Tagged by chanyeolliepop22

Rule 1 : Post the rules


Rule 2 : Answer the questions the tagger asked you. Then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3 : Tag 11 people and link them to the post.

Rule 4 : Let them know you've tagged them.




1. K-Pop being the main topic here, who is the idol that you feel like you know through and through even without meeting or interacting with in person? Your basis being? 

I know this may sound insane but to be honest I don't have a bias that I know through and through. But I do have 2 idols that I love and they are IU and Zelo :)


2. As we all know, K-Pop is a fast-paced system, meaning, it keeps adding new idols into its world and new fandoms along with that. What is your personal opinion about this?

I think that's pretty cool because if more rookie bands are created, k-pop fans can have more idols to look up to and can enjoy fangirling over more groups ^-^ Plus I'm sure it will spread K-pop a little bit more worldwide.


3.Critically thinking, what do you think is the use of K-idols aside from being the entertainers that they are?

Hm, I believe K-idols are used as rolemodels in life other than being entertainers. K-idols show other people that they have the ability to reach for their dreams and use the power of music to transmit messages to people around the world e.g. BTS's N.O


4.How did you come to like K-Pop anyway? Explain from the first time you’ve heard of it… [tense?]

Well I stumbled upon K-pop for the first time when I was about 8 years old and I heard my sister listening to F(x)'s Lachata C:


5. Site your ultimate favorite K-idol and give a meaningful reason why you chose them/him/her.

Hmmm, I haven't actually discovered my ultimate bias yet but I do have an ultimate female & male bias which are IU and Zelo <3 I would have chose someone from EXO except I can't choose one of them !! They're all so perfect C:


6.Define AFF .

To me, AFF is a place were people can enjoy and have fun reading stories from other people, it's also a great place to get some helpful tips and meet new friends. But sometimes I doubt the rules and regulations here, some of my friends have been banned from AFF just for protecting another friend from harsh comments from other users so, yeah, I don't really think the moderators are doing a good job, my friends were wrongly accused and now I can't talk to them anymore. :'(


7.Use the initials of one of your favorite K-Idols to describe him according to the following bases:


- his role in the band he is in


-his personality in the eyes of the fans


-his personality to you


-your impression about him at first glance


-why you like him


Ohmygosh this is gonna be hard to explain..aaanyway let's start!

Z - zappy and sweet (my first impression on him)

E - extremely tall, not to mention goofy as well C: (his personality in the eyes of fans)

L - Loveable Maknae, Lead Rapper & Lead Dancer (his role in the band he is in, plus have you noticed that it all startes with L?)

O - Obviously he's cute, smart, talented and has a sense of humor (why I love him)

S - Supremely perfect (his personality to me, umm I didn't have an extra letter so I made one up, good thing I chose the letter 'S' because it shows the origin of his stage name 'Zelo' which was obtained from the greek god 'Zelos'.)


8. If your fave K-idol isn’t one, but you just happened to know him/her, do you think you’d like him with as much zeal as you do now?

I'm not quite sure what this question is asking but I'm guessing that it's asking, if I would still love him even if he weren't an idol but a normal person? If so then yes, I would still love him because what's not to love about him? He's a sweet and caring boy who happens to be very tall, so what girl wouldn't love him! 


9. What pair of things would you compare yourself and your bias with? [e.g. heaven and earth, moon and sun, paper and pencil, etc.]

Zelo would be day and I would be night ^_^ He seems to be a child bathed in light he's almost always happy and smiling where as I have had my fair share of days and nights, so yeah, if there's light somewhere you'll always find darkness there as well.


10. How do you want your bias to look at you? [not as in eyeball you, mind you]

I think...I would want him to look at me as "strange yet unique". Not strange as in like crazy saesang strange but as a person who looks normal but isn't, a person who has a thousand secrets hiding inside them but isn't willing to tell people. And as people say "Curiousity killed the cat"..... I'm not saying that I'll kill him, I just want him to try and find out more about me, you know, I want him to look for me and talk to me.


11. What do you personally think of me based on the questions and answers I’ve provided?

I think that you've given us questions that purposely make us think harder so that we can give you a more thorough answer. Good job unnie! C:



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