☣ ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ 【ᴇsper】─ kitsune physiology ❝ ito tsubasa❞


ito tsubasa
lavenderpeach // peach // ACTIVE RATE (10)
NICKNAME: Tsu, Kitsune
DATE OF BIRTH: 12/24/1995
AGE: 18 turning 19
PLACE OF BIRTH: Tokyo, Japan
ETHNICTY: Japanese
LANGUAGE: Japanese-fluent; Korean-intermediate
ESPER ABILITY: Kitsune Physiology  
STRENGHTS: Shapeshifting, Fox Fires, Possession
WEAKNESSES: Illusions, Human Disguise, Life Force Absorption, Claw Retraction
CONTROL: ☆☆ (3/5)
DANGER: ☆☆☆☆☆ (5/5)

Tsubasa definitely lives up to the kitsune folklore as she is quite the trickster. She loves pulling pranks on others, and more times than not that poor individual will be the one to get blamed while the girl walks off scott free. She has a power over words that just make you want to believe that she's a sweet and inoccent girl who doesn't know anything, only for that one moment of kindness and vulnerability to be used against you and find yourself in a situation that you never imagined yourself in, while that sweet and inoccent girl is nowhere to be found. Going hand in hand with her trickster self she is also quite witty, as she has an answer for every question thrown her way, as well as a comeback for any sort of comment, good or bad doesn't matter. Tsubasa can give you an answer to just about anything, and usually be right about it, thanks to the fact that Kitsune's are very smart and wise. So she is also very much an intelligent person and usually has a good readson for doing something and thinks through the pros and cons of a decision before deciding on one that will be the most beneficial to her. Her anayltical skills are some of the best, even for her rather young age. 

Tsubasa can be very very flirtatious. She'll happily go up to anyone and latch herself to them as if her life depended on it, which you could say it does. She naturally feeds off others energy, and therefore moves from person to person without so much as a second glance to the one she left behind. But as one can imagine she'll flee the scene of the crime before she can be caught up in the mess that's about to insue. She is also a very sneaky and secretive person. Unless necessary she won't really interact with the other espers and just lurks in the background waiting and observing to see if anything they're saying can be of good use in the near future. Her main purpose is to exploit others as a way to get the attention away from herself, as she needs to distraction to get away unharmed. You can compare her very much to a regular fox and people have been known to call her fox or kitsune instead of her actual name. She is very greedy and only looks out for herself. She is a firm believer that others will one day abandon you so it's best to abandon them first. Tsubasa is one that will take everything for herself, leaving nothing for the others, often offering a smirk and a coy wave.

This girl can be extremely harsh at times and doesn't know the meaning of the words hold back. Tsubasa isn't one that will spare details and if provoked she can go on and on lecturing the individual on just what they did wrong, in her eyes, and continue on in a not so nice manner about what they need to do to fix it. She is also extremely manipulative and will try anything as a way to get someone else to do something for her. On normal human beings she can easily control them, but on other espers it can prove to be a little more difficult. If she tries really hard then she can usually succeed but there's always times when someone just gives her the wtf look and a walks away. She is extremely adaptable, and can survive in just about any situation. You can drop her off somewhere and in a matter of hours Tsubasa has learned how to blend herself in, and go on as if she was in her own home. Overall Tsubasa is the type of person who will easily throw you under the bus to save her own skin, and remain undetected.

» History&discovery

Tsubasa was born to un upperclass famiily in the middle of the bustling city of Tokyo. Her first few years had been easy ones, and she was extremely spoiled getting everything she could ever ask for, and then some. It was when she was starting elementary school that her powers surfaced. The first incident was when she was playing tag with two other girls and when she had grabbed the girl's arm, she collasped on the spot. Of course Tsubasa had no idea what it was at first and screamed for help from a teacher because they thought something was seriously wrong if the girl fainted. In actuality it was because Tsubasa was taking the life force out of the poor girl, and the sudden act made the girl pass out. But the hopsital just said it was probably heat exhaustion so that issue was easily blown over without her ever knowing that she was the one who caused the poor girl's injury. At first it seemed like everything was going on just fine, until Tsubasa saw the first tail manifestation in the start of middle school. It was something that terrified her and looking at the white tail attached to her, she did the only thing she could think of, tell her parents. 

