B.A.P's Secret Bodyguard


Character Name: Song Ara

Character Nickname: Ari

Date of Birth:  11.07.1995

Which Planet are you from: Elyxo

 Character Supernatural Powers: Shadow and Blood Manipulation

 Animal Character: Wolf

Character Personality: Ara is a calm, silent mature girl that doesn't like to talk much and likes to keep to herself.

 Character Background/History: Ara's family was brutally murdered by a serial killer when she was fairly young, she was then adopted by a family that taught and trained their children to become bodyguards for noble families. That family became her new meaning of life she was taught by the best of the best and is now protecting the famous Jung family.

Likes: She can play the guitar, violin and piano. Her favourite colours are black, grey and white. Her choice of weapon is a  black katana. She can do judo, taekwondo and wushu. She can also sing and dance.

Dislikes: Spiders. Being alone in a dark room. Talking about her past

Habits: Dozing off when she's bored. 

 Hobbies: Playing her instruments. Cooking. Practicing her fighting.

 Love Interest: Jung Daehyun

Friends: CL - 2NE1.

Lee Hi - YG.

Amber Liu - SM

 Anything Else? Nope!~

Password: Zelo1996




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