Tagged by Evonny

Los Preguntas (The Questions):

1. Who's your favorite music group? (can be international)

Hm, my favourite music group right now, would have to be EXO.

2. In your opinion, is the best MV ever created? (can be international)

To me, the best MV ever created would have to be....either Juniel's Bad man or Song Jieun's False Hope.

3. Meat or veggies person?

I am definitely a MEAT person.

4. Luckiest number ever?

I don't think I have a lucky number but if I had to choose one then I would go with number 13 C:

5. If you could have one KPOP idol as a spouse, who would you have?

If I had a Kpop idol as a spouse I would choose Sehun from Exo.

6. How many kids would you have? (pertaining to the question above)

I would have 2 kids - twin boys

7. If you were to cheat on your KPOP spouse, with who would it be? (pertaining to the questions above)

If I were to cheat on Sehun then, I would have an affair with Zelo from B.A.P 

8. Do you think that the name 'pineapple' can be misleading?

No. Pineapple's a fruit.

9. Which KPOP group do you think is the most underrated?

There are a lot of underrated kpop groups everywhere but to me the most underrated would have to be either U-kiss or SPICA.

10. What do/would you look for in your other half? (Better wording: What characteristics do you look for in your spouse?)

The characteristics I look for in my other half would definitely be HUMOR he needs to have a bit of fun in him and he also needs to be honest, trustworthy, kind and caring.

11.  If 2 + 3 = 10,

           7 + 2 = 63,

           6 + 5 = 66,

           8 + 4 = 96,

      Then 9 + 7 = 144












TROLL! The real number 11 is here:

11. What is the meaning of life?

I think life is kinda like a game, if I could describe the meaning of life I would say it like this:

Hello and welcome to the game of life.

You can play as many times as you like, until time runs out. However; there is only one way to win.
There will be challenges, adventures, distractions, and temptations randomly dispersed throughout the game.
You do not get to choose your race, class or alignment, they will be automatically assigned to you at the start of each game.
Be careful along the way because although you can play as often as you wish, if you lose, you will be gone. You won't be you the next time you play, you'll be somebody else.

So what can you win?

Well in short, everything.
If you can think it, you can have...EVERYTHING!




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