Needless to say her parents all but freaked out, and they immediately called the school and told them that their daughter was sick and wouldn't be as school for a while. It seemed that after they had found out, her parents treated her like she was a freak of nature. They often made it so that the girl couldn't leave the apartment, and whenever she tried to get close to them they backed away and avoided her like she was a disease. The tail would come and go, it seemed like only if she used an ability the tail would reappear, but her nails have started to become something that resembled claws instead, but unlike the tail that one wouldn't disappear. It frightened Tsubasa and she was extremely scared about what was going on. Until she was sixteen the closest she had come to seeing outside was the nature channel on the tv. However she had started researching about what was going on with her, and made a guessimate that she was what one would call a Kitsune, a nine tailed fox essentially. A creature that lived off the life force of others, and that sometimes it was known that they would have fox like features that made it easier to distingush them between regular humans. She was trying to figure out a way to convince her parents that she finally had a hold on her new found abilities and could once again be allowed outside, but when the day finally came to tell them they had some news for her. 

It had seemed that her parents had also been doing some research and somehow, Tsubasa never learned how they did it, they got in contact with the Korean Government and told them about their daughter. She was shocked when she saw the tall men in black suits standing in her apartment, and when they had tried to grab her she looked over to her parents but they were leaving the apartment, saying something about not wanting to see that monster again, and left without so much as looking at the child they brought into the world. Instead of feeling sad and defeated Tsubasa felt incredably angry, and managed to escape the complex without being caught by the men in black. For a whole week she managed to evade the government men looking for her, but when it seemed like she was going to be left scott free she learned just what it was like to feel drained and empty. It was something that she had forgotten while reading over the Kitsune was that she needed to be around people and feed off their life force in order to survive herself, and with her being too busy running from the government goons to remember that, and when she was on the verge of passing out a boy saw her and was trying to help her when she had then feed on him, making him faint in the middle of the street. She was then captured, as she was too distracted to notice one of them coming up behind her.  

Her first few days there were just awful, as she was put through test after test, and examinations to see just the extent of what her physiology powers are. Through these tests they learned that she can not only shapeshift into a fox, with her now three tails, but she can also take possession of other human beings and control them to her will. However the discovery of the possession led to another three day search of the facilities because she had managed to escape when she took over one of the scientist's body. After that they had become even more wary of the girl and her tricky ways. All the time that she had spent both on the run and on the island she couldn't get the image of her parents leaving her out of her head, and it was then that she had decided that others were nothing but tools to get what you want and need, and scapegoats that you use to get yourself out of trouble. She has since then never trusted another person, and is extremely wary of them.

  • one: Coffee
  • two: Anime
  • three: Sweet Food
  • four: Chocolate
  • five: Outdoors
  • one: Foxes (it was the reason she was abandoned afterall)
  • two: Spicy Food
  • three: Things that are too salty
  • four: Being told what to do 
  • five: Being confined
  • one: Dogs (it's an extreme fear)
  • two: Being stuck on the island forever
  • three: Never being free 
  • one: Reading
  • two: Puzzle games (she really likes sudoko and chess)
  • three: Running around outside (gives her the illusion that she's free)
  • four: Sunbathing
  • five: Sleeping
  • one: Twirls her hair when bored
  • two: Blinks her eyes when really tired
  • three: Smirks when she's up to no good or has figured something out
  • four: Pouts when upset, or something didn't go her way
  • five: Paces when frustrated or thinking really hard
  • one: When she uses any ability for an excessive amount of time, her tails will be apparent. But when not she looks like a normal girl, as she files her nails to just make them seem like she just got a manicure. 
  • two: She doesn't have to actually touch a person to take their life force, but when she does it's twice as powerful, and a lot faster, usually making the person faint.
  • three: Is an only child.
  • four: After three years she'll gain a tail. So when she turns 19 she'll have four instead of the three that she has now.
  • five: Her korean is intermediate so she is always messing up korean words, or saying japanese ones intead. 
ULZZANG NAME: Jung Roo (all pics are her)
BACKUP: Kim Jongin
EXTRA : Part time at coffee shop/univeristy student

