English needs to be at least conversational, 7~10))

because your face is important

face claim — Last, First 



gallery — ((Hyperlink))

backup face claim — Last, First ((Change the gifs with your backup face claim))



gallery — ((Hyperlink))


appearance — ((Something that you can't see from the face claim of yours, like a tattoo or a earing...ect. This also counts for heights, weight, hair color and stuff, anything you want to make notice of))

fashion style — ((At least one paragraph and change the gifs with your beautiful choice of clothing))




insert witty title here

quote —

traits — ((Both good and bad, each being at least 3))

personality((At least 2 paragraphs, stay on topic and let the traits guide you))


background — ((At least a good long paragraph, tell me what happened, how his or her family is, did something happened to suddenly make her have this certain trait? Remember what I said in the cheatsheet))

likes ((At least 5, in bullets (a.k.a use # please) if you need more, just add them))

dislikes — ((Same as Likes))

hobbies — ((Same as Likes but instead, at least 3))

habits — ((Same as Hobbies))

trivias — ((Unlimited add more if you like, at least 6))

so you aren't alone

family & Freinds —

     -  (( Name | Relationship | Age | Personality (Just few sentences will be good ))



insert answers here

simple interview ((Answer in 1st POV))
  - "Hello, do you think you can tell me who you are?"
     ((Character Name)):

  - "Hm...yes alright, and if I may, what do you think about the other species?"
     ((Character Name)):

  - "Alright, so lastly, have you ever killed a demon?"
     ((Character Name)):

  - "So, that's it! Thank you for being here, and I hope you'll be alive the next time I see you."
     ((Character Name)):

love isn't meant for us

love interest — Last, First ((Put pictures of your love interest on the left))

backup love interest — Last, First ((Put picture of your backup love interest on the right))


personality((At least a paragraph))

relationship((Detail on how you guys are together...1 paragraph would be good enough))
EXTRA ((What is his Species? Where is he usually at? Just anything else you would want me to know about him.))

welcome to reality

comments/suggestions —

scene requests((As many as you want))

password((Cheatsheet yo))

turn in — back to the story


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