Daehyun is a rather quiet individual. Not like super quiet, he'll enter a conversation and joke around with everyone else in the room, but most of the time he's more on the quiet side. He is very observant and can usually tell what a person is thinking just by their body language. His weird habit of people watching has given him the skill to read people, and read them accurately so he knows when he should and shouldn't go up to someone. His quiet nature doesn't stop him from laughing and joking along with everyone though, and despite popular belief Taehyun does actually have a lot of good frieds who he truly does consider friends, someone he can turn to when he needs them. He is very easy going and gets along with just about anyone. This kid could make friends with a tree if it could talk back to him. His smile and the aura around him just makes him very easily approachable and easy to get along with. He is a very relaxed person who can stay calm in just about any situation. Daehyun is kind of like the voice of reason and is the one to dispute many of the conflicts between others, especially his friends. He is the guy that's good to have in any kind of hard situation when you need someone to talk to. Daehyun can come off as cold sometimes though. Because he is quiet and usually off by himself,  the aura around him is different. It's slightly less happy and appoarchable and more stiff and cold. He has that look of someone who would be cold, and not someone who you would just want to go up and talk to about the weather or anything. No one is perfect and he is just as guilty for giving someone the cold shoulder. Everyone has those days where they just do not want to go and deal with the world and it's people, and Daehyun is no exception to that. He is also someone who will easily tell someone to go away and just leave him alone cause today is not the day to talk to him. Another thing that most people don't know about him is that he is actually kind of awkward. Tripping and falling over anything and nothing it makes him really embarrassed and that embarrassment is what his friends feed off of and about on a constant basis


These two met one time before Tsubasa was taken to the island. Daehyun was in Tokyo with his family for a week during his small summer break from school. He had promised his parents to that he would be safe, and was allowed to take a tour of the city on his own, as long as he stayed near the hotel of course. It was while he was walking along the bustling streets of Tokyo that he came across a girl who was laying in an alley way. His first reaction was to immediately go and help the poor girl, and that's what he did. At first it seemed like was going to carry her all the way to the hospital, but when Tsubasa woke up, extremely hazy and dizzy she didn't think and just some of his life force right out of his body, knocking him unconcious. While all this was happening the government officials who were looking for her took this opportunity to finally capture her. When Daehyun came to, the girl was long gone. But that didn't stop him from looking for her, and he spent the good part of his vacation looking for her. However when it was time to go back to Korea, he had all but given up and was just hoping that the girl had managed to make it home, and was okay.

They met a second time, when Tsubasa had taken possession of one of the scientists at the island and had managed to escape off it, thanks to her ability to fly, a couple of years later. She was wondering around in one of the cities in Korea, and the two had crossed paths. Of course she had no idea who he was but he remembered her like it was yesterday, and was very relieved to see that she was alright. He had tried going up to her and asking her how she was, and if she was alright, but she completely ignored the boy not interested in what he had to say to her, thinking it was nothing but nonesense. Especailly because he was talking to her like he knew her, but Tsubasa had no idea who he was at all. It was then that she noticed a few of the guys from the facility, obviously looking for her, and decided to use the poor boy into giving her a place to hide, and give the government officers the slip. Tsubasa had stayed at Daehyun's for a couple of hours before leaving, after she had knocked him unconicous the second time. When Daehyun woke up he had a strange feeling that the mysterious girl would be gone, and sure enough after looking around the house, she was no where to be found. He was oddly disappointed that she had to leave like that, and though he doesn't like to admit it he constantly looks around him to see if she's around and he can run into her again. 

The interactions between the two aren't much as they only met twice in the course of a few years. But when together it's a rather awkward affair. The two hardly talk, Tsubasa thinking it's a waste of time, and Daehyun because he's just a quiet person by nature. But strangely enough the atmosphere is not nearly as bad as one would think that it would be. Daehyun is constantly trying to take care of her in his own little way while Tsubasa is just letting him, not actually paying that much attention to the boy. Even though she is quite flirtatious she still doesn't out right talk to other people, and only does it when she needs to and it will be beneficial to her. But somehow after she was sent back to the island, she can't seem to get the boy out of her head. Maybe it's because of Daehyun's natural good natured perosnality and honest self, that she found herself slowly falling for the human. She ofcourse refuses to admit it, but everytime she's off the island she instictively is drawn towards the male, and although she doesn't show herself to him, she will watch him from a distance. Daehyun's mind is constantly thinking about Tsubasa despite the fact that he doesn't know her name and has only seen her twice, he is still thinking and hoping that she's okay where ever she is. He is teased by his friends a lot, and call her his made up maiden, as they have never seen any proof that the girl actually exists. He doesn't pay them much mind to it though, and just wishes he could see her one more time.

COMMENTS: Here's my application I hope you like her, and aren't too confused about her power or anything >_<
→ Daehyun and Tsubasa crossing paths once again, but this time Daehyun is with his friends and are completely dumbfounded that he wasn't lying about the girl, and can't say anything. While Daehyun and Tsubasa have this sort of staring contest almost waiting for the other to make a move, but neither do, and in the end Tsubasa leaving quickly like usual. 